Governoments Flashcards
Monarchy - حکومت پادشاهی، a system of government where a king or queen is the head of state. (اسم)
Dictatorship - دیکتاتوری، a government where one person has absolute power. (اسم)
Oligarchy - اولیگارشی، a government where power is held by a small group of people. (اسم)
Theocracy - حکومت دینی، a system of government where religious leaders control the state. (اسم)
Totalitarian regime
Totalitarian regime - رژیم تمامیتخواه، a government that seeks to control all aspects of public and private life. (اسم)
Authoritarian state
Authoritarian state - دولت استبدادی، a government that concentrates power in a single leader or a small group. (اسم)
Constitutional monarchy
Constitutional monarchy - پادشاهی مشروطه، a monarchy where the king or queen’s powers are limited by a constitution. (اسم)
Parliamentary system
Parliamentary system - سیستم پارلمانی، a government where the executive derives its legitimacy from the legislature. (اسم)
Presidential system
Presidential system - سیستم ریاست جمهوری، a government where the president is the head of state and government. (اسم)
Federal government
Federal government - حکومت فدرال، a system where power is divided between a central government and states or provinces. (اسم)
Unitary government
Unitary government - حکومت واحد، a government where all power is held by a central authority. (اسم)
Coalition government
Coalition government - دولت ائتلافی، a government formed by multiple political parties. (اسم)
Military dictatorship
Military dictatorship - دیکتاتوری نظامی، a government controlled by the military. (اسم)
Communist state
Communist state - دولت کمونیستی، a state governed by the principles of communism, with state control over resources. (اسم)
Socialist government
Socialist government - حکومت سوسیالیستی، a government where the state controls key industries and services. (اسم)
Fascist regime
Fascist regime - رژیم فاشیستی، an authoritarian and nationalistic government, often led by a dictator. (اسم)
Civil government
Civil government - دولت مدنی، a government run by civilians, not the military. (اسم)
Devolved government
Devolved government - دولت تفویض شده، a government where powers are transferred from a central government to regional authorities. (اسم)
Local government
Local government - دولت محلی، a government responsible for local administrative functions. (اسم)
Central government
Central government - دولت مرکزی، a national government that controls the entire country. (اسم)
Parliament - پارلمان، the legislative body of government, elected to make laws. (اسم)
Congress - کنگره، a legislative body, especially in a republic like the United States. (اسم)
Legislature - مجلس، a governmental body responsible for creating and passing laws. (اسم)
Senate - سنا، a legislative chamber in some countries, often with members representing regions or states. (اسم)
House of Representatives
House of Representatives - مجلس نمایندگان، the lower house of a legislative body, representing people directly. (اسم)
Cabinet - کابینه، a group of senior government ministers responsible for executive functions. (اسم)
Prime Minister’s office
Prime Minister’s office - دفتر نخستوزیر، the administrative office of the head of government. (اسم)
Head of state
Head of state - رئیس دولت، the official representative of a country, often a monarch or president. (اسم)
Head of government
Head of government - رئیس دولت، the individual responsible for running the government, often a prime minister or president. (اسم)
Supreme Court
Supreme Court - دیوان عالی، the highest court in a country that oversees the judiciary. (اسم)
Judiciary - قوه قضائیه، the system of courts responsible for interpreting laws. (اسم)
Executive branch
Executive branch - قوه مجریه، the part of government responsible for implementing laws and policies. (اسم)
Legislative branch
Legislative branch - قوه مقننه، the part of government that makes laws. (اسم)
Judicial branch
Judicial branch - قوه قضائیه، the branch of government that interprets and applies the law. (اسم)
Public sector
Public sector - بخش دولتی، the part of the economy controlled by the government. (اسم)
Ministry - وزارتخانه، a government department responsible for a specific area of policy. (اسم)
State agency
State agency - آژانس دولتی، a government organization responsible for specific functions. (اسم)
Local council
Local council - شورای محلی، a local government body responsible for managing public affairs at the community level. (اسم)
Election commission
Election commission - کمیسیون انتخابات، a body responsible for overseeing elections and ensuring fairness. (اسم)
Public administration
Public administration - مدیریت دولتی، the implementation and management of public policies and services. (اسم)
Government officials
Government officials - مقامات دولتی، individuals holding positions of authority in government. (اسم)
Civil service
Civil service - خدمات مدنی، non-political, permanent staff working for the government. (اسم)
Politicians - سیاستمداران، individuals involved in the political process and government administration. (اسم)
Government spokesperson
Government spokesperson - سخنگوی دولت، a person who communicates on behalf of the government. (اسم)
Bureaucracy - بوروکراسی، a complex system of administration and rules within a government or organization. (اسم)
Regulatory body
Regulatory body - نهاد نظارتی، an organization responsible for regulating specific industries or areas. (اسم)
Policy-making - سیاستگذاری، the process of creating and deciding on policies and strategies. (اسم)
