FINALS Flashcards
main abductor of the arm, between 10-100 degrees
intitates abduction of arm, first 10-15 degrees
main lateral rotator of arm
principal medial rotator of arm
enumerate rotator cuff muscles
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor
boundaries of the quadrangular space
teres major (below) Teres minor (above) long head of triceps (medially) humerus (laterally)
boundaries of triangular space
teres major (below) teres minor (above) long head of triceps (laterally)
what structures pass through the quadrangular space
posterior humeral circumflex artery
axillary artery
what structures pass through the triangular space
dorsal scapular artery which joins the scapular anastamosis
significance of scapular anastamosis
used as a collateral circulation when there is a block in the proximal part of the axillary artery since it interconnects braches from the subclavian artery and third part of axillary a.
forms the carpal tunnel
flexor retinaculum
structures passing under the flexor retinaculum
flexor digitorum superficialis and profundum
median nerve
tendon of flexor pollicis longus
describe carpal tunnel syndrome
due to pressure on median nerve
Winging of the scapula is produced by injury to the
long thoracic nerve supplying the serratus anterior
Erb-Duchenne paralysis or waiter’s tip is caused by an injury to the ___
Upper trunk of brachial plexus
Klumpke’s paralysis is caused by an injury to the
lower trunk of brachial plexus
loss of extensors of forearm, wrist and hand (Saturday Night Palsy/ Crutch Palsy) is caused by injury to the
posterior cord of the brachial plexus
claw hand deformity is due to the injury in
ulnar nerve
wrist drop deformity is due to injury to
radial nerve
the anatomical snuffbox is bounded by
Tendons of extensor pollicis brevis and longus muscles
which artery principally forms the superficial palmar arterial arch
ulnar artery
which artery principally forms the deep palmar arterial arch
radial artery
Which anastamoses of upper limbs connects the axillary system with subclavian system
Scapular anastamosis
Which anastamoses of upper limbs connects branches of brachial artery with branches of radial and ulnar artery
elbow joint anastamosis
the most common football knee injury is __
the rupture of the medial collateral ligament
chief extesor and most powerful lateral rotator of the thigh
gluteus maximus
intramuscular injection at the gluteal region is done at the ___ quadrant
upper outer quadrant
what structures emerge along the lower border of the piriformis
inferior gluteal nerve and vessels
sciatic nerve
nerve supply of gluteus medius and minimus
superior gluteal nerve
Nerve supply of gluteus maximus
inferior gluteal nerve
Boundaries of the femoral triangle
Inguinal ligament (above) abductor longus (medially) sartorius (laterally)
contents of the femoral triangle
femoral vein, artery, and nerve (medial to lateral)
which content of the femoral triangle lies outside the femoral sheath
contents of femoral triangle: femoral vein, artery, and nerve
The femoral nerve lies outside the femoral sheath
These (3) muscles form the deep group in the posterior compartment of the leg and their tendons pass behind the medial malleolus.
Tibialis posterior (Tom) Flexor digitorum longus (dick) Flexor hallucis longus (harry)
the __ nerve supplies muscles in anterior compartment of thigh
femoral nerve
the __ nerve supplies muscles in medial compartment of thigh
obturator nerve
the __ nerve provides principal innervation of the perineum
pudendal nerve
the __ nerve innervates muscles in posterior compartment of thigh
Tibial nerve
EXCEPT: short head of biceps femoris = common perineal nerve
damage in the common peroneal nerve results in ___ because it winds aroud the neck of the fibula
foot drop
origin of femoral artery
external iliac artery
the superficial vein of the leg that passes upwards immediately infront of the medial malleolus to the groin and drains into the femoral vein
Greater saphenous vein
the superficial vein of the leg that passes behind the lateral malleolus, to the back of the calf, and drains into popliteal vein
lesser saphenous vein
which vertebra is the first palpable spinous process, used as landmark to count the level of vertebrae
ligaments encountered in doing a lumbar tap (in sequence)
Supraspinous, interspinous, ligamentum flavum, dura mater, arachnoid membrane, subarachnoid space containing CSF
This is the lateral bending of vertebral column
this is the exaggeration of concave curvature of thoracic region (hunchback)
exaggerated convex curvature of vertebral column in lumbar region
the right upper quadrant of the body drains lymph into the ___
right lymphatic duct –> right jugulo-subclavian junction
Lansang p.30
the lower quadrant of the body below the diaphragm and left upper quadrant of the body drains lymph to the
thoracic duct –> junction between the left internal jugular and subclavian vein
(Lansang p.30)
in cancer of the breast, cancer cells may attach to ___ and produce shortening and cause dimpling of the skin of the breast
ligaments of cooper
the neurovascular bundle runs between the ____ and ____ muscles along the ____ border of a rib
between the internal intercostal and innermost intercostal muscles along the inferior border of a rib
