GP Flashcards
MI, pneumothorax, PE, pericarditis, dissecting aortic aneurysm, GORD, musculoskeletal CP, shingles, perforated peptic ulcer, Boerhaaves S, achalasia
MI sounding CP
sudden onset, heavy, central, radiating to neck/L arm, N, sweating, elderly, ? no pain in DM, CVS risk factors
pneumothorax sounding CP
asthma/Marfan’s Hx, sudden onset, SOB, pleuritic CP
PE sounding CP
sudden onset, pleuritic CP, calf pain/swelling, haemoptysis, hypoxia, ?sm pleural effusion, COCP user, ca
pericarditis sounding CP
sharp pain, relieved by siting forward, ?pleuritic
dissecting aortic aneurysm sounding CP
tearing CP, radiating through back, unequal upper limb vs lower limb BP
GORD sounding CP
burning retrosternal CP, regurgitation, dysphagia
musculoskeletal sounding CP
worse on movement/palpation, precipitated by exercise/trauma/coughing
shingles sounding CP
pain often preceeds rash
most common sites for aortic dissection to occur
ascending aorta, just distal to the L subclavian
demographic of aortic dissection
Afrocarribean, male, 50-70
PE ECG changes
tachycardia, S waves in I, Q waves in III, inverted T waves in III
perforated peptic ulcer sounding CP
sudden onset, EG pain, generalised abdo pain, worse after eating
Boerhaaves S sounding CP
sudden onset, severe retrosternal CP, worse on swallowing, recent V Hx
Boerhaaves S is
spontaneous rupture of the oesophagus as a result of repeated episodes of V
immediate management of suspected ACS
GTN, aspirin 300mg, clopidogrel, ECG, analgesia, O2 IF <94% O2 sats (MONAC)
typical angina is
all 3 of: constricting discomfort in the front of the chest/neck/shoulders/jaw/arms, precipitated by physical exercise, relieved by rest/GTN in ~5mins
atypical angina is
2/3 of: constricting discomfort in the front of the chest/neck/shoulders/jaw/arms, precipitated by physical exercise, relieved by rest/GTN in ~5mins
non-anginal CP is
1/3 of: constricting discomfort in the front of the chest/neck/shoulders/jaw/arms, precipitated by physical exercise, relieved by rest/GTN in ~5mins
CP in pregnancy DD
aortic dissection, mitral stenosis, PE, any other CP causes
sudden onset, heavy, central, radiating to neck/L arm, N, sweating, elderly, ? no pain in DM, CVS risk factors
asthma/Marfan’s Hx, sudden onset, SOB, pleuritic CP
sudden onset, pleuritic CP, calf pain/swelling, haemoptysis, hypoxia, ?sm pleural effusion, COCP user, ca
sharp pain, relieved by siting forward, ?pleuritic
tearing CP, radiating through back, unequal upper limb vs lower limb BP
dissecting aortic aneurysm
burning retrosternal CP, regurgitation, dysphagia
worse on movement/palpation, precipitated by exercise/trauma/coughing
musculoskeletal CP
pain often preceeds rash
ascending aorta, just distal to the L subclavian
most common sites for aortic dissection
tachycardia, S waves in I, Q waves in III, inverted T waves in III
PE ECG changes
sudden onset, EG pain, generalised abdo pain, worse after eating
peptic ulcer perforation
spontaneous rupture of the oesophagus as a result of repeated episodes of V
Boerhaaves S
GTN, aspirin 300mg, clopidogrel, ECG, analgesia, O2 IF <94% O2 sats is the management for
all 3 of: constricting discomfort in the front of the chest/neck/shoulders/jaw/arms, precipitated by physical exercise, relieved by rest/GTN in ~5mins
typical angina
2/3 of: constricting discomfort in the front of the chest/neck/shoulders/jaw/arms, precipitated by physical exercise, relieved by rest/GTN in ~5mins
atypical angina
1/3 of: constricting discomfort in the front of the chest/neck/shoulders/jaw/arms, precipitated by physical exercise, relieved by rest/GTN in ~5mins
non-anginal CP
Boerhaave’s S diagnosis by
CT contrast swallow
sudden onset, severe retrosternal CP, worse on swallowing, recent V Hx
Boerhaave’s S
complications of Boerhaave’s S
surgical emphysema, mediastinitis, shock
achalasia symptoms
difficulty swallowing, dysphagia to liquids + solids, sometimes CP
achalasia cause
failure of distal oesophageal inhibitory neurones
achalasia is diagnosed by
pH, manometry studies, contrast swallow, endoscopy
achalasia management
botox, pneumatic dilation, cardiomyotomy
mitral stenosis in pregnancy associated with
rheumatic heart DZ, mid diastolic murmur
when to refer to hospital for CP
current CP/CP w/i last 12h = emergency admission
CP 12-72hrs ago = same day assessment in hospital
CP >72hrs ago = full assessment, ECG, troponin to determine further action
ant aortic dissection O/E changes
aortic regurgitation murmur, inf MI (II, III, aVF) ECG changes
surgical emphysema, mediastinitis, shock are complications of
Boerhaave’s S
difficulty swallowing, dysphagia to liquids + solids, sometimes CP
failure of distal oesophageal inhibitory neurones
Hx of rheumatic heart DZ, mid diastolic murmur
mitral valve stenosis in pregnancy
aortic regurgitation murmur + inf MI (II, III, aVF) ECG changes
anterior aortic dissection
