Elizabeths Foreign Policy Flashcards
What and When was the Treaty of Cateau Cambreseis?
- The Treaty was signed in 1559
- The treaty was a peace treaty between England and France in which France would retain Calais for 8 years and then hand it to Enland if they kept peace.
- If they didn’t keep peace they would have to pay 125,000
What happened in Scotland 1559?
-Henry 2 of France died and Francis 2 of France came to throne
What happened with Scotland in 1559
- The Scottish issue was a huge crisis in the early stages of Elizabeths government
- This is since Henry 2 died and Francis 2 took over, who was part of the guise faction in france strongly catholic, and who’s wife was Mary Queen of Scots
- They therefore tried to use Scotland as intrument of power against England
- Scottish nobles formed a congeration and wanted support from the south
- Cecil was in huge support and this is since he wanted to eliminiate the Catholic and mary claim to the throne
- Treaty of Berwick happened 1560
- French invasion failed due to the ships being damaged due to bad wind
- Mary of Guise died
- Francis 2 died
- Mary was forced to go back to scotland and accept her situation there
What happened France 1562?
- Dudley decided to invade France so as to ensure the return of Calais
- He decided to spend $30,000 and 6,000 soldiers and sent them to assist the Prince of Condre who was a Hugenot (French Protestant)
- They captured Prince of Condre and the Catholic side was leaderless due to Francis’s death, this resulted in a peace settlment between both the parties.
- They agreed to throw English united out of La Havre and capture the entire French territory for themselves
- Calais lost permenently huge loss, but in the long term was beneficial since Calais was expesnive to maintain, huge blow to reputation
When did Mary come to England from Scotland?
Several Plots were started since Mary came to England often involving Mary, what were they?
- Northern Rebellion 1569
- Ridolfi Plot 1571
- Throckmorton 1583
- Parry Plot 1585
- Babinghton 1586
When and why did Northern Rebellion happen?
- It happened in 1569
- It involved the Northern Nobels rebelling due to them being Catholic and consevative and their influence at court greatly reducing
- This is since these noble lords did not control and have the same infleucne they once had due to the puritan influence at court particularly increasing during this time period
- Furthumore the control which these norhtern families held over the scottish border and in enforcing law and order in the north fell
- At the heart of the conspiracy was the Earl Westmore brother in law Norflock to be married to MQS
2 main people of Northern Rebellion?
- Earl Northumbalend
- Earl Wesmoreland
What happened in Northern Rebellion?
- In 1569 the rebels tried to capture Bernard Castle Durham, they however were able to capture it, but once they found out that southern forces were coming they fleed Scotland
- 1570 a rebellion in Cumberland started but was easily crushed
Consequences of Northern Rebellion?
- The conseuqences of it were that it showed many conservative families not joining the rebellion, this showed there wasn’t a full anti elizabethan movement.
- It also showed it was more political than religious
- The governments strong response, showcased strong royal authority
What was the Ridolfi Plot of 1571 Why did it Fail?
- The Ridolfi Plot of 1571 was a conspiracy for Mary to marry the Duke of Norflock and overthrow Elizabeth
- The plot was being supported by Phillip 2 and they were to be supported with Phillip sending Alba from Netherlands with 10,000 troops
- The plot was uncovered by Cecil and his intellegence network
- Norflock was tried and executed for treason in 1572
What was the Throckmorton Plot of 1583?
- The Throckmorton Plot of 1583 was a plot which involved Throckmorton acting as a intermedietry between Mary and Spanish Ambassador Mendoza
- That there should be a foreign Spanish landing of the Spansih forces in Sussex to overhtrow Elizabeth
- Spoilt by the effciency of Spy master Walsingham
What was the Parry Plot 1585?
- Plot to assasinate the Queen
- Parry was acting as a double agent
What was Babinghton Plot 1586?
- Plot to kill elizabeth
- Clear collusion between Babinghton and Mary
- This led to irrefutable collusion, and the letter of that collusion led to Marys trial and eventual execution in 1587
- This gave Burlegly a huge breakthrough in securing Marys death
What were Relations with Spain 1560’s?
- John Hawkins taking over the monopoly caribbean
- Netherland protestants wanted elizabeths help
- Duke of Albas ship was confiscated with a 400,000 shillin loss for Spain
What were relations with Spain 1570’s?
- Relations with Spain became especially sour due to the excommunication by Pope Julias 4 in 1570
- The Ridiolfi Plot 1571 and the huge Spanish involvement in it furthur soared relations
- 1572 Elizabeth expulled the Sea Beggars from England who were dutch pirates
- This meant that when these pirates went back to Holland they couldn’t handle the Spanish Rule and wanted Autonomy
- by 1576 a full scale rebellion occured
- This led to divisions between the country
How did Spain take advatnage of the 1576 dutch revolt?