Legislation - قانونگذاری، the process of making or enacting laws. (اسم)
Law enforcement
Law enforcement - اجرای قانون، the activities of police or authorities in ensuring laws are followed. (اسم)
Public policy
Public policy - سیاست عمومی، government actions and decisions designed to address societal issues. (اسم)
Social welfare programs
Social welfare programs - برنامههای رفاه اجتماعی، government initiatives aimed at improving the well-being of citizens. (اسم)
Economic reforms
Economic reforms - اصلاحات اقتصادی، changes made to improve the economy, often involving policy changes. (اسم)
Taxation policies
Taxation policies - سیاستهای مالیاتی، government strategies on how taxes are levied and collected. (اسم)
Foreign policy
Foreign policy - سیاست خارجی، strategies and decisions related to international relations. (اسم)
Environmental policy
Environmental policy - سیاست محیط زیستی، actions and laws designed to protect the environment. (اسم)
Healthcare policy
Healthcare policy - سیاست بهداشت و درمان، decisions and plans for managing public health systems. (اسم)
Education policy
Education policy - سیاست آموزشی، decisions regarding the structure and quality of education systems. (اسم)
Defense policy
Defense policy - سیاست دفاعی، strategies and measures to protect national security. (اسم)
Immigration policy
Immigration policy - سیاست مهاجرت، laws and rules governing immigration and border control. (اسم)
Monetary policy
Monetary policy - سیاست پولی، policies governing the supply of money and interest rates. (اسم)
Fiscal policy
Fiscal policy - سیاست مالی، government strategies regarding taxation, spending, and borrowing. (اسم)
Government spending
Government spending - هزینههای دولتی، money spent by the government for public services and operations. (اسم)
Subsidies - یارانهها، financial assistance provided by the government to support specific sectors. (اسم)
Regulation - مقررات، rules and guidelines that govern how industries or organizations operate. (اسم)
Deregulation - آزادسازی، the reduction or removal of government controls over industry. (اسم)
Privatization - خصوصیسازی، the transfer of ownership of industries or services from the government to private sector. (اسم)
Nationalization - ملیسازی، the process of bringing industries or resources under government control. (اسم)
Public-private partnerships
Public-private partnerships - شراکتهای دولتی-خصوصی، collaborations between government and private companies to deliver public services. (اسم)
State intervention
State intervention - مداخله دولت، government involvement in economic or social matters. (اسم)
Public service delivery
Public service delivery - ارائه خدمات عمومی، the provision of essential services to the public by the government. (اسم)
Administrative reforms
Administrative reforms - اصلاحات اداری، changes in government structures and procedures to improve efficiency. (اسم)
Social justice initiatives
Social justice initiatives - ابتکارات عدالت اجتماعی، programs aimed at promoting fairness and equality in society. (اسم)
Civil rights
Civil rights - حقوق مدنی، the rights that protect individuals’ freedom and equality under the law. (اسم)
Human rights
Human rights - حقوق بشر، the basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to. (اسم)
Rule of law
Rule of law - حاکمیت قانون، the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable under the law. (اسم)
Separation of powers
Separation of powers - تفکیک قوا، the division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to prevent any one branch from gaining too much power. (اسم)
Checks and balances
Checks and balances - سیستم نظارت و تعادل، a system where different branches of government have powers that limit each other. (اسم)
Constitutional rights
Constitutional rights - حقوق قانون اساسی، rights granted and protected by a country’s constitution. (اسم)
Freedom of speech
Freedom of speech - آزادی بیان، the right to express opinions without censorship or restraint. (اسم)
Freedom of assembly
Freedom of assembly - آزادی تجمع، the right to hold public meetings and form associations without interference by the government. (اسم)
Universal suffrage
Universal suffrage - حق رای عمومی، the right of all adults to vote, regardless of gender, race, or social status. (اسم)
Electoral system
Electoral system - سیستم انتخاباتی، the method by which votes are cast and counted to elect representatives. (اسم)
Majority vote
Majority vote - رای اکثریت، a voting system where the candidate or option with the most votes wins. (اسم)
Minority rights
Minority rights - حقوق اقلیتها، the rights of smaller or less powerful groups to be protected from the tyranny of the majority. (اسم)
Political corruption
Political corruption - فساد سیاسی، the abuse of power by government officials for personal gain. (اسم)
Political freedom
Political freedom - آزادی سیاسی، the right to participate in the political process without oppression or undue restriction. (اسم)
Political party
Political party - حزب سیاسی، an organized group of people with shared political beliefs who seek to influence government policy. (اسم)
Campaign financing
Campaign financing - تأمین مالی کمپین، the funding of election campaigns, often through donations or fundraising. (اسم)
Gerrymandering - تقسیمات انتخاباتی غیرمنصفانه، the manipulation of electoral district boundaries to favor a particular party or group. (اسم)
Voter turnout
Voter turnout - مشارکت رایدهندگان، the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an election. (اسم)
Public opinion
