hernia Flashcards
Describe the difference between the mid-inguinal point and the midpoint of the inguinal ligament
mid-inguinal point halfway between the pubic symphysis and the ASIS. the femoral pulse can be palpated here.
The midpoint of the inguinal ligament is halfway between the pubic tubercle and the anterior superior illiac spine (the two attachments of the inguinal ligament) the opening of the inguinal canal is located just above this point.
What are the boundaries (general) of the inguinal canal?
four boundaries anterior, posterior, roof and floor
Anterior border of the inguinal canal
aponeurosis of external oblique, reinforced by the internal oblique muscle laterally.
What is the posterior border of the inguinal canal?
transversals fascia
What is the floor of the inguinal canal formed by?
inguinal ligament, thickened medially by the lacunar ligament.
What is the roof of the inguinal canal formed by?
transversals fascia, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis
What are the contents of the inguinal canal?
spermatic cord (males) round ligament (female) illioinguinal nerve (sensory innervation) genitials
gential branch of the genitofemoral nerve- cremasteric reflex.
What are the types of inguinal hernia?
direct and indirect
What is a direct hernia?
where the peritoneal sac enters the inguinal canal through the posterior wall of the inguinal canal.
what is a indirect hernia?
Where the peritoneal sac enters the inguinal canal though the deep inguinal ring.
What is the most common type of inguinal hernia?
indirect caused by failure of the processes vaginalis to regress. Therefore these are mostly congenital
What is the cause of a direct hernia?
mostly aquired due to weakening the abdominal wall.
Where does a direct hernia enter the abdominal wall in relation to the epigastric artery?
medial to the epigastric artery.
Where is a femoral hernia located?
inferior and lateral to the pubic tubercle on the upper medial thigh.
What are the borders of the femoral canal?
lateral border the femoral vein
medial lacunar ligament
anterior inguinal ligament
posterior coopers ligament