Gynae Flashcards
HRT types
oesetrogen + progesterone or oestrogen only
oesetrogen + progesterone or oestrogen only
types of HRT
risks of oestrogen only HRT
endometrial hyperplasia –> endometrial cancer
endometrial hyperplasia –> endometrial cancer
risk of oestrogen only HRT
risks of any HRT
increased VTE risk in 1st 6/12, increased breast cancer risk after 5 years of treatment
increased VTE risk in 1st 6/12, increased breast cancer risk after 5 years of treatment
risks of any HRT
premature ovarian failure
cessation of mentruation for 1 year before 40 years old
cessation of mentruation for 1 year before 40 years old
premature ovarian failure
menstrual phase occurs becuase
no ovum has been fertilised, corpus luteum breaks down, therefore cessaton of progesterone production, vasoconstriction of spiral arteries which supply the functional layer of the endometrium, layer necroses + is shed
pulsing of what hormone initiates puberty
GnRH pulsation initiates
ovarian hyperstimulation S
associated with HCG in maturing follicles during IVF, lower abdo discomfort, N, V, abdo distension
associated with HCG in maturing follicles during IVF, lower abdo discomfort, N, V, abdo distension
ovarian hyperstimulation S
1’ amenorrhoea causes
Turner’s S, testicular feminisation, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, congenital malformation of the genital tract
Turner’s S, testicular feminisation, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, congenital malformation of the genital tract are causes of
1’ amenorrhoea
2’ amenorrhoea causes
periods stop for >6/12 hypothalamic amenorrhoea (stress, excessive exercise), PCOS, hyperprolactinaemia, premature ovarian failure, thyrotoxicosis, Sheehan S (hypopituitarism), Asherman S (intrauterine adhesions)
hypothalamic amenorrhoea (stress, excessive exercise), PCOS, hyperprolactinaemia, premature ovarian failure, thyrotoxicosis, Sheehan S (hypopituitarism), Asherman S (intrauterine adhesions) are causes of
2’ amenorrhoea
mittelschmerz is
mid cycle pain, sharp
endometriosis is
growth of ectopic endometrial tissue o/s of the uterine cavity, ?initiate by retrograde menstruation spreading endometrical cells w/i the pelvis
ovarian torsion is
sudden onset, deep colicy pain, V, distress
pelvic pain differentials
endometriosis, PID, migraine, lower back pain, adenomyosis, adhesions, ectopic, ovarian torsion, appendicitis, IBS, cystitis, depression, sleep disorders, abuse (past + present)
amenorrhoea differentials
1’: delayed puberty, PCOS, Turner’s S, imperforated hymen, transverse vaginal septum
2’: pregnancy, menopause, lactation, iatrogenic (progestogens, GNRH analogues, some antipsychotics), premature menopause, PCOS, hyperprolactinaemia (pituitary hyperplasia, benign adenoma), hypothalamic hypogonadism (low BMI, excessive exercise, tumour), thyroid dysfunction
dysmenorrhoea differentials
idiopathic (common), fibroids, adenomyosis, endometriosis, PID, ovarian tumours
menorrhagia differentials
subjective to PTs beliefs, idiopathic, fibroids, polyps, coagulopathy, adenomyosis, malignancy
PCB differentials
cervical ectropion, polyps, CIN, cervicitis, vaginitis
infertility differentials
female factors: ovulation (PCOS, hypothalamic hypogonadism, hyperprolactinaemia, premature ovarian faliure), fallopian tube (PID, endometriosis, previous Sx), cervical, implantation
male factors: sperm numbers, motility, morphology (smoking, EtOH, drugs, chemical exposure, genetics, idiopathic)
both: sexual (ED, dyspareunia)
PMB differentials
endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, premalignant endometrial hyperplasia, sequential HRT, atrophic vaginitis, polyps, cervicitis, ovarian carcinoma
IMB differentials
anovulatory cycles, fibroids, polyps, adenomyosis, ovarian cysts, chronic pelvic infection, STI, miscarriage
infrequent periods -/- 35/7-6/12 between periods
PMB is
bleeding 1 year post-menopause
menorrhagia history