Public opinion - افکار عمومی، the collective opinions or beliefs of the people on a particular issue or topic. (اسم)
Referendum - رفراندوم، a direct vote by the people on a specific issue or policy. (اسم)
Plebiscite - نظرخواهی عمومی، a type of referendum in which voters approve or reject a proposal. (اسم)
Impeachment - استیضاح، the process of removing a government official from office due to misconduct. (اسم)
Lobbying - لابیگری، the act of influencing government decision-makers on behalf of specific interests or groups. (اسم)
Protest movement
Protest movement - جنبش اعتراضی، a collective action to express opposition to government policies or actions. (اسم)
Activism - فعالگرایی، the act of campaigning for political or social change. (اسم)
Civil disobedience
Civil disobedience - نافرمانی مدنی، the active refusal to comply with certain laws, demands, or commands as a form of protest. (اسم)
Constitutional amendments
Constitutional amendments - اصلاحات قانون اساسی، formal changes or additions to a country’s constitution. (اسم)
Democratic values
Democratic values - ارزشهای دموکراتیک، the principles that support democracy, such as fairness, equality, and participation. (اسم)
Prime Minister
Prime Minister - نخستوزیر، the head of government in a parliamentary system. (اسم)
President - رئیسجمهور، the head of state and often the head of government in a republic. (اسم)
King/Queen - پادشاه/ملکه، the male or female monarch of a country. (اسم)
Monarch - پادشاه، the supreme ruler or sovereign of a state, typically in a monarchy. (اسم)
Minister - وزیر، a government official responsible for a specific area or department. (اسم)
Senator - سناتور، a member of the Senate, often elected to represent a region or state. (اسم)
Member of Parliament (MP)
Member of Parliament (MP) - نماینده مجلس، an elected member of the legislative body in a parliamentary system. (اسم)
Governor - فرماندار، the head of a regional government, such as a state or province. (اسم)
Mayor - شهردار، the elected head of a city, town, or municipality. (اسم)
Ambassador - سفیر، a high-ranking diplomat representing a country in another state. (اسم)
Diplomat - دیپلمات، an official representing a country abroad and managing international relations. (اسم)
Public servant
Public servant - خدمتگزار عمومی، an individual employed by the government to serve the public. (اسم)
Civil servant
Civil servant - کارمند دولتی، a government employee who works in a non-political, permanent capacity. (اسم)
Politician - سیاستمدار، an individual engaged in political activities, often elected to office. (اسم)
Opposition leader
Opposition leader - رهبر مخالفان، the leader of the political party or group that opposes the ruling government. (اسم)
Cabinet member
Cabinet member - عضو کابینه، a senior official in the executive branch of government. (اسم)
Chancellor - صدراعظم، the head of government in some parliamentary systems, often in Germany. (اسم)
Secretary of State
Secretary of State - وزیر امور خارجه، the head of the department responsible for a country’s foreign affairs. (اسم)
Foreign Minister
Foreign Minister - وزیر امور خارجه، the government official in charge of foreign relations. (اسم)
Interior Minister
Interior Minister - وزیر کشور، the government official responsible for domestic affairs and law enforcement. (اسم)
Defense Minister
Defense Minister - وزیر دفاع، the government official in charge of the nation’s defense policy and military. (اسم)
Treasury Secretary
Treasury Secretary - وزیر خزانهداری، the government official responsible for financial and monetary matters. (اسم)
Attorney General
Attorney General - دادستان کل، the chief legal officer of a country or state. (اسم)
Speaker of the House
Speaker of the House - سخنگوی مجلس، the presiding officer of the lower house of a legislative body. (اسم)
Public funds
Public funds - بودجه عمومی، money collected by the government to finance public services. (اسم)
Government budget
Government budget - بودجه دولت، the financial plan that outlines government spending and revenue. (اسم)
Tax revenue
Tax revenue - درآمد مالیاتی، income generated from taxes collected by the government. (اسم)
Expenditure - هزینه، the total amount spent by the government or an organization. (اسم)
Taxation - مالیاتگیری، the process of collecting taxes from individuals or businesses. (اسم)
Government debt
Government debt - بدهی دولتی، the total amount of money the government owes to external or internal creditors. (اسم)
Deficit spending
Deficit spending - هزینهکرد کسری، government spending that exceeds its revenue, often leading to debt. (اسم)
Public debt
Public debt - بدهی عمومی، the total debt owed by the government to its creditors. (اسم)
Economic stimulus
Economic stimulus - محرک اقتصادی، government actions to encourage economic growth, often during a recession. (اسم)
Aid packages
Aid packages - بستههای کمک، financial or material assistance provided by a government or organization. (اسم)
Welfare benefits
Welfare benefits - مزایای رفاهی، government-provided financial aid to individuals in need. (اسم)
Unemployment benefits
Unemployment benefits - مزایای بیکاری، financial assistance provided to individuals who are unemployed. (اسم)
Social security
Social security - تأمین اجتماعی، a system that provides financial support to people during retirement, disability, or unemployment. (اسم)
Pension system
Pension system - سیستم بازنشستگی، a government program that provides financial assistance to individuals after they retire. (اسم)
Healthcare funding
