GU eval Flashcards
Vital Signs for GU
HR, RR, BP, Temp., O2 sat., preg. test, Urinalysis
kidney stones
S/S: abdominal pain in upper quadrants, dehydration, associated UTI, inability to pass stone, back pain
Tx: if pain in bearable, hydrate + pain relievers and monitor
if pain in unbearable, refer to ER
sports hematuria
S/S: blood in urine, associated with exercise or activity, asymptomatic
Tx: advise athlete to stay hydrated and report if pain increases and/ or symptoms dont reside
S/S: burn or pain with urination, polyuria, unable to fully empty bladder, pain in lower quadrants, blood in urine, cloudy urine, sexually active individual
Tx: refer to PCP for antibiotics
Urethritis and Cystitis
S/S: inflammation of urethra (uretherisitis) or bladder and ureters (cystitis)
Tx: refer to PCP for antibiotics
testicular torsion
S/S: most common in males 12-18, severe pain in scrotum, swelling of scrotum, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever
Tx: refer to ER immediately
S/S: asymptomatic, fluid build up in scrotum, scrotal ache/ swelling
Tx: refer to PCP if problematic
S/S: general asymptomatic, aching pain or heavy scotum, “bag of worms”
Tx: refer if problematic
testicular cancer
S/S: abnormal growth of testicles (typically only 1), discomfort
Tx: refer to PCP for in-depth eval., screening
prostate cancer
S/S: burn with urination, weak urine flow, polyuria, blood in urine, difficulty with erection
Tx: refer to PCP for further eval., screening
S/S: inflammation from infection, sexually active, pain
Tx: refer to PCP for further eval- gynecologist
Pelvic inflammatory disease
S/S: pain/ tenderness in lower quadrants, pain with sex, pain with urination, fever, chills, vaginal discharge, irregular bleeding
Tx: refer immediately to PCP
S/S: severe cramps with period
Tx: OTC pain relief, heat pad, refer to PCP if unbearable
S/S: absence or period by 16 or sudden stop of period
Tx: refer to PCP
ovarian and cervical cancer
S/S: growth on ovary (ovarian), growth on cervix (cervical)
Tx: refer for diagnosis and screening
breast cancer
S/S: lumps in breasts
Tx: refer to PCP for diagnosis., and screening
S/S: dysuria, urge to pee, inability to empty bladder, discharge, itching, burning
Tx: refer to PCP for screening, blood test and urinalysis