Head Flashcards
What supplies muscles of the tongue?
Hypoglossal nerve (all except palatoglossus)
What is the path of the nasolacrimal duct?
Lower part of lacrimal sac to inferior meatus of nose
What is the lingual artery a branch of?
External carotid
Where is the circumvallate papilla?
Anterior two thirds of tongue
What nerve innervates circumvallate papilla?
The lingual nerve - a branch of mandibular division of trigeminal nerve (CN V)
Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve
- Has one sensory branch - buccal nerve to skin of cheek and mucosa of the vestibule
Embryonic origin of stapes
2nd pharyngeal arch
Muscular contributions of 1st pharyngeal arch
- Muscles of mastication
- Anterior belly of digastric
- Mylohyoid
- Tensor tympanic
- Tensor veli palatini
Skeletal contributions of 1st pharyngeal arch
- Maxilla
- Meckels cartilage
- Incus
- Malleus
Arteries of 1st pharyngeal arch
- Maxillary
2. External carotid
Nerve of 1st pharyngeal arch
Muscles of 2nd pharyngeal arch
- Buccinator
- Platysma
- Muscles of facial expression
- Stylohyoid
- Posterior belly of digastric
- Stapedius
Skeletal contributions of 2nd pharyngeal arch
- Stapes
- Styloid process
- Lesser horn and upper body of hyoid
Arteries to 2nd pharyngeal arch
Inferior branch of superior thyroid artery
Stapedial artery
Nerve to 2nd pharyngeal arch
Muscular contributions of third pharyngeal arch
Skeletal contributions of 3rd pharyngeal arch
Greater horn and lower part of hyoid
Endocrine of 3rd pharyngeal arch
Inferior parathyroids
Arterial supply off third pharyngeal arch
Common and internal carotid
Nerves of 3rd pharyngeal arch
Muscles of 4th pharyngeal arch
- Cricothyroid
2. All intrinsic muscles of the soft palate
Skeleton of 4th pharyngeal arch
Thyroid and epiglottic cartilage
Endocrine of 4th pharyngeal arch
Superior parathyroid
Blood of 4th pharyngeal arch
- Right subclavian
2. Left aortic arch
Nerve supply of 4th pharyngeal
Muscles of 6th pharyngeal arch
All intrinsic muscle of larynx (except cricothyroid)
Skelton of 6th pharyngeal arch
- Cricoid
- Arytenoid
- Corniculate cartilages
Vessels of 6th pharyngeal arch
- Right pulmonary artery
- Left pulmonary artery
- Ductus arteriosus
Nerve supply 6th pharyngeal arch
- Vagus
2. RLN