Healthcare funding - تأمین مالی بهداشت و درمان، financial resources allocated for healthcare services. (اسم)
Education funding
Education funding - تأمین مالی آموزش، financial resources provided for educational institutions and programs. (اسم)
Infrastructure investment
Infrastructure investment - سرمایهگذاری در زیرساختها، funding for physical structures like roads, bridges, and utilities. (اسم)
Financial aid
Financial aid - کمک مالی، money provided to individuals or organizations to support specific needs. (اسم)
International aid
International aid - کمکهای بینالمللی، assistance given by one country or international organization to another. (اسم)
Development funds
Development funds - وجوه توسعه، financial resources allocated for economic and social development projects. (اسم)
Foreign relations
Foreign relations - روابط خارجی، the way a country interacts with other nations. (اسم)
International treaties
International treaties - معاهدات بینالمللی، formal agreements between countries. (اسم)
Bilateral agreements
Bilateral agreements - توافقنامههای دوجانبه، agreements between two countries. (اسم)
Multilateral diplomacy
Multilateral diplomacy - دیپلماسی چندجانبه، negotiations and discussions involving multiple countries. (اسم)
Peace talks
Peace talks - مذاکرات صلح، discussions aimed at resolving conflicts and establishing peace. (اسم)
Diplomatic immunity
Diplomatic immunity - مصونیت دیپلماتیک، legal protection for diplomats from prosecution in the host country. (اسم)
United Nations (UN)
United Nations (UN) - سازمان ملل متحد، an international organization formed to promote peace, security, and cooperation. (اسم)
World Trade Organization (WTO)
World Trade Organization (WTO) - سازمان جهانی تجارت، an international organization that regulates trade between nations. (اسم)
International sanctions
International sanctions - تحریمهای بینالمللی، penalties imposed on a country to encourage compliance with international law. (اسم)
Embassy - سفارتخانه، a diplomatic mission representing a country in another nation. (اسم)
Consulate - کنسولگری، a government office established in a foreign country to assist citizens and represent interests. (اسم)
Diplomatic relations
Diplomatic relations - روابط دیپلماتیک، the interactions and communications between countries. (اسم)
International cooperation
International cooperation - همکاری بینالمللی، joint efforts by countries to address global issues. (اسم)
Trade negotiations
Trade negotiations - مذاکرات تجاری، discussions between countries to agree on trade terms and conditions. (اسم)
Foreign exchange policy
Foreign exchange policy - سیاست ارزی، a country’s approach to managing its currency and foreign exchange market. (اسم)
Cultural diplomacy
Cultural diplomacy - دیپلماسی فرهنگی، using cultural exchange to foster international relations and understanding. (اسم)
Peacekeeping mission
Peacekeeping mission - مأموریت حفظ صلح، an operation led by international forces to maintain peace in conflict zones. (اسم)
Conflict resolution
Conflict resolution - حل و فصل درگیری، processes used to resolve disputes peacefully. (اسم)
Global governance
Global governance - حکمرانی جهانی، the management of global affairs by international organizations and institutions. (اسم)
Humanitarian aid
Humanitarian aid - کمکهای بشردوستانه، assistance provided to relieve human suffering, especially in emergencies. (اسم)
Peacebuilding - ساخت صلح، efforts to establish lasting peace in post-conflict regions. (اسم)
Public welfare
Public welfare - رفاه عمومی، government programs designed to improve the well-being of citizens. (اسم)
Social equity
Social equity - برابری اجتماعی، fairness and justice in the distribution of resources and opportunities. (اسم)
Income inequality
Income inequality - نابرابری درآمد، the unequal distribution of income among individuals or groups in society. (اسم)
Public healthcare
Public healthcare - خدمات بهداشت عمومی، healthcare services provided and funded by the government. (اسم)
Public education
Public education - آموزش عمومی، schooling provided by the government to all children. (اسم)
Universal healthcare
Universal healthcare - مراقبتهای بهداشتی همگانی، a healthcare system that provides health services to all citizens. (اسم)
Affordable housing
Affordable housing - مسکن مقرون به صرفه، housing that is reasonably priced for low-income individuals or families. (اسم)
Urban development
Urban development - توسعه شهری، the planning and construction of infrastructure and housing in cities. (اسم)
Infrastructure development
Infrastructure development - توسعه زیرساختها، the creation and improvement of public infrastructure like roads, bridges, and utilities. (اسم)
Public transportation
Public transportation - حمل و نقل عمومی، transportation services that are available to the general public, typically run by the government. (اسم)
Access to clean water
Access to clean water - دسترسی به آب پاک، the availability of safe and clean drinking water for the population. (اسم)
Sanitation services
Sanitation services - خدمات بهداشت عمومی، services provided to manage waste and ensure cleanliness. (اسم)
Law and order
Law and order - نظم و قانون، the maintenance of social order through the enforcement of laws. (اسم)
Social justice
Social justice - عدالت اجتماعی، the pursuit of fairness and equality in society. (اسم)
Environmental protection
Environmental protection - حفاظت از محیط زیست، efforts to preserve and protect the natural environment. (اسم)
Crime prevention
Crime prevention - پیشگیری از جرم، strategies and measures to reduce criminal activity. (اسم)
Youth programs
