Health- Chapter 3 and 4 Flashcards
a hormone that gives the body extra energy
anything that causes stress
emotional needs
needs that affect a person’s feelings and sense of well being; to love and be loved; to make a difference/to feel worthwhile; to belong
the ability to bounce back from disappointment
the way you feel about yourself and how you value yourself
the view you have of yourself
anxiety disorder
a disorder in which intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally
intense and exaggerated fear of a specific situation or object
personality disorder
a psychological condition that affects a person’s ability to interact normally with others
mood disorder
a disorder in which a person undergoes changes in mood that seem inappropriate or extreme
a severe mental disorder in which a person loses contact with reality
a medical doctor who treats mental health problems; administers biological therapy
a mental health professional who is trained and licensed by the state to perform therapy; administers talk therapy
Peripheral Nervous System; the nerves that connect the central nervous system to all parts of the body
Common cause of nervous system problems-
blow to the head
Nervous System
the body’s message and control center
traumatic brain injury
TBI; a condition caused by the brain being jarred and striking the inside of the skull (head injury)
the intentional taking of one’s own life
Central Nervous System; the brain and spinal cord
an approach that teaches you different ways of thinking or behaving
a state of uneasiness, usually associated with a future uncertainty
the body’s response to change
a feeling of sudden, intense fear
the unique combination of feelings, thoughts, and behavior that makes one person different from everyone else
a tendency to give up, give in, or back down without standing up for your rights and needs
overly forceful, pushy, hostile or otherwise attacking in approach
Generalized Anxiety disorder; Restlessness, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, irritablity, muscle tension, sleep disturbances
Panic Disorder
pounding heart, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, nausea, fear of losing control; anxiety disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Withdrawal or depression after a distressing experience such as sexual abuse, a natural disaster, an accident, or witnessing violence
Obsessive-Copulsive Disorder; a need to perform behaviors over and over again, such as hand washing, counting, hoarding, or arranging possessions
passive-agressive disorder
people with this condition have a hard time cooperating with others; do not like being told what to do; can become angry if they are not in control over a situation
borderline disorder
people with this condition have trouble in close relationships with others; tend to idolize those they are in close relationships with; if a person they idolize disappoints them, they may become angry with them or hurt them; engage in high-risk behaviors; very poor self-esteem; intense fear of abandonment
also called bipolar; mood cycles- alternating high, manic, energetic periods and low, depressed, tired periods; requires medication
major depression
very serious mood disorder in which people lose interest in life and can no longer find enjoyment in anything; requires medication
Talk therapy
therapy in which people with disabilities talk work with a psychiatrist to help their disabilities; one on one/individual, self, family, group
Biological Therapy
also called drug treatment therapy; involves administration of medications to correct chemical imbalances in the brain
Suicide Prevention Action Network; teens with thoughts of suicide can contact them for help; National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center is another
electrical charges that carry messages or instructions from the CNS to the PNS and Back; travel at up to 248 miles per hour
specialized nerve cells, send and receive impulses
largest part of the brain. controls senses, movement of muscles, thinking and speech
controls balance, posture, and coordination; part of brain
brain stem
controls important automatic body functions such as heat beat, breathing, blood pressure, and digestion
somatic and autonomic system
parts of nervous system that deals with actions you control and those you do not
emotional health
how you deal with situations that do not go the way you planned; how you set/achieve goals; how you understand and cope with your feelings; how you accept constructive criticism; how you express your feelings through your words and other outlets
negative stressors
anything that creates stress that has a negative effect on your life; distress; creates nervous habits and sleeping and eating problems among ohters
positive stressors
anything that creates stress that positively affects your life; motivates you to do your best; makes you more alert; improves concentration