Environment and Global warming and pollution Flashcards
To mitigate
To mitigate: کاهش دادن / to make something less severe or harmful / فعل
To exacerbate
To exacerbate: تشدید کردن / to make a situation worse or more intense / فعل
To conserve
To conserve: محافظت کردن / to use something carefully or wisely to avoid waste / فعل
To pollute
To pollute: آلوده کردن / to make the environment dirty or harmful by introducing contaminants / فعل
To reduce
To reduce: کاهش دادن / to make something smaller or less in amount, degree, or size / فعل
To emit
To emit: انتشار دادن / to release or discharge something, especially gases or radiation / فعل
To contaminate
To contaminate: آلوده کردن / to make something impure or harmful by contact with something unclean or harmful / فعل
To deplete
To deplete: کاهش دادن / to use up or exhaust the supply of something / فعل
To recycle
To recycle: بازیافت کردن / to process used materials to make new products / فعل
To preserve
To preserve: حفظ کردن / to maintain something in its original state or condition / فعل
Climate change
Climate change: تغییرات اقلیمی / long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, and other atmospheric conditions / اسم
Global warming
Global warming: گرمایش جهانی / the gradual increase in the Earth’s temperature due to human activities / اسم
Pollution: آلودگی / the introduction of harmful substances into the environment / اسم
Greenhouse gases
Greenhouse gases: گازهای گلخانهای / gases that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, contributing to global warming / اسم
Fossil fuels
Fossil fuels: سوختهای فسیلی / natural fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas formed from the remains of living organisms / اسم
Carbon footprint
Carbon footprint: ردپای کربن / the amount of carbon dioxide emissions produced by human activities / اسم
Deforestation: جنگلزدایی / the process of clearing or removing forests / اسم
Ecosystem: اکوسیستم / a community of living organisms interacting with each other and their environment / اسم
Sustainability: پایداری / the ability to maintain or support a process or system over the long term / اسم
Renewable energy
Renewable energy: انرژی تجدیدپذیر / energy derived from resources that are naturally replenished, such as wind, solar, and hydro / اسم
Environmental impact
Environmental impact: تأثیرات محیطی / the effect of human activities on the natural environment / اسم
Ozone layer
Ozone layer: لایه اوزون / a layer in the Earth’s stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation / اسم
Green energy
Green energy: انرژی سبز / energy produced from renewable, non-polluting sources / اسم
Climate change mitigation
Climate change mitigation: کاهش تغییرات اقلیمی / actions taken to reduce or prevent the effects of climate change / اسم
Environmental protection
Environmental protection: حفاظت از محیط زیست / actions or policies aimed at preserving natural resources and ecosystems / اسم
Renewable sources of energy
Renewable sources of energy: منابع انرژی تجدیدپذیر / sources of energy that are naturally replenished, like wind, solar, and geothermal / اسم
Carbon emissions
Carbon emissions: انتشارات کربن / the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, often from burning fossil fuels / اسم
Air pollution
Air pollution: آلودگی هوا / the presence of harmful substances in the air that can negatively impact human health and the environment / اسم
Natural resources
Natural resources: منابع طبیعی / raw materials and elements found in nature, such as water, minerals, and forests / اسم
Waste management
Waste management: مدیریت زبالهها / the collection, transportation, and disposal of waste materials / اسم
Environmental degradation
Environmental degradation: تخریب محیط زیست / the deterioration of the natural environment due to human activity / اسم
Energy consumption
Energy consumption: مصرف انرژی / the amount of energy used by individuals, industries, or nations / اسم
Sustainable: پایدار / capable of being maintained or continued over the long term without depleting resources / صفت
Polluted: آلوده / contaminated with harmful substances / صفت
Green: سبز / environmentally friendly or sustainable / صفت
Renewable: تجدیدپذیر / capable of being replenished naturally or continuously / صفت
Toxic: سمی / harmful or poisonous to living organisms / صفت
Harmful: مضر / causing damage or injury / صفت
Ecosystem-friendly: دوستدار اکوسیستم / beneficial or non-harmful to ecosystems / صفت
Biodegradable: تجزیهپذیر / capable of being broken down by natural processes / صفت