Youth programs - برنامههای جوانان، initiatives designed to support and engage young people. (اسم)
Elderly care services
Elderly care services - خدمات مراقبت از سالمندان، support and care services for older adults. (اسم)
Disabled services
Disabled services - خدمات معلولین، programs and services designed to support individuals with disabilities. (اسم)
Women’s rights
Women’s rights - حقوق زنان، the rights and freedoms entitled to women, including equality and protection. (اسم)
Anti-discrimination laws
Anti-discrimination laws - قوانین ضد تبعیض، laws aimed at preventing discrimination based on race, gender, or other factors. (اسم)
General election
General election - انتخابات عمومی، a nationwide vote to choose representatives or leaders. (اسم)
Presidential election
Presidential election - انتخابات ریاست جمهوری، an election to select the president of a country. (اسم)
Local elections
Local elections - انتخابات محلی، elections held to choose local government officials or representatives. (اسم)
Polling station
Polling station - محل رأیگیری، a designated location where voters cast their ballots. (اسم)
Ballot - برگه رأی، the paper or digital form used by voters to cast their vote in an election. (اسم)
Voter registration
Voter registration - ثبتنام رایدهندگان، the process of enrolling citizens to vote in an election. (اسم)
Electoral commission
Electoral commission - کمیسیون انتخابات، an independent body responsible for overseeing elections. (اسم)
Electoral fraud
Electoral fraud - تقلب انتخاباتی، illegal interference with the election process, such as vote tampering or manipulation. (اسم)
Electoral system
Electoral system - سیستم انتخاباتی، the method used to conduct elections and count votes. (اسم)
Election turnout
Election turnout - میزان مشارکت در انتخابات، the percentage of eligible voters who actually vote in an election. (اسم)
Voting rights
Voting rights - حقوق رأیدهی، the legal right to vote in elections. (اسم)
Absentee voting
Absentee voting - رأیدهی غیابی، the process of voting by individuals who are not able to vote in person on election day. (اسم)
Postal voting
Postal voting - رأیدهی پستی، the process of voting by mail. (اسم)
Electoral college
Electoral college - کالج انتخاباتی، a group of representatives chosen to vote for the president in some countries, like the U.S. (اسم)
Run-off election
Run-off election - انتخابات دور دوم، a second election held when no candidate wins the majority in the first round. (اسم)
Polling results
Polling results - نتایج نظرسنجی، the outcome of surveys or polls conducted before or during an election. (اسم)
Swing state
Swing state - ایالت متغیر، a state where both major political parties have similar levels of support among voters. (اسم)
Political campaign
Political campaign - کمپین سیاسی، an organized effort to influence the decision-making of voters during an election. (اسم)
Political rally
Political rally - گردهمایی سیاسی، a gathering of people to support a political cause or candidate. (اسم)
Election manifesto
Election manifesto - منشور انتخاباتی، a document outlining a political party’s policies and goals during an election. (اسم)
Public expenditure
Public expenditure - هزینههای عمومی، government spending on public goods and services. (اسم)
Capital expenditure
Capital expenditure - هزینههای سرمایهای، spending on long-term investments, such as infrastructure or equipment. (اسم)
Current expenditure
Current expenditure - هزینههای جاری، government spending on daily operations and services. (اسم)
Social spending
Social spending - هزینههای اجتماعی، government expenditure on social services like healthcare, education, and welfare. (اسم)
Welfare spending
Welfare spending - هزینههای رفاهی، government spending on social support programs for those in need. (اسم)
Defense spending
Defense spending - هزینههای دفاعی، government expenditure on military and defense-related activities. (اسم)
Healthcare spending
Healthcare spending - هزینههای بهداشت و درمان، government or private spending on healthcare services. (اسم)
Education funding
Education funding - تأمین مالی آموزش، the allocation of financial resources for educational institutions. (اسم)
Infrastructure investment
Infrastructure investment - سرمایهگذاری در زیرساختها، funding for physical infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, and utilities. (اسم)
Subsidies - یارانهها، financial assistance provided by the government to support a particular industry or sector. (اسم)
Grants - کمکهای مالی، funds provided by the government or other organizations for specific purposes or projects. (اسم)
Social security payments
Social security payments - پرداختهای تأمین اجتماعی، financial assistance provided to individuals for retirement, disability, or unemployment. (اسم)
Pension payments
Pension payments - پرداختهای بازنشستگی، money given to individuals after retirement as part of a pension system. (اسم)
Unemployment benefits
Unemployment benefits - مزایای بیکاری، financial assistance provided to individuals who are unemployed. (اسم)
Economic stimulus packages
Economic stimulus packages - بستههای محرک اقتصادی، government programs designed to stimulate economic growth, often in times of recession. (اسم)
Research and development funding
Research and development funding - تأمین مالی تحقیق و توسعه، financial support for innovation, research, and new technologies. (اسم)
Environmental protection funding
Environmental protection funding - تأمین مالی حفاظت از محیط زیست، financial resources allocated to preserving and protecting the environment. (اسم)
Cultural funding