menstrual calendar, flooding, clots, IMB, PCB, dysmenorrhoea, bleeding from elsewhere (PR), contraception use
menorrhagia O/E
anaemia, enlarged uterus - fibroids, tenderness - adenomyosis
adenomyosis is
endometruim breaks through the myometrium of uterus leading to cramps, menorrhagia, abdominal pressure and bloating
endometruim breaks through the myometrium of uterus leading to cramps, menorrhagia, abdominal pressure and bloating
menorrhagia investigations
FBC, clotting, TFT, TVUS, hysteroscopy, biopsy
menorrhagia management
mirena coil (IUS), tranexamic acid (just during menstruation), mefanamic acid (NSAID), COCP, progestogens (high does/IM), GNRH agalogues (reduce size of fibroid), surgery: polyp removal, endometrial ablation, rescection (fibroids), myomectomy (fibroids), hysterectomy, uterine artery embolisation
TVUS uterus wall thickness “too thick”
> 10mm premenopausal, >4mm postmenopausal
IMB investigations
if appropriate: FBC, urine dip, STI screen, TVUS, hysteroscopy, biopsy
IMB management
IUS, COCP, high dose progestogen, HRT, surgery
amenorrhoea management
supportive, COCP, HRT, correcting organic cause
PCB investigations
speculum, smear, colposcopy if necessary
PCB management
polyp: avulsion, ectropion: frozen, LLETZ if appropriate etc
dysmenorrhoea is
painful periods, associated with high prostaglandin levels due to contraction + uterine ischaemia
dysmenorrhoea history
where in cycle?, relieved by menstruation?, dyspareunia, menorrhagia, oligomenorrhoea, PCB, IMB, STI Hx
dysmenorrhoea management
NSAIDs, COCP, reassurance in idiopathic, treat cause in pathology
subfertility definition
failure to conceive after 1y of regular unprotected sex
1’ vs 2’ subfertility/infertility
1’ means that the person has never conceived, 2’ means that the person had previously conceived (even if resulted in miscarriage)
infertililty investigations
serum progesterone (high mid-luteal = ovulation), TVUS, FSH (high in ovarian failure, low in hypothalamic DZ, N in PCOS), prolactin (prolactinoma), TSH, LH (high in PCOS), testosterone, semen analysis (repeat in 3/12), laproscopy + dye test, hysterosalpingogram
luteal phase is
14 days prior to menstruation e.g. days 14-28 of a 28d cycle
mid luteal phase is
day 21 of a 28 day cycle
infertility management
lifestyle changes, treat cause, induction of ovulation, IUI, ICSI as part of IVF cycle, counselling
complications of assisted conception
multiple pregnancies, ovarian hyperstimulation S, intraperitoneal haemorrhage, infection, ectopic, ch/genetic abnormalities
PMB investigations
bimanual, speculum, smear, TVUS, hysteroscopy, biopsies (Pipelle or during hysteroscopy)
gynae history
PC, HPC (menstruation: cycle l, ir/regular, heavy, painful, LMP, IMB, PCB, PMB, urinary: f, nocturia, urgency, accidents, associations, dysuria, haematuria, prolapse: heavy, dragging sensation, palpable mass), ICE, O+GH (smear, pregnancies, mode of delivery), sexual (active, discharge, dysuria, rash, dyspareunia), C, PMH, PSH, DH + A, SH, FH
pre-cancerous state in cervix
CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasm
CIN cervical intraepithelial neoplasm
precancerous state in cervix
CIN is only diagnosable on
explaining colposcopy
day case, Dr/nurse specialist, speculum, special misroscope (doesn’t enter vagina), stain, swab, biopsy (1/52 turnaround), 15-20 mins, can work same day, some bleeding/discharge 3-5/7, bring pad, avoid sex, tampons, pessaries, creams 24h beforehand + until bleeding stops
colposcopy biopsy result may result in
diathermy, laser, excision depending on result
complications of cervix treatment
premature labour - contact GP if get pregnant, ?cervical l scan
premature labour - contact GP if get pregnant, ?cervical l scan
complication of cervical treatment
most common type of primary ovarian cancer
epithelial cell carcinoma
grading of ovarian carcinoma
boarderline - high grade
most common type of primary ovarian cancer in <30 y.o.
