Grade 9 Geography - Mapping & Directions Flashcards
What are Cardinal Points?
North, West, South, East and everything inbetween
What are Bearing Points?
Estimated degrees from central position
What degree is N?
What degree is NNE?
What degree is NE?
What degree is ENE?
What degree is E?
What degree is ESE?
What degree is SE?
What degree is SSE
What degree is S?
What degree is SSW?
What degree is SW?
What degree is WSW?
What degree is W?
What degree is WNN?
What degree is NW?
What degree is NNW?
Between N and NE
Between NE and E
between E and SE
between SE and S
between S and SW
between SW and W
between W and NW
between NW and N
Pacific Ocean
West on the left of B.C
Baffin Island
Biggest Island in Nunavut
Ellesmere Island
Northern Island in Nunavut
Queen Charlotte
Small Island Western to B.C
Manitoulin Island
Island in Lake Huron
Vancouver Island
Biggest Island separated from the Western side of B.C
Victoria Island
Second biggest island to the NNE of Nunavut
Southampton Island
The biggest island in Nunavut touching Hudson Bay
Beaufort Sea
Also known as the Arctic Ocean
Great Bear Lake
The most Northern Lake in the Northwest Territories
Lake Ontario
Smallest and the most Eastern Great lake
Lake Erie
Second smallest and in between Lake Huron and Lake Ontario
Fraser River
The river in B.C
James Bay
The piece of wetland connected to the SSE part of Hudson Bay
Great Slave Lake
The lake more South in Northwest Territories
What are the Great Five lakes In order left to right?
Lake Superior, Lake Mishigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario
Lake Michigan
The lake that reaches the most South
Lake Superior
The largest Great Lake
Nelson River
The river in Manitoba that connects Hudson Bay and Lake Winnipeg
Hudson Bay
The largest waterway in Canada touching Nunavut, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec
Lake Winnipeg
The largest waterway in Manitoba
Lake Athabasca
The lake mainly in Saskatchewan connected to peace River
Lake Huron
The lake that is connected to lake Michigan and contains Manitoulin Island
Mackenzie River
The River in Northwest Territories connecting Beaufort Sea and Great Slave Lake
St. Lawrence River
The River on the East touching the edge of Quebec and Anticosti Island
Ungava Bay
The waterway on the Northern side of Quebec near Labrador
Anticosti Island
The Island on the Eastern side of Quebec touching St. Lawrence River
Peace RIver
The River mainly in Alberta connected to Lake Athabasca
Lake of Woods
The small water way on the edge of the Western border in Onatario
Smallwood Reservoir
The only waterway in Labrador
Sable Island
The tiny island to the SE of the map and closes to Nova Scotia
Mackenzie Bay
The most Northern waterway in Northwest Territories touching Beaufort Sea
Lake Nipigon
The only waterway fully in Ontario connected by a river to Lake Superior
Cape Breton Island
The Small piece of land on the Northern part of Nova Scotia to the Eastern side of that Land