Cultural funding - تأمین مالی فرهنگی، financial support provided for cultural projects or institutions. (اسم)
Foreign aid
Foreign aid - کمکهای خارجی، financial or material assistance provided by one country to another. (اسم)
International development funding
International development funding - تأمین مالی توسعه بینالمللی، financial resources allocated for global development projects. (اسم)
Foreign assistance
Foreign assistance - کمکهای خارجی، financial aid or other support given by one country to another. (اسم)
Debt repayment
Debt repayment - بازپرداخت بدهی، the process of paying back borrowed money. (اسم)
Public sector salaries
Public sector salaries - حقوق بخش عمومی، wages paid to government employees. (اسم)
Government contracts
Government contracts - قراردادهای دولتی، agreements between the government and private entities for goods or services. (اسم)
Public services financing
Public services financing - تأمین مالی خدمات عمومی، funding allocated for services like healthcare, education, and public safety. (اسم)
Social welfare programs
Social welfare programs - برنامههای رفاه اجتماعی، government programs aimed at providing financial or social assistance to those in need. (اسم)
Tax revenue
Tax revenue - درآمد مالیاتی، the income generated by the government from taxes. (اسم)
Borrowing - قرض گرفتن، the act of obtaining money from an external source, often to finance government spending. (اسم)
Foreign aid
کمک های خارجی
National debt
National debt - بدهی ملی، the total amount of money the government owes to external and internal creditors. (اسم)
Government bonds
Government bonds - اوراق قرضه دولتی، debt securities issued by the government to raise funds. (اسم)
Fiscal reserves
Fiscal reserves - ذخایر مالی، the financial savings or buffer held by a government for emergencies. (اسم)
State-owned enterprises revenue
State-owned enterprises revenue - درآمد شرکتهای دولتی، the income generated by companies owned and operated by the government. (اسم)
Public-private partnerships
Public-private partnerships - شراکتهای دولتی-خصوصی، collaborations between the government and private entities to provide public services or infrastructure. (اسم)
Donations - اهداءات، voluntary contributions of money or goods, often to charitable causes. (اسم)
Grants and donations
Grants and donations - کمکها و اهداءات، financial assistance and voluntary contributions provided to support various causes. (اسم)
Foreign loans
Foreign loans - وامهای خارجی، loans given to a country or government by foreign lenders. (اسم)
International financial institutions
International financial institutions - مؤسسات مالی بینالمللی، organizations that provide financial support and advice to countries. (اسم)
Private investments
Private investments - سرمایهگذاریهای خصوصی، funds invested by individuals or companies in businesses or projects. (اسم)
Crowdfunding (for specific projects)
Crowdfunding (for specific projects) - تأمین مالی جمعی (برای پروژههای خاص)، raising small amounts of money from many people for a specific project or cause. (اسم)
Annual budget
Annual budget - بودجه سالانه، the financial plan that outlines expected government revenue and expenditures for the year. (اسم)
Budget proposal
Budget proposal - پیشنهاد بودجه، a plan outlining how government funds will be spent in the upcoming period. (اسم)
Budget deficit
Budget deficit - کسری بودجه، the amount by which government spending exceeds its revenue. (اسم)
Budget surplus
Budget surplus - مازاد بودجه، the amount by which government revenue exceeds its spending. (اسم)
Balanced budget
Balanced budget - بودجه متوازن، a budget where government spending equals its revenue. (اسم)
Deficit spending
Deficit spending - هزینهکرد کسری، government spending that exceeds its revenue, often leading to debt. (اسم)
Government fiscal policy
Government fiscal policy - سیاست مالی دولت، government actions related to spending and taxation to influence the economy. (اسم)
Budget allocation
Budget allocation - تخصیص بودجه، the process of distributing government funds to various sectors or departments. (اسم)
Financial plan
Financial plan - طرح مالی، a strategy for managing and spending funds. (اسم)
Government revenue
Government revenue - درآمد دولت، the income generated by the government through taxes and other means. (اسم)
Budgetary constraints
Budgetary constraints - محدودیتهای بودجهای، limitations on how much money can be spent in the budget. (اسم)
Public sector budgeting
Public sector budgeting - بودجهبندی بخش عمومی، the process of planning and managing the budget for public sector activities. (اسم)
Revenue forecasting
Revenue forecasting - پیشبینی درآمد، the process of estimating future government revenue. (اسم)
Expenditure planning
Expenditure planning - برنامهریزی هزینهها، the process of planning and controlling government spending. (اسم)
Fiscal responsibility
Fiscal responsibility - مسئولیت مالی، the practice of managing government finances prudently to avoid excessive debt. (اسم)
Budget approval
Budget approval - تصویب بودجه، the process by which a government or legislative body approves the proposed budget. (اسم)
Spending cuts
Spending cuts - کاهش هزینهها، reductions in government spending to control the budget. (اسم)
Tax adjustments
Tax adjustments - تنظیمات مالیاتی، changes made to the tax rates or tax system. (اسم)
Economic growth
Economic growth - رشد اقتصادی، the increase in the production of goods and services in an economy over time. (اسم)
Inflation control
Inflation control - کنترل تورم، measures taken by the government to limit the rise in prices of goods
