Conceptual Physics-Electricity Unit-Quiz 1 (Activities 1 and 2) Flashcards
static electricity
a build up of electric charges on an object
current electricity
a flow of electric charges
a device used to create electricity; it changes (chemical energy (food you ate)) mechanical energy (moving gears) into electric energy (electrons)
a closed path for electrons (electricity) to flow on/in
series circuit
a circuit where there is only one path that electrons (electricity) can follow; if one light goes out, all of them go out; lights get dimmer as you add devices
parallel circuit
circuite where there is more than one path for electrons (electricity) to follow; others stay on if one bulb goes out; brightness is constant no matter how many devices are attached; used in homes and buildings
smb V; energy used to move electrons (energy per charge; “push”; can be used to run devices such as lights, fans, or gaming systems
Voltage is measured in…
volts; smb V
smb I; flow of charges (electrons) through conductors; speed of charges (amount of charges going past a point per second)
Current is measured in…
amperes or amps; smb A
smb R; opposition of a material to the flow of charges; something that slows current down
Resistance is measured in…
ohms; smb omega
(“horseshoe shape”)
Electricity is the flow of tiny particles called…
Electrons are part of…
The word circuit means…
go around
A circuit is a… … around which electricity flows.
closed path
Once the flow of electrons is going… can be done
Touching the… and the… in a bumper car track will give you a shock because you are… …. ….
completing the circuit
Electricity from a wall outlet has enough energy to stop your…
Materials that allow electrons to move easily from atom to atom are called…
materials that do not allow electrons to flow easily are called…
… are materials that have a resistance somewhere in between insulators and conductors.
… is the force or pressure of electricity (think water pressure)
… is the amount of electricity (think amount of water in a hose at one moment)
… is the term for work performed by electricity
In the hand generator activity, what forms of energy appeared, and in what order
Chemical Potential Kinetic Mechanical Electrical Heat Light
Bonus: Can you get something for nothing?