in doing thoracentesis, the needle is inserted close to ___ border of rib to avoid injury to the vessels and nerves
close to the superior border of the rib
motor innervation of diaphragm
phrenic nerve (c3, c4, c5)
opening of the diaphragm that transmits abdominal aorta, thoracic duct, and azygos vein; also state thethoracic level of the opening
Aortic opening at T12
Opening of the diaphragm that transmits the esophagus, branches of left gastric artery and vein, and two vagus nerves
esophageal opening at T10
Opening of the diaphragm at the central tendon which transmits inferior vena cava and right phrenic nerve
Vena caval opening at T8
the potential space between the parietal and visceral pleurae is the ___
pleural cavity
Thoracentesis is performed ____ usually at ___ intercostal space immediately above the superior margin of a rib
…is performed posterior to midaxillary line usuall at 7th IC space
Level of bifurcation of trachea in erect position and full inspiration
the esophagus begins at ___ and ends at ___
begins at C6 and ends at T11
Three constrictions of the esophagus and corresponding vertebral level
Beginning at C6
Where it is crossed by left primary bronchus at T4
Esophageal hiatus at T10
The __ vein receives blood from posterior intercostal veins and empties into superior vena cava
azygos vein
The ___ vein drains left 9th-11th ICS
Hemiazygos vein
The __ vein drains left 4th-8th ICS
Accessory hemiazygos vein
2nd and 3rd ICS is drained by __ vein
superior intercostal veins
right–>azygos vein
left–> left brachiocephalic vein
After birth, the umbilical vein becomes the ___
ligamentum teres of the liver
After birth, the ductus venosus becomes the
ligamentum venosum of liver
Which primary bronchus is wider, shorter, and more vertical in position
Right primary bronchus
Foreign bodies in the lungs commonly lodge on the __ side
Right side
The right lung has __ lobes and __ bronchopulmonary segments
3 lobes
10 bronchopulmonary segments
the left lung has __ lobes and __ bronchopulmonary segments
2 lobes
8 bronchopulmonary segments
the lingula (segment) of the lung is at which side?
Left lung
The eparterial bronchus is on which side of the lung?
right lung
Level of the iliac crest
The superficial fatty layer of the abdomen is aka
Camper’s fascia
The deep membranous layer of the abdomen is aka
Scarpa’s fascia
The superficial fascia of the abdomen (Camper’s and scarpa’s) continues over the pubis as ___
Colle’s fascia of superficial perineal fascia
Scrotum: dartos muscle and fascia
The deep fascia of the abdomen continues over the pubis as ___ and over the penis as __
over the pubis: deep perineal fascia (gallaudet’s)
over the penis: deep penile fascia (Buck’s)
the external abdominal oblique muscle run ___ (direction)
the internal abdominal oblique muscle run __ (direction)
the ___ is the lower edge of the aponeurotic components of the posterior wall of the rectus sheath
arcuate line (semicircular line of douglas)
This type of hernia bypasses the deep inguinal ring to penetrate the posterior wall of inguinal canal
direct inguinal hernia
This type of hernia traverses the deep inguinal ring and passes through the inguinal canal into the scrotum
indirect inguinal hernia
The greater sac communicates with the lesser sac through the ___
Epiploic foramen of winslow
Ligament which attaches lower to ventral body wall and countains ligamentum teres of the liver
Falciform ligament
In supine position, what recess becomes the lowest portion of abdominal cavity and will collect fluid? It is also the most infected abdominal space
Hepatorenal recess
What structure lies lateral to ascending colon, communicates with supracolic compartment, pouch of morison and pelvic cavity. It provides route for spread of infection between pelvis and upper abdominal region
Right paracolic gutter
Origin of the thyroid gland
Foramen cecum at the apex of sulcus terminalis of the tongue
Motor innervation of tongue
Hypoglosaal except palatoglossus
Innervation of palatoglossus
Pharyngeal plexus
What is a band of fibrous muscular tissue which extends from duodenojejunal angle to the right crus of diaphragm
Suspensory ligament of treitz
Duct of the parotid gland
Stensen’s duct
Classification of parotid gland according to secretion
Purely serous
Classification of submandibular glands according to secretion
Mixed, predominantly serous
Classification if sublingual glands according to secretions
Mixed, predominantly mucous
What forms the right limb of H in the liver
Sulcus for inferior vena cava
What forms the left limb of the H of the liver
Ligamentum teres
Ligamentum venosum
The __ is the tissue space separating sinusoidal wall from liver cell plates where exchange of nutrients and waste products take place
Disse’s space
The __ is a reservoir formed by the common bile duct and main pancreatic duct of wirsung
Ampulla of vater
This is an elevation in the mucosa of the 2nd part of duodenum where ampula of vater opens
Major duodenal papilla
Where the minor pancreatic duct of santorini opens located above the major duodenal papilla
Minor duodenal papilla
Enlargement in which part of the pancreas causes obstruction of the bile flow resulting in jaundice
Head of pancreas
Main duct of the pancreas
Main duct of wirsung