Job creation
Job creation - ایجاد شغل، the process of generating employment opportunities. (اسم)
Public debt management
Public debt management - مدیریت بدهی عمومی، the process of managing a country’s debt through strategies like borrowing, repayment, and interest control. (اسم)
Income redistribution
Income redistribution - توزیع مجدد درآمد، policies aimed at reducing income inequality by redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor. (اسم)
Poverty alleviation
Poverty alleviation - کاهش فقر، efforts and policies designed to reduce poverty and improve living standards. (اسم)
Social equity
Social equity - عدالت اجتماعی، fairness in the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges in society. (اسم)
Improvement in public services
Improvement in public services - بهبود خدمات عمومی، efforts to enhance the quality and efficiency of government-provided services. (اسم)
Infrastructure development
Infrastructure development - توسعه زیرساختها، the creation and improvement of physical structures like roads, schools, and hospitals. (اسم)
Economic stabilization
Economic stabilization - تثبیت اقتصادی، measures taken to reduce economic volatility and ensure steady growth. (اسم)
Boosting consumer confidence
Boosting consumer confidence - افزایش اعتماد مصرفکننده، actions aimed at improving consumers’ trust in the economy, encouraging spending and investment. (اسم)
Environmental sustainability
Environmental sustainability - پایداری محیط زیست، practices that maintain the health and balance of ecosystems over the long term. (اسم)
Crisis management
Crisis management - مدیریت بحران، the process of handling emergencies or disasters effectively. (اسم)
Health outcomes improvement
Health outcomes improvement - بهبود نتایج سلامت، efforts to increase the effectiveness of healthcare services and improve public health. (اسم)
Education quality improvement
Education quality improvement - بهبود کیفیت آموزش، strategies aimed at enhancing the standard of education provided. (اسم)
Urban development
Urban development - توسعه شهری، the planning and development of cities, including housing, infrastructure, and services. (اسم)
Innovation and technological advancement
Innovation and technological advancement - نوآوری و پیشرفت فناوری، the process of developing new technologies and applying them to solve problems. (اسم)
Wasteful spending
Wasteful spending - هزینهکرد بیفایده، government spending on unnecessary or ineffective programs. (اسم)
Misallocation of resources
Misallocation of resources - تخصیص نادرست منابع، inefficient or inappropriate use of financial or material resources. (اسم)
Government inefficiency
Government inefficiency - ناکارآمدی دولت، the inability of the government to use resources effectively and deliver services efficiently. (اسم)
Over-spending - بیشصرفی، spending more money than is necessary or budgeted for. (اسم)
Public sector corruption
Public sector corruption - فساد در بخش عمومی، dishonest or unethical behavior by government officials or employees. (اسم)
Budget mismanagement
Budget mismanagement - سوءمدیریت بودجه، poor handling or oversight of government funds leading to inefficiency or waste. (اسم)
Underfunding of essential services
Underfunding of essential services - کمبود بودجه برای خدمات ضروری، insufficient financial support for critical public services like healthcare and education. (اسم)
Inflationary pressures
Inflationary pressures - فشارهای تورمی، economic factors that cause the general price level of goods and services to rise. (اسم)
Deficit financing
Deficit financing - تأمین مالی کسری بودجه، the practice of funding government expenditures by borrowing rather than from revenue. (اسم)
Unsustainable debt levels
Unsustainable debt levels - سطوح بدهی غیرقابل تحمل، situations where a country’s debt grows faster than its ability to repay. (اسم)
Dependency on foreign loans
Dependency on foreign loans - وابستگی به وامهای خارجی، reliance on borrowing from other countries to finance government activities. (اسم)
Politically motivated spending
Politically motivated spending - هزینهکرد با انگیزههای سیاسی، government spending directed by political agendas rather than economic needs. (اسم)
Lack of transparency
Lack of transparency - عدم شفافیت، the absence of openness in government operations or decision-making. (اسم)
Unnecessary government projects
Unnecessary government projects - پروژههای دولتی غیرضروری، government-funded initiatives that are considered wasteful or not essential. (اسم)
Unfair distribution of resources
Unfair distribution of resources - توزیع ناعادلانه منابع، unequal allocation of resources, leading to social inequality. (اسم)
National security
National security - امنیت ملی، the protection of a country’s borders, citizens, and institutions from external threats. (اسم)
Social safety net
Social safety net - شبکه ایمنی اجتماعی، government programs designed to provide basic financial support to citizens in need. (اسم)
Infrastructure development
Infrastructure development - توسعه زیرساختها، the building and improvement of physical structures like roads and utilities. (اسم)
Health care system
Health care system - سیستم بهداشت و درمان، the network of institutions and policies that provide medical care to a population. (اسم)
Education system
Education system - سیستم آموزشی، the structure and organization of educational institutions and processes in a country. (اسم)
Research and innovation
Research and innovation - تحقیق و نوآوری، the systematic investigation and application of new ideas and technologies. (اسم)
