Henry 8 Government Flashcards
What did Henry do in 1510?
- He passed an act of parliament which abolished the council of learned law
- He also executed epsom and edmund dudley
- This was a huge favour to nobility since with the abolishment their bonds and recognisecnes were waived off
How was Parliament under herny 8?
- Between 1509- 1529 the role and functioning of parliament was much the same as it had been under henry 7th
- To grant extraoridnary revenue and pass laws
- After Wolseys fall and when cromwell took power, the role of parliament greatly extended 1532-1548 it was used to set relgiious laws
Why did Henry end councillor forms of governement?
- Many councillors instated by his father weren’t keen for war
- his young ministers fed him with suspicioun about the old minsiters
- wolsey imperessed him with his organsaitional skills and his french victory
What was the Privy Chamber? Why was it a threat to Wolsey?
- The role was extended in the beginning years it consititued of his loiyal supporters and minions
- The minions distructred wolsey, and they Privy chamber was out of wolseys control and sphere of infleunce
- In 1519 he tried bringing his own loyal supporters, but the old ones just returned
- Eltham Ordinances 1526 reduced money to reduce the amount of people
What were the 2 major legal contributions which Wolsey made?
- The Court of chancerry which was a legal menchism which wolsey created so as to ensure fairer justice
- It dealt with enclosures and lands cases
- It used equity law
- It became too popular and therefore justice got slower due to demand
- The court of the star camber was established earlier but wosley greatly extended its use
= It allowed people to file private lawsuits and allowed people to recive cheap and fair justice - It was used as a legal menchsim to control the power of the nobility since people could now sue them for misconduct
What did Wolsey do to Finance?
- He set up a new way of collecting subsidy for war.
- He set up a national commitee which gave a accurate and realistic analysis for income collection
- However for henrys war with france the amount was insufficient.
- therefore in 1525 he set up the amicable grant which was a heavy tax without parliaments approval.
- it was very unpoplar and almost led to a rebellion
- 1526 Eltham ordinances which was a reform of the privy council.
- Led to reduced financial spending on the house hold expenditure
- Which meant that the gentlemn of the privy would reduce which was the one chamber which wolsey couldn’t control
What was the Kings great matter?
- Henry by 1520 wanted an annulment of his marriage from the catherine of aragon cuz
- he wanted a male heir
- he madly inlove with anne boleyn
- he made wolsey incharge to do this
What argument did wolsey initially give in 1527?
- The livictus arguemtn arguing that since catherine had married his brother arthur earlier he couldn’t continue to stay married to her due to biblical justification
- Catherine refused the verdict and appealed to pope through canon law
Why did Wolsey fall?
- Cuz 1527 to 1529 pope wasted his time angering herny more
- 1529 he sends cardinal compeggio and fails to give wolsey the annulment
- This on top with amicable grant 1525 and subsidy 1523 sealed wolseys fate
- he was charge pramenuire 1529 amd excited 1530
What did Cromwell do to achieve break from rome?
- He used reformation palrimanet 1529- 1536 and established statue law over canon law
- He passed 5 major parliamentery acts
- Acts in Restraint of Appeals (1533)
- Act of Supremacy 1534
- Act of Succesion 1534
- Act of Treason 1534
- Act of First Fruits and Tenths
What was the Act of Restraint of Appeals?
- Act declared that the king had number 1 jurdiciation which meant that foreign power or the church couldn’t have greater jurisdiction than the king
- this undermined canon law
- Appels coukldn’t be made to rome meaning catherine couldn’t appeal to rome for marriage
What Act of First Fruits and Tenths of 1534?
- Meant that the annates or income paid by a bishop to the pope now had to be paid to the king
- this burdened the clergy financiallly, strenghtedn royal supremnacy
- helped increased reveenue
When did the dissiloution of the moanstries start?
- It started 1536 and ended 1542
Why did parliemtn strenghten?
- cuz they were now replacing relgiious canon law and established royal supremacy through acts of parliemtn
- therefore it baecame a much more important decision making body
What was happening to henry and anne?
- in 1532 anne got laid by henry ;)
- in 1533 they married
- in 1533 may the marriage between cahterine and henry got annuled
- if 1533 elizabeth was born
Why didnt henry and dirty annie work out? Why did Anne Boelyn Fall?
- cromwell and dirty annie never got along
- therefore cromwell alongside the conservatives at court convinced henry that dirty annie was cheating on him
- She was execute in 1536 for adultery and incest
- Henry was free to re-marry
Who was Henrys next wife after dirty annie?
- it was lady seymour
- she had a son edward
- she died 1537 after 1 year marriage
Why did Cromwell fall from power?
- 1540 Cromwell persuased henry to reconcile and form allys with the german protestants who support marthur lurthur
- He therefore suggested german princess anne of cleaves
- She and Henry didn’t get along since he found her to be ugly and the marriage didn’t work poltically either
- this marraige destoryed cromwells credibility with the king
- conservative norflock took advanatage of this and in 1540 had cromwell tried for treason and herey and executed
How did the conservative faction rise in 1540?
- So conservative faction statted 1540
- Could show councillorship returning
- Due to norflocks niece catherine howard and henry marrying
- gardener norflock had power
How did the conservative faction fall?
- 1542 conervative faction fell from power since catherine howard norflocks niece had already been sexually expetianced and was having a affair
- this led to her treason charges 1542
- norflock wounded poltically
- protestant Katherine parr was henrys next wife
What happened to Norflock?
- He was improsoned by duke of somerset
Overall analysis of henry 8 government?
-Legal mechanisms under wolsey
- Chancerry Court
- Star Chamber
- Use of parliament under cromwell from 1532 was a great help
- Replaced pappal law and cannon law with acts of parliament
- Sudden and unnecesary executions of highly efficient and effective ministers
- The sudden change to councilor governemnt in 1540