5.6 Organization of Nervous System Flashcards
Produces myelin
Glial cells
Glial cells in the CNS
Glial cells in the PNS
Schwann cells
Number of pairs of spinal nerves and cranial nerves
31 and 12
Collection of nerve cell bodies in the CNS
Collection of nerve cell bodies in the PNS
Matter which represents predominantly the myelinated axons or nerve fibers
White matter
Matter which represents nerve cell bodies without myelin sheath
Gray matter
Nerve fibers with common origin and termination
3 major parts of brain and their subdivisions
Forebrain-cerebrum, diencephalonMidbrainHindbrain-pons, cerebellum, medulla oblongata
Separates frontal from parietal lobes
Central sulcus of rolando
Separates temporal from frontal and parietal lobe
Lateral fissure of sylvius
Lobe that is revealed upon separation of lateral sulcus
Insular lobe
Gyrus at dorsal and ventral area of limbic lobe
Cingulate gyrus and Parahippocampal gyrus
Primary motor cortex and location
BA 4
Precentral gyrus
Brodman’s area: Primary somatosensory cortex and location
BA 3,1,2
Postcentral gyrus
Brodman’s area: Primary auditory cortex and location
BA 41,42
Anterior transverse temporal gyrus
Brodman’s area: Premotor association area
BA 6
Anterior to precentral gyrus
Brodman’s area: Visual association area and location
18, 19
Around calcarine area
Brodman’s area: Motor speech area (broca) and location
Inferior frontal gyrus
Brodman’s area: Auditory association area (wernicke) and location
Posterior part of superior temporal gyrus
Functions as a relay center and is the largest part of diencephalon
White matter which covers the thalamus superiorly and laterally
Stratum zonale
External medullary lamina
Divides thalamus into 3 parts
Internal medullary lamina
Controls and integrates ANS and endocrine systems
Group of neurons involved in control of motor activity located in deep cerebral hemispheres
Basal nuclei
Major nuclei (corpus striatum)
Caudate nucleus
Globus pallidus
Forms the bulbar region of brain stem
Pons and medulla oblongata
Two dorsal columns of the brain stem
Fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus
The space between the brainstem and cerebellum forming the diamond shaped floor called rhomboid fossa
4th ventricle
Caudal end of the 4th ventricle and continues as the central canal
Border of spinal cord at birth and in adult life
Rexed laminae in dorsal horn
lamina I-VI
Rexed lamina in intermediate gray
Lamina VII
rexed lamina in ventral horn
Lamina surrounding central canal
Lamina X
Lamina containing alpha motor neurons to straited muscles and hamma motor neurons
Lamina ix
Lamina with high concentrations of substance p and opiate receptors
Laimna i and ii
Lamina forming substantia gelatinosa for transmission of pain stimuli
Lamina ii & iii