- Through the various divisions within Holland at the time they united with the southern catholic province of Aras a
- Duke of Palma was assinged to recapture northern provinces
Why was 1580 a bad year for England in regards to the Netherlands?
- This is since most of the northern provinces except 2 were captured by Parmas forces
What was the Treaty of Joinville in 1584? What Consequences did it have?
- Peace treaty between France and Spain
- The consequences of this were severe to elizabeth since it meant that Phillip 2 of Spain had a political motive to allign with france who were run by the Guise faction - - -
This could mean that he had even more of a incentive to unite with France and furthur support Mary Queen of Scots
What was the Treaty of Nunosuch? Why did it Fail? Who was responsible? Result in?
- The Treaty of Nosuch was a alliance between England and the Northern provinces of the Netherlands
- Elizabeth sent leicster with troops and resources to help recapture the nothern territories
- Huge failure since the soliders weren’t discilipined, weren’t paid well and the commanders were highly inefficient
- Many even defected to Parmas side
- Leicster couldn’t communicate or get along well with the dutch northern province generals, and they felt alineated
- This resulted in Phillip thinking he could exploit the situation
Why and how was England succesful with Netherlands in 1589? What great FP benefit did it result in?
- England was succesful since they hired Sir Vere who was assigned to head the forces in the northern provinces
- They were able to recapture much of the northern provinces from parma, since they were better prepared then he was
- This resulted in no major power controlling the netherlands, and this was since the balance of power between both Spain and England were equal
- Spain gave more autmonomy to its provinces
- This meant that a very important trading country for England, wasn’t infleunced or controlled by the Spanish
- HUGE FP win
When was the Spanish Armada first set to sail? Why was it delayed?
- 1587
- Delayed cuz English forces attacked the ports of Candiz
What year Armada set sail second time? What happened when it did?
- 1588
- They set sail from the ports of La Corrona
- They hoped to meet Parma south holland and set sail to england
- The issue was when they left holland for england, english forces intercepted them, and therefore they had to re-route
- This re-route and bad wheather meant that the Spanish lost a large proportion of there vessels
Why was Armada a huge loss for Spain
- Cuz they spent a lot of money on the 400 plus ships, and a majority of them failed, and the entire invsaion was a failure
- No benefit to spain whatsoever
- Very costly
What key events happened Spansih War 1588-1604? #endwargoddamit
- Land- Loss of Candiz 1595
- Colonies- Failed Panama attack by Hawkins
How did the Spanish tried to Intefere in Ireland?
- The first tried sending a Irish contingent in 1588, couldn’t reach cuz of winds
- 1597 tried to exploit the O Neill Rebellion, by sending forces, again defeated by Earl of Essex
Explain Irish FP during Elizabeth? Why it happened?
- Ireland was mainly catholic
- Had a different language
- The Act of Uniformity wasn’t really accepted in Ireland
Who caused the Irish rebellion in 1595? Why was it caused? What did it result in?
- The Irish rebellion in 1595 was caused cuz of Neil’ O Reilly who was made Duke of Pembroke by Elizabeth
- He wanted a seperate Irish state
- In 1596 a Spanish Armada was sent to support him but it never reached
- In 1598 he won the Battle of Waterford and won much of the portion above the pale was in his control now
What did Elizabeth do in 1598 in response to the Battle of Waterford and the threat posed by the Duke of Pembroke in Ireland? Why did it fail?
- She sent Earl of Essex with a large army
- He made truce with the rebels instead of defeating them
- This resulted in furthur conquest of southern ireland in particular the port of kinsale which allowed them to recieve spanish aid
What happend in Ireland in 1601 in relation to the rebellion?
- Duke of Pembroke was defeated even though he had recived 3,000 spanish troops by the lord mountjoy
- He had to retreat to the ulster
- Peace was made in 1604 after the death of elizabeth
What happened with the Pope in relation to Elizabeth throughout her reign?
- The excommunciation by the Pope in 1570
- Started sending Jesuits in 1580
- The support of the Twockerhotom plot in 1583 and all catholics involved were exempt from persecution by the catholic church
Overall Elizabeths FP Successes and FP Failures?
FP Wins:-
- Her wins with the Spanish Armada
- Her wins in removing spanish infleunce from netherlands eventually
- Her wins in land wars against Spain in 1595, including candiz that stopped spain from trading with the carribean
- Breaking Spanish monopoly in caribbean through hawkins
- Her handling of all the plots in particular the Ridolfi plot which had a huge Spanish influence
- Treaty of Nonsuch 1585- Horrible work by Leicster
- Her handling of forces in Ireland allowed the Pembroke rebellion to become larger than it had to be- failure of essex