HF, asthma, aortic stenosis, recurent PE, L ca, pulmonary fibrosis, bronchiectasis, anaemia, obesity
Hx of IHD/HTN, orthopnea, PND
bibasal crackles, S3 (L sided failure)
peripheral oedema, raised JVP (R sided failure)
asthma Hx
cough, wheeze, SOB, worse at night, precipitated by cold weather/exercise, associated with hayfever/eczema
aortic stenosis Hx
CP, SOB, syncope
aortic stenosis O/E
ESM radiating to carotids, narrow pulse P
recurrent PE Hx
predisopsing factors (ca), pleuritic CP, haemoptysis
recurrent PE O/E
tachycardia, tachopnea, symptoms of R HF if severe
L ca Hx
smoker, haemoptysis, chronic cough, unresolving infections, systemic symptoms (weight loss, anorexia)
pulmonary fibrosis Hx
progressive SOB
pulmonary fibrosis O/E
fine bibasal crackles, restrictive spirometry
bronchiectasis Hx
purulent sputum, infections Hx (TB, measles), bronchial obstruction, ciliary dyskinetic S e.g. Kartagener’s S
anaemia Hx
GI symptoms, lethargy, SOB, palpitations
abdo pain DD
peptic ulcer DZ, appendicitis, acute pancreatitis, biliary colic, acute cholecystitis, diverticulitis, AAA, intestinal obstruction, MI, DKA, pneumonia, acute intermittant porphyria, Pb poisoning, cholangitis, renal colic, pyelonephritis, ectopic pregnancy, PID, ovarian torsion, urinary retention, UTI, testiular torsion,gastroenteritis, hepatitis, ruptured spleen, perforation, Mitleschmertz, Fitz-Hugh-Curtis S, endometriosis, IBS, urogenital prolapse
two types of peptic ulcer
duodenal, gastric
Hx difference between duodenal + gastric ulcers
duodenal: > common, EG pain relieved by eating
gastric: EG pain worsened by eating
central to RIF pain, anorexia
Hx of IHD/HTN, orthopnea, PND
bibasal crackles, S3, peripheral oedema, raised JVP
cough, wheeze, SOB, worse at night, precipitated by cold weather/exercise, associated with hayfever/eczema
CP, SOB, syncope
ESM radiating to carotids, narrow pulse P
predisopsing factors (ca), pleuritic CP, haemoptysis
recurrent PE
tachycardia, tachopnea, symptoms of R HF if severe
recurrent PE
purulent sputum, infections Hx (TB, measles), bronchial obstruction, ciliary dyskinetic S e.g. Kartagener’s S
GI symptoms, lethargy, SOB, palpitations
Rovsing’s sign
> pain in RIF when palpating LIF
acute pancreatitis Hx
EtOH/gallstones Hx, severe EG pain, V
acute pancreatitis O/E
tenderness, ileus, low grade fever, Cullen’s sign, Grey-Turner sign
appendicitis O/E
RIF tenderness, Rovsing’s sign, low grade fever, tachycardia
Cullen’s sign
periumbilical discolouration
Grey-Turner’s sign
flank discolouration
biliary colic Hx
pain in RUQ, radiating to back/interscapular scapula, following fatty meal, pale stools + dark urine (obstructive), [females, forties, fat, fair]
acute cholecystasis Hx
Hx of gallstones, continuous RUQ pain
acute cholecystasis O/E
fever, raised inflammatory markers, raised WCC, Murphy’s sign +ve
Murphy’s sign
inspiratory arrest on palpation of RUQ
diverticulitis Hx
colicy LLQ pain, D (?blood)
diverticulitis O/E
fever, raised inflammatory markers, raised WCC
severe, central abdo pain, radiating to back, sudden collapse, shock, CVS DZ Hx
intestinal obstruction Hx
Hx of ca/previoous Sx, V, nil recent BO
intestinal obstruction O/E
tinkling BS
ascending cholangitis
gallstones Hx, Charcot’s triad: RUQ pain, fever, jaundice
ascending cholangitis is often caused by
E. coli
peptic ulcer DZ Hx
NSAIDS/EtOH Hx, upper GI haemorrhage (haematemesis, melaena)
renal colic Hx
loin to groin pain, severe, intermittant pain, haematuria
acute pyelonephritis
loin pain, fever, rigors, V
urinary retention Hx
suprapubic pain, BPE Hx
ectopic pregnancy Hx
amenorrhoea, PV bleeding
mid cycle pain, suprapubic pain
abdo pain in pregnancy DD
ectopoic, miscarriage, labour, placental abruption, symphisis pubis dysfunction, pre-eclampsia, HELLP S, uterine rupture, appendicitis, UTI
ectopic pregnancy risk factors
damage to tubes (Sx, salpingitis), previous ectopic, IVF
types of miscarriage
threatened, missed, ineviatable, incomplete
threatened miscarriage
painless PV bleeding <24/40, os closed
missed miscarriage
gestation sac + dead foetus <20/40 w/o symptoms of expulsion, light PV bleeding, no symptoms of pregnancy remain
ineviatable miscarriage
open os, heave PV bleeding with clots
incomplete miscarriage
retained products of conception
placental abruption features
shock inconsistent with visible blood loss, pain, tenderness, tense uterus, N lie + presentation, FH distressed/absent, coagulation problems, beware preeclampsia/DIC/anuria
symphysis pubis dysfunction features
pain over pubic symphysis, radiation to groins + medial aspect of thighs, waddling gait
uterine rupture risk factors
previous c/s
renal colic Ix
plain CT non contrast
central to RIF pain, anorexia
> pain in RIF when palpating LIF
Rovsing’s sign
EtOH/gallstones Hx, severe EG pain, V
acute pancreatitis
tenderness, ileus, low grade fever, Cullen’s sign, Grey-Turner sign
acute pancreatitis
RIF tenderness, Rovsing’s sign, low grade fever, tachycardia