Destructive: ویرانگر / causing damage or harm / صفت
Climate-friendly: سازگار با تغییرات اقلیمی / beneficial or non-harmful to the climate / صفت
Cut down on
Cut down on: کاهش دادن / to reduce the use or consumption of something / فعل
Burn out
Burn out: از پا افتادن / to exhaust oneself physically or mentally, often from overwork / فعل
Clean up
Clean up: تمیز کردن / to remove contaminants or pollutants from an area / فعل
Give off
Give off: آزاد کردن / to release or emit (e.g., gases, light) / فعل
Lay waste to
Lay waste to: نابود کردن / to destroy or ruin something / فعل
Set in
Set in: آغاز شدن / to begin, especially of a disease or situation / فعل
Turn down
Turn down: رد کردن / to refuse or reject an offer or request / فعل
Phase out
Phase out: تدریجی کنار گذاشتن / to gradually stop or discontinue something / فعل
To tackle
To tackle: مقابله کردن / to address or deal with a problem or challenge / فعل
To combat
To combat: مبارزه کردن / to fight against something, usually a problem or issue / فعل
To regulate
To regulate: تنظیم کردن / to control or maintain something according to rules or laws / فعل
To contribute
To contribute: کمک کردن / to give or add something to a cause or activity / فعل
To conserve
To conserve: حفظ کردن / to use or manage resources wisely to prevent depletion / فعل
To adapt
To adapt: سازگار کردن / to adjust to new conditions or changes / فعل
To reverse
To reverse: معکوس کردن / to change something to its opposite or previous state / فعل
To abandon
To abandon: رها کردن / to leave behind or give up something / فعل
To drain
To drain: تخلیه کردن / to remove or deplete something, usually a resource or energy / فعل
To threaten
To threaten: تهدید کردن / to pose a danger or risk to something / فعل
Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide: دیاکسید کربن / a colorless, odorless gas produced by burning fossil fuels and by respiration / اسم
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency: کارایی انرژی / using less energy to perform the same task or achieve the same result / اسم
Sea level rise
Sea level rise: افزایش سطح دریا / the increase in the global average sea level due to melting ice and thermal expansion / اسم
Extreme weather
Extreme weather: شرایط آب و هوایی شدید / unusual, severe weather conditions like hurricanes, heatwaves, or heavy storms / اسم
Ecological footprint
Ecological footprint: ردپای اکولوژیکی / the impact of human activity on the environment, measured by the resources consumed and waste produced / اسم
Polar ice caps
Polar ice caps: کلاهکهای یخی قطبی / large masses of ice at the Earth’s poles that are melting due to global warming / اسم
Natural disaster
Natural disaster: فاجعه طبیعی / a catastrophic event caused by natural processes, such as earthquakes or floods / اسم
Water scarcity
Water scarcity: کمبود آب / a situation where water resources are insufficient to meet demand / اسم
Soil erosion
Soil erosion: فرسایش خاک / the removal of the topsoil by wind, water, or other natural forces / اسم
Waste disposal
Waste disposal: دفع زبالهها / the process of discarding or managing waste materials / اسم
Climate crisis
Climate crisis: بحران اقلیمی / a significant and urgent environmental threat caused by climate change / اسم
Environmental legislation
Environmental legislation: قوانین محیط زیست / laws and regulations aimed at protecting the environment / اسم
Reduce emissions
Reduce emissions: کاهش انتشارات / to decrease the amount of harmful gases released into the atmosphere / فعل
Increase awareness
Increase awareness: افزایش آگاهی / to make people more aware of an issue or problem / فعل
Combat pollution
Combat pollution: مبارزه با آلودگی / to take action to reduce or prevent pollution / فعل
Save energy
Save energy: صرفهجویی در انرژی / to use less energy or to use it more efficiently / فعل
Protect wildlife
Protect wildlife: محافظت از حیات وحش / to preserve and safeguard animal species and their habitats / فعل
Climate resilience
Climate resilience: تابآوری در برابر تغییرات اقلیمی / the ability to withstand or recover from climate change impacts / اسم
Adopt green practices
Adopt green practices: پذیرش روشهای سبز / to implement environmentally-friendly actions or behaviors / فعل
Waste reduction
Waste reduction: کاهش زبالهها / the process of minimizing waste production / اسم
Renewable energy sources
Renewable energy sources: منابع انرژی تجدیدپذیر / energy sources that are replenishable and non-polluting, such as wind and solar / اسم
Environmental policy
