blood investigations Flashcards
bloods full blood count
Hb can look for any signs of anemia
mean corpuscle volume- looking for macrocytosis (heamolytic anaemia, vitamin def)
microcytosis- iron def or thalessemia
whta re you looking for in requesting a total cholesterol for investigations with heart failure
LDL greater than 3 mmol
high density lipoprotein less than 1 mM
target cholesterol is less than 0.8
what are you looking for in the HbA1c
looking for increased percentage of glycoylated hb
you are looking for a good diabetic control of less than 6.5 %
what are the glucose levels in the blood that are you looking for to diagnose diabetes?
random greater than 11.1
fasting greater than 7.0
brain naturetic peptide
hormone released by the ventricular myocytes during increased stress and strain.
It has a high negative predictive value but it has a low specificity
modest rises heart strain (PE cor pulmonale)
other diseases like in renal failure
amylase or lipase
amylase 200-600 U/L caused by pancreatitis
but can be caused by pancreatic pathology: pancreatic trauma, carcinoma
intrabdominal pathology: perforated peptic ulcer, acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory disease, mesentaric ischemia, leaking AAA
decreased amylase clearance due to renal failure or macroamylasaemia
diabetic ketoacidosis, head injury
however if the amylase levels are greater than 1000 or elevated lipase greater than 300 diagnostic of acute pancreatitis
elevated aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alaline aminotransferase (ALT)
suggests a liver pathology as these are damage hepatocytes
raised ALP (alkaline phosphatase) and bilirubin and gamma glutamic transferase (GGT)
suggests a pathology in the biliary tree.
however GGT raised in isolation looks like alcohol excess
raised ALP can happen in bone pathology (or a placenta)
albumin correlation with pancreatitis
prognosis indicator
So a patient comes in with a high TSH and symptoms of hypothyroidism what test could you order to rule out Hashimotos?
antithyroid peroxidase antibodies elevation
Your patient presents with the classical signs of hypercalcemia (bones, moans, groans) what investigations are you going to undertake (blood)?
alkaline phosphate
parathyroid hormone
As these can help differentiate the cause of the hypercalcemia
If the patient’s hypercalemia is due to bones mets what you expect in the bloods?
high alk phos because increased activity in the bone (increased turnover)
PTH would be low (as this is not a parathyroid issue)
phosphate would be high because there is increased degradation of the bones
If the underlying cause of the patient’s hypercalcemia is myeloma what would you expect on blood investigation?
ALP would be normal *blast inhibition
parathyroid hormone low
phosphate will be high (due to paraprotein so it is more of a pseudophosphatemia)?
what if you patient with hypercalemia has hyperparathyroidism?
Test results?
normal to high ALP increased Pth increased bone turnover
normal to high PTH
low phosphate
if hypercalcemia is due to vit D overdose what should you be looking for?
ALP low
PTH low
phosphate high