germ cell tumour
risk factors for ovarian cancer
early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity, FH, benign cysts (can undergo malignant change), HNPCC, BRCA mutation
protective factors for ovarian cancer
pregnancy, lactation, COCP
epithelial cell carcinoma is the most common type of
ovarian cancer
germ cell tumour is the most common type of
ovarian cancer in >30 y.o.
early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity, FH, benign cysts (can undergo malignant change), HNPCC, BRCA mutation are risk factors for
ovarian cancer
pregnancy, lactation, COCP are protective factors for
ovarian cancer
ovariam cancer symptoms
persistent bloating, early satiety, LOA, pelvic/abdo pain, weight loss, fatigue, change in bowel habits, urinary f, urgency
persistent bloating, early satiety, LOA, pelvic/abdo pain, weight loss, fatigue, change in bowel habits, urinary f, urgency
ovarian ca
ovarian ca investigations
abdo examination, bimanual, CA125 (>50 y.o.), AFP + hCG (<40 y.o. - germ cell markers), TAUS
risk calculation in ovarian ca
RMI - risk of malignancy index
US score x menopausal state x CA125
US score features
multilobular cysts, solid areas, mets, ascites, bx lesions
RMI - risk of malignancy index
used in ovarian ca to decide whether to refer to specialist MDT
US score x menopausal state x CA125
multilobular cysts, solid areas, mets, ascites, bx lesions
features on TAUS that contribute 1 point to US score for RMI
ovarian ca management
Sx (TAH + BSO + partial omentectomy + LN biopsy/removal), potential for fertility-sparing Sx in boarderline DZ, chemo (carboplatin/cisplatin for high grade), follow up CA125, palliative care
ovarian ca staging
1 - ovaries only, 2 - pelvis only, 3 - abdo + pelvis, 4 - distant spread, inc liver
PMB must rule out
endometrial ca
endometrial ca risk factors
age (60 y.o.), nulliparity, unopposed oestrogen therapy (6x increase), early menarche, late menopause, obesity, DM, tamoxifen, PCOS, ovarian granulosa cell tumour (oestrogen secreting)
age, nulliparity, unopposed oestrogen therapy, early menarche, late menopause, obesity, DM, tamoxifen, PCOS are risk factors for
endometrial ca
after the menopause submucosal fibroids usually
calcification of which fibroids usually occurs after the menopause
endometrial ca investigations
TVUS, measure thickness, hysteroscopy, biopsy, Pipelle biopsy, MRI, CXR
management of endometrial ca
TAH + BSO, post-op external beam radiotherapy in high risk DZ
vaginal atrophy presentation
dyspareunia, dryness, PCB
endometrial hyperplasia
abnormal proliferation of endometrium, presents with IMB, PMB, menorrhagia, irregular bleeding
rish factors for endometrial hyperplasia
abnormal proliferation of endometrium, presents with IMB, PMB, menorrhagia, irregular bleeding
endometrial hyperplasia
fibroids symptoms
asymptomatic, menorrhagia, infertility, abdo mass, pain (if torsion), dysuria, hydronephrosis, constipation, sciatica, bloating, dysmenorrhoea, urinary retention
asymptomatic, menorrhagia, infertility, abdo mass, pain, dysuria, hydronephrosis, constipation, sciatica, bloating symptoms of
fibroids management
IUS, tranexamic acid, COCP, NSAIDs, progesteroenes, Sx (myomectomy, hysteroscopic endometrial ablation, hysterectomy)
fibroids associations
most common near the menopause, rare before puberty + after menopause, more common in Afro-Carribeans, FH
most common near the menopause, rare before puberty + after menopause, more common in Afro-Carribeans, FH
fibroids investigations
TVUS, MRI, laparoscopy (differentiate from an ovarian mass/adenomyosis)
benign conditions that can raise CA125
endometriosis, menstruation, benign ovarian cysts
premature ovarian failure
menopausal symptoms <40 y.o.
symptoms: hot flushes, night sweats, infertility, 2’ amenorrhoea, raised FSH, raised, LH
hot flushes, night sweats, infertility, 2’ amenorrhoea, raised FSH, raised, LH
premature ovarian failure
premature ovarian failure causes
idiopathic, chemo, radiation, AI
premenopausal ovarian masses
follicular/lutein cyst, dermoid cyst, endometriomas, benign epithelial tumour
follicular/lutein cyst, dermoid cyst, endometriomas, benign epithelial tumour most common massees in