Environmental policy: سیاستهای محیط زیست / strategies and regulations aimed at protecting the environment
Environmental awareness
Environmental awareness: آگاهی محیط زیستی / understanding and concern about the environment and its protection / اسم
Carbon offset
Carbon offset: جبران کربن / actions taken to balance out carbon emissions by reducing or compensating elsewhere / اسم
Carbon-neutral: بدون انتشار کربن / having a net-zero carbon footprint, where no net carbon emissions are released / صفت
Ecologically balanced
Ecologically balanced: تعادل اکولوژیکی / maintaining a stable and sustainable ecosystem where all parts function harmoniously / صفت
Environmentally-conscious: آگاه به محیط زیست / being aware of and concerned about the environment’s well-being / صفت
Non-renewable: غیرقابل تجدید / resources that cannot be replenished naturally within a human time frame, such as fossil fuels / صفت
Low-carbon: کم کربن / producing little or no carbon emissions / صفت
Wasteful: پرهزینه / using resources carelessly or excessively, leading to unnecessary waste / صفت
Energy-efficient: با کارایی بالا در مصرف انرژی / using less energy to perform a task effectively / صفت
Ecosystem-based: مبتنی بر اکوسیستم / relating to the use and management of ecosystems for sustainability / صفت
Pollution-free: بدون آلودگی / free from harmful pollutants or contaminants / صفت
Overpopulated: دارای جمعیت زیاد / having more people than can be sustainably supported by the environment / صفت
Hazardous: خطرناک / dangerous or harmful, especially to health or the environment / صفت
Clean up after
Clean up after: پس از کسی تمیز کردن / to remove waste or debris after someone or something has caused mess / فعل
Cut back on
Cut back on: کاهش دادن / to reduce the amount or level of something / فعل
Phase in
Phase in: تدریجاً وارد کردن / to introduce or implement something gradually over time / فعل
Lead to
Lead to: منجر شدن به / to cause or result in something / فعل
Do away with
Do away with: کنار گذاشتن / to eliminate or stop using something / فعل
Bring about
Bring about: به وجود آوردن / to cause something to happen or change / فعل
Shut down
Shut down: تعطیل کردن / to close or stop the operation of something, such as a business or process / فعل
Run out of
Run out of: تمام شدن / to have no more of something left / فعل
Give up on
Give up on: ناامید شدن از / to stop trying or abandon hope for something / فعل
Go green
Go green: سبز بودن / to adopt environmentally friendly practices or behavior / فعل
To reduce
To reduce: کاهش دادن / to make something smaller or less in amount, size, or degree / فعل
To increase
To increase: افزایش دادن / to make something greater in amount, size, or degree / فعل
To offset
To offset: جبران کردن / to counterbalance or compensate for something / فعل
To enhance
To enhance: تقویت کردن / to improve or increase something in quality, value, or extent / فعل
To stabilize
To stabilize: پایدار کردن / to make something more stable or steady / فعل
To decontaminate
To decontaminate: از آلودگی پاک کردن / to remove harmful substances or pollutants from something / فعل
To safeguard
To safeguard: حفاظت کردن / to protect something from harm or damage / فعل
To monitor
To monitor: نظارت کردن / to observe and check the progress or quality of something over time / فعل
To promote
To promote: ترویج دادن / to encourage or advance something, such as a cause or behavior / فعل
To integrate
To integrate: ادغام کردن / to combine different parts or systems into a unified whole / فعل
To intervene
To intervene: مداخله کردن / to become involved in a situation in order to change or improve it / فعل
To restrict
To restrict: محدود کردن / to limit or control something in size, amount, or extent / فعل
To revive
To revive: احیاء کردن / to bring something back to life, existence, or use / فعل
To safeguard
To safeguard: حفاظت کردن / to protect something from harm, damage, or risk / فعل
Biodiversity: تنوع زیستی / the variety of different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms in an ecosystem / اسم
Solar power
Solar power: انرژی خورشیدی / energy obtained from the sun through solar panels / اسم
Wind energy
Wind energy: انرژی بادی / energy generated by wind through turbines / اسم
Energy grid
Energy grid: شبکه انرژی / a system for transmitting and distributing electricity / اسم
Hydropower: انرژی آبی / energy generated from the movement of water, such as rivers or dams / اسم
Geothermal energy
Geothermal energy: انرژی زمینگرمایی / energy derived from the heat of the Earth’s interior / اسم
Air quality