Environmental protection
Environmental protection - حفاظت از محیط زیست، actions taken to preserve and protect the natural environment. (اسم)
Public transportation
Public transportation - حمل و نقل عمومی، transportation systems that are available for use by the general public, typically funded by the government. (اسم)
Affordable housing
Affordable housing - مسکن مقرون به صرفه، housing that is affordable for low-income families or individuals. (اسم)
Youth programs
Youth programs - برنامههای جوانان، initiatives designed to support, engage, and develop young people. (اسم)
Pension funds
Pension funds - صندوقهای بازنشستگی، financial accounts that provide for individuals after retirement. (اسم)
Retirement benefits
Retirement benefits - مزایای بازنشستگی، financial support provided to individuals when they retire from work. (اسم)
Public health campaigns
Public health campaigns - کمپینهای بهداشت عمومی، organized efforts to inform and influence public health behavior. (اسم)
Environmental conservation
Environmental conservation - حفاظت از محیط زیست، efforts aimed at preserving natural resources and ecosystems. (اسم)
Crisis relief funding
Crisis relief funding - تأمین مالی امداد بحران، financial resources provided to help people affected by natural or man-made disasters. (اسم)
Public debt
Public debt - بدهی عمومی، the total amount of money the government owes to external and internal creditors. (اسم)
National debt
National debt - بدهی ملی، the total debt accumulated by a country over time. (اسم)
Foreign debt
Foreign debt - بدهی خارجی، the portion of a country’s debt that is owed to foreign creditors. (اسم)
Government bonds
Government bonds - اوراق قرضه دولتی، debt securities issued by the government to raise funds. (اسم)
Debt-to-GDP ratio
Debt-to-GDP ratio - نسبت بدهی به تولید ناخالص داخلی، a measure of a country’s debt compared to its economic output. (اسم)
Debt servicing
Debt servicing - پرداخت بدهی، the process of paying interest and principal on debt. (اسم)
Debt repayment plan
Debt repayment plan - برنامه بازپرداخت بدهی، a structured plan to repay borrowed funds over time. (اسم)
Borrowing capacity
Borrowing capacity - ظرفیت قرض گرفتن، the maximum amount of debt a government or organization can afford to take on. (اسم)
Sovereign debt
Sovereign debt - بدهی دولتی، the debt issued by a national government. (اسم)
Government loan agreements
Government loan agreements - توافقنامههای وام دولتی، legal contracts in which a government borrows money. (اسم)
Interest on national debt
Interest on national debt - بهره از بدهی ملی، the cost paid by the government to borrow money, expressed as a percentage of the debt. (اسم)
Deficit financing
Deficit financing - تأمین مالی کسری بودجه، borrowing money to cover a government’s budget deficit. (اسم)
Debt ceiling
Debt ceiling - سقف بدهی، a limit on the amount of debt a government can accumulate. (اسم)
Government credit rating
Government credit rating - رتبه اعتباری دولت، a measure of a government’s ability to repay its debt. (اسم)
Fiscal deficits
Fiscal deficits - کسری مالی، the amount by which government spending exceeds its revenue in a given period. (اسم)
Austerity measures
Austerity measures - تدابیر ریاضتی، policies intended to reduce government budget deficits by cutting public spending. (اسم)
Bailout packages
Bailout packages - بستههای نجات، financial assistance provided to support failing organizations or sectors. (اسم)
International loans
International loans - وامهای بینالمللی، loans given to a country by international lenders or organizations. (اسم)
Keynesian economics
Keynesian economics - اقتصاد کینزی، an economic theory advocating for government intervention to stabilize economic cycles. (اسم)
Supply-side economics
Supply-side economics - اقتصاد از طرف عرضه، an economic theory focusing on boosting production and lowering taxes to stimulate growth. (اسم)
Fiscal stimulus
Fiscal stimulus - تحریک مالی، government spending or tax cuts designed to boost economic activity. (اسم)
Monetary policy
Monetary policy - سیاست پولی، the management of the money supply and interest rates to influence economic activity. (اسم)
Public sector investment
Public sector investment - سرمایهگذاری بخش عمومی، investments made by the government in infrastructure, education, etc. (اسم)
Crowding-out effect
Crowding-out effect - اثر شلوغی، the economic theory that government spending can reduce private sector investment. (اسم)
Multiplier effect
Multiplier effect - اثر چندبرابری، the increase in economic activity generated by an initial amount of spending or investment. (اسم)
Tax-and-spend policies
Tax-and-spend policies - سیاستهای مالیاتی و هزینهای، government strategies of raising taxes and increasing spending to manage the economy. (اسم)
Government intervention
Government intervention - مداخله دولت، the act of the government influencing or regulating economic activity. (اسم)
Public-private partnerships
Public-private partnerships - شراکتهای دولتی-خصوصی، collaborations between the government and private companies to deliver services or infrastructure. (اسم)
Economic stabilization policies
Economic stabilization policies - سیاستهای تثبیت اقتصادی، measures designed to reduce economic volatility. (اسم)
Discretionary spending
Discretionary spending - هزینهکرد اختیاری، government spending that is not mandated by law but determined annually. (اسم)
Mandatory spending
Mandatory spending - هزینهکرد الزامی، government spending required by law for certain programs like Social Security. (اسم)