H&N week 7- Mandibular nerve & muscles of mastication Flashcards
Label this diagram of the mandible
What is this?
The pterygoid fovea-
A little depression on the front of the neck of the mandible.
It is part of the attachment of the lateral pterygoid muscle.
What is the oblique line?
Where the buccinator attaches to the mandible.
Compare the mental protuberance and mental tubercle?
The mental protuberance is the forward projection of the chin
The mental tubercle is the raised part on each side of the metal protuberance (there are 2)
Compare the mylohyoid line and mylohyoid grove.
Mylohyoid line is the attachment of the mylohyoid muscle.
Mylohyoid grove is where the nerve to the mylohyoid sits.
Label this diagram.
What is the submandibular fossa?
This is where the submandibular gland lies.
What is the sublingual fossa
This is where the sublingual salivary gland lies.
What is the digastric fossa
Where the anterior belly of digastric attaches on either side of.
Compare the upper and lower mental spines
Upper mental spines provide an attachmetn for the genioglossal muscle.
Lower mental spines provide an attachment for the geniohyoid muscles.
What is vincent’s angina?
When a bad infection in the floor of the mouth or the submandibular region tracts back & is taken into the thorax
Discuss the relationship between the abcess location and mylohyoid line in Vincent’s angina.
If the abcess bursts above the mylohyodi line (Infective materials go to the floor of the mouth)
If the abcess bursts below the mylohyoid liine (Infective materials go into the submandibular region (betwen the skin under the denture and the mylohyoid muscle)
Label this diagram of the palate.
What is contained in the Incisive fossa?
4 canals (2 for the nasopalatine nerves and 2 for the greater palatine artery)
what bones make up the bony palate?
The horizontal plate of the palatine bone
Palatine process of the maxilla .