5.3 Male Reproductuve System Flashcards
Divides the cloaca into anal and urogenital orifice
Urorectal fold
Presence of this protein triggers the development of male gonads. In its absence, female gonads will develop
SRY protein
Division of cloaca into anal canal and urogenital orifice is completed by __ week
7th week
Gonadal differentiation occurs during __ to __ weeks
5-7 weeks
Wolffian duct differentiates into (4)
Seminal vesicles
Ejaculatory duct
Ductus deferens
The mullerian duct develops into (3)
Fallopian tubes
Upper vagina
Two stages of descent of testes
Transabdominal differentiation
Inguinal scrotal descent
Condition where testes failed to descend
The persistence of processus vaginalis can result in the formation of a ___. This occurs when peritoneal fluid reenters the tunica vaginalis space within the scrotum
True or false: as the testis descends towards the scrotum it carries with it one layer of peritoneal covering
False. Two peritoneal coverings.
Corpora cavernosa forms by __ week
Penile urethra is complete by __ week
14th week
What structure of male genitalia results from the differentiation of the mesenchymal masses around the formed penile urethra
Corpus spongiosum
Site of spermatogenesus
The copulatory organ
Layer of the scrotum which is the continuation of Scarpa’s fascia of the abdomen and Colle’s fascia of the urogenital triangle
Dartos fascia/Superficial fascia
Layer of scrotum which is the continuation of external oblique fascia of the abdominal wall
External spermatic fascia
Layer of scrotum which is the continuation of the internal oblique fascia and also contains some fibers from transversus abdominjs muscle
Cremasteric fascia
Function of the cremasteric fascia
Retracts testicles to protect from trauma or cold
Layer of scrotum which is the continuation of transversalis fascia; it invests the testicles and penile cord structures
Internal spermatic fascia
Covers the testis; consists of an outer parietal layer and an inner visceral layer lining tunica albuginea
Tunica vaginalis
Blood supply of scrotum
Anterior portion: anterior branches of deep external pudendal artery
Posterior portion: posterior scrotal branches of perineal a.
Venosu drainage of scrotum
External pudendal veins
Lymphatic drainage of scrotum
superficial inguinal nodes
Nerve supply of scrotum
Anterior: Anterior scrotal nerves from iliiinguinal nerves (L1), genital branch if genitofemoral nerve
Main component of the spermatic cord
Vas deferens
Transports spermatozoa from testis to epididymis
Ductus / vas deferens
Artery supplying testis and epididymis and its origin
Testicular artery, branch if abdominal aorta at L2
Contents of the spermatic cord
Vas deferens Testicular a. Pampiniform plexus Cremateric a. Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve Artery of vas deferens Autonomic nerves Lymphatic vessels Remains of processus vaginalis
The lower testes
Left testes
Where spermatogenesis occur
Seminiferous tubules
Lining of seminiferous tubules
Stratified cuboidal epithelium
Largest cells of spermatogenic lineage; diploid, with partially condensed chromosomes in various stages if synapsis and recombination
Primary soermatocyte
Spermatogenic cell which has globules of chromophillic chromatin found free in the nucleoplasm; immediately develops into spermatids; haploid cells
Secondary spermatocyte
Also called sustentacular cells which function to support, nourish and envelop the developing soermatozoa
Sertoli cells
Sertoli cells are stimulated by which hormone
Cells that secrete testosterone under the influence of LH; rounded or polygonal in shape
Leydig cells
Interconnected network of channels within the testes
Rete testis
Lining of rete testis
Simple cuboidal epithelium with microvilli
Lining and function of ductus efferentes
Simple cuboidal nonciliatesd cuboidal cells alternating with ciliated cells
Absorb most fluid secreted by seminiferous tubules
Morphology of prostate gland
Compund tubuloacinar gland
Lining of prostate gland
Simple to pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Zone of the prostate gland thatnis affected by benign prostatic hyperplasia
Transition zone
Ejaculatory duct is formed by the fusion of the ___ and empties into the __
Fusion of the vas deferens and seminal vesicle
Empties into the urethra