This space between pubic bones and bladder is used by surgeons to enter the bladder extraperitoneally
Prevesical space of Retzius
Sympathetic innervation of the bladder; inhibit detrussor muscle if bladder from contracting; filling nerve
Hypogastric plexus
Parasympathetic to the bladder; produces contraction of detrussor muscle of bladder, empties the baldder
Pelvic splanchnic nerve
Clinical importance of constrictions of ureters
Where you look for stones in ultrasound
Homologue of the prostate
Paraurethral glands
True conjugate
AP diameter from sacral promontory to superior margin of pubic symphysis
Diagonal conjugate
AP diameter from sacral promontory to inferior boarder of pubis
Obstetric conjugate
Ap diameter to a few mm below the superior margin of pubic symphysis
This muscle primarily maintains erection
Termination of the round ligament of uterus
Labia majora
Most highly innervated part of clitoris
Glans of clitoris
Function of the clitoris
Solely as an organ of sexual arousal
The __ artery supplies most of the skin of perineum, external genitalia, and perineal muscles
Internal pudendal artery
Layer of the endometrium which changes during the menstrual cycle
Ligament of the uterus that is at the most anterior part and keeps the uterus anteverted and anteflexed; terminates at the labia majora
Round ligament of uterus
Also the suspensory ligament of the ovary
Infundibulopelvic ligament
Where ovarian vessels traverse
Infundibulopelvic ligament
Main support of the uterus. Damage to this will cause a prolapsed uterus
Cardinal ligament/ transverse ligament of cervix
Arterial supply of vagina
Upper part: uterine artery
Middle and inferior part: vaginal and internal pudendal artery
Homologue of scrotum
Labia majora
Homologue of penis
Layers of scrotal sac and continuations to abdomen
Internal spermatic fascia from transversalis fascia
Cremasteric muscle and fascia from internal oblique muscle and aponeurosis
External spermatic fascia from external oblique muscle and aponeurosis
Dartos muscle from superficial fascia of abd wall
Ejaculatory duct is formed by
Vas deferens and duct of seminal vesicle
Lobe of prostate gland prone to cancer
Posterior lobe
Sinuses of the skull
Maxilla Frontal Sphenoid Ethmoid Mastoid process of temporal bones
Term used to denoted external occipital protuberance
Fractura of the ___ may result to epidural hemorrhage because it overlies the anterior division of middle meningeal artery
Fontanels close at (months)
Anterior: 18 months
Posterior: end of first year
Olfactory nerves exit the skull through which foramen/foramina
Cribriform plate of ehtmoid
What structure pass through the optic canal
Optic nerve CN III
Opthalmic artery
What structure pass through the superior orbital fissure
CN III, IV, V1, VI, and superior opthalmic vein
What structure pass through the foramen rotundum
What structure pass through the foramen ovale
CN V3, and lesser petrosal nerve
What structure pass through the foramen spinosum
Middle meningeal artery
Dangerous area of the scalp containing emissary veins and possible route of infection
Loose areolar tissue in subaponeurotic space
Contents of carotid sheath
Common carotid
Internal carotid a.
Internal jugular vein
Vagus n.
Innervation of muscles of mastication
Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve
Common carotid artery divides in internal and external division at the level of __
Upper border of thyroid cartilage (C4)
Branch of external carotid artery which may be damaged during thyroid surgery
Superior thyroid artery
Main sensory nerve if head and motor to muscles of mastication
Trigeminal nerve
Cranial nerves passing through internal acoustic meatus
Facial and vestibulocochlear nerve
Cranial nerve with the widest area of distribution
Injury to this nerve during thyroidectomy causes voice hoarseness
External laryngeal nerve
Supplies all muscles of larynx except cricothyroid ms.
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Supplies cricothyroid ms.
External laryngeal nerve
Motor innervation to all extrinsic (except palatoglossus) and intrinsic muscles of the tongue
Cranial nerve associated with tic doloreaux
The lowest fibers of inferior constrictor is called
Cricopharyngeus ma.
Tensor of vocal cord
Cricothyroid ms.
Embryological origin of thymus
Endoderm lining of 3rd pharyngeal pouch
Oxytocin is produced by the ___
Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
What heart valve is at the level of 3rd rib behind left side of sternum
Pulmonary valve
What heart valve is at the level of 3rd ICS behind left side of sternum
Aortic valve
What heart valve is at the level of 4th rib towards center of back of sternum
Mitral valve
What heart valve is at the level of 4th ICS behind the center of sternum
Tricuspid valve
The ADH is synthesized from
Supeaoptic nucleus of of hypothalamus
Cells of the thyroid gland which secretes t3 and t4
Follicular cells
Parafollicular cells of the thyroid secrete what?
Cells of the parathyroid that secrete pth are called
Chief cells
Zones of adrenal cortex and hormones secreted
Zona glomerulosa: aldosterone (mineralocorticoids)
Zona fasciculata: glucocorticoids
Zona reticularis: sex hormones
Layer of the adrenal gland secreting catecholamines
Adrenal medulla
Cells of the pancreas that secretes somatostatin
D cells
Pinealocytes secrete what?