Conceptual Physics-Electricity Unit- Quiz 2 (Ohm's Law) Flashcards
energy used to move electrons (energy per charge); the “push”; can be used to run devices; symbol V
Voltage is measured in…
volts; symbol V
flow of charges (electrons) through conductors; speed of charges; amount of charges going past a point in one second; symbol I
Current is measured in…
Amperes or Amps; symbol A
opposition of a material to the flow of charges; a resistor is something that slows down current; symbol R
Resistance is measured in…
Ohms; symbol Omega:
The relationship between Current and Resistance…
is an inverse relationship- if one goes up, the other goes down, and vice versa. (considering Voltage is constant)
The relationship between Current and Voltage…
is a direct relationship- if one goes up, so does the other, and vice versa. (considering Resistance is constant).
How is a voltmeter wired into a circuit?
in parallel
How is an ammeter wired into a circuit?
in series
Ohm’s Law
describes the relationship among voltage, current, and resistance;
Mainly V=IR or Voltage is equal to Current times Resistance
Also: I=V/R and R=V/I
What are the differences between Parallel and Series circuits?
In series, Resistances add; In parallel, Resistances are multiplied and then divided by their sum
In Series, voltage adds; in parallel, Voltage doesn’t ?
In series, there is only one path; In parallel, there are multiple paths
In series, adding devices slows the current (if the voltage is constant), and they dim consecutively; In parallel, the current remains constant in all the bulbs.
Conductor or Wire
dot on line
line going up into an “M” shape within a circle
One cell or battery
line ending in a short perpendicular dash, then a gap, then a longer perpendicular dash, then the line continues. For multiple batteries, add short and long dashes with gaps then continue line.
Open: line with a connection on the end, then a tilted line only connected to the other side (with a connection)
Closed: line with two consecutive connections
3 Zig Zags: above line, below, all the way above, all the way below, all the way above, then back down to original level of wire and continue line
Ammeter, Voltmeter, Generator
A, V, or G within circle on wire
Bonus: What is the equation for parallel resistance?
(R1xR2xR3...)/(R1+R2+R3...) If all resistors the same, do R to the power of one less than the amount of resistors, divided by amount of resistors: RxRxRxR... 4 x R R's cancel