Air quality: کیفیت هوا / the condition of the air, especially in terms of pollution or cleanliness / اسم
Soil contamination
Soil contamination: آلودگی خاک / the presence of harmful substances in the soil that may affect health or plants / اسم
Water pollution
Water pollution: آلودگی آب / the contamination of water bodies with harmful substances / اسم
Waste treatment
Waste treatment: تصفیه زباله / the process of handling waste in a way that reduces its harmful impact / اسم
Plastic waste
Plastic waste: زبالههای پلاستیکی / discarded plastic materials that harm the environment / اسم
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect: اثر گلخانهای / the trapping of the sun’s warmth in the Earth’s atmosphere due to gases like CO₂ / اسم
Ocean acidification
Ocean acidification: اسیدی شدن اقیانوسها / the decrease in ocean pH levels due to the absorption of excess CO₂ / اسم
Urbanization: شهرنشینی / the process of cities expanding and people moving from rural to urban areas / اسم
Food security
Food security: امنیت غذایی / ensuring access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food for all / اسم
Take action
Take action: اقدام کردن / to take steps to address a situation or problem / فعل
Lower carbon emissions
Lower carbon emissions: کاهش انتشارات کربن / to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere / فعل
Adopt sustainable practices
Adopt sustainable practices: پذیرش شیوههای پایدار / to implement actions or habits that support long-term environmental health / فعل
Create awareness
Create awareness: ایجاد آگاهی / to raise understanding or knowledge about a specific issue / فعل
Tackle climate change
Tackle climate change: مقابله با تغییرات اقلیمی / to address and take action to reduce the impacts of climate change / فعل
Reduce ecological impact
Reduce ecological impact: کاهش تأثیرات زیستمحیطی / to lessen the harmful effects humans have on the environment / فعل
Combat deforestation
Combat deforestation: مبارزه با جنگلزدایی / to take actions that prevent or reduce forest destruction / فعل
Improve energy efficiency
Improve energy efficiency: بهبود کارایی انرژی / to reduce the energy consumption needed to perform a specific task / فعل
Waste management strategies
Waste management strategies: استراتژیهای مدیریت زباله / plans and methods for handling, reducing, and disposing of waste / اسم
Reduce carbon footprint
Reduce carbon footprint: کاهش ردپای کربن / to lessen the amount of carbon dioxide emissions caused by human activities / فعل
Shift to renewable energy
Shift to renewable energy: تغییر به انرژی تجدیدپذیر / to transition from non-renewable to renewable energy sources / فعل
Raise environmental standards
Raise environmental standards: افزایش استانداردهای محیط زیستی / to improve the rules and regulations that protect the environment / فعل
Minimize damage
Minimize damage: کاهش آسیبها / to reduce harm or negative impacts as much as possible / فعل
Encourage green innovations
Encourage green innovations: تشویق به نوآوریهای سبز / to promote the development of environmentally-friendly technologies or ideas / فعل
Resource-efficient: با استفاده بهینه از منابع / using resources in the most effective and sustainable way / صفت
Climate-conscious: آگاه به تغییرات اقلیمی / being aware and mindful of the impacts of climate change / صفت
Eco-friendly: دوستدار محیط زیست / environmentally friendly, not harmful to the environment / صفت
Pollution-free: بدون آلودگی / free from harmful pollutants / صفت
Low-impact: کم تاثیر / having minimal negative effects on the environment / صفت
Toxic-free: بدون سم / free from harmful substances / صفت
Zero-waste: بدون ضایعات / a system or lifestyle that minimizes waste production / صفت
Non-toxic: غیرسمی / not harmful or poisonous / صفت
Environmentally-unfriendly: ضد محیط زیست / harmful to the environment, causing pollution or damage / صفت
Climate-sensitive: حساس به تغییرات اقلیمی / affected by or responsive to climate changes / صفت
Ecosystem-friendly: دوستدار اکوسیستم / beneficial or not harmful to ecosystems / صفت
Sustainably sourced
Sustainably sourced: از منابع پایدار استخراج شده / obtained from resources that can be replenished naturally over time / صفت
Turn off (Energy consumption)
Turn off (Energy consumption): خاموش کردن / to stop the use of energy or electricity / فعل
Scale back (reduce usage)
Scale back (reduce usage): کاهش دادن / to decrease or reduce the extent of something / فعل
Cut down on (reduce emissions)
Cut down on (reduce emissions): کاهش دادن / to decrease the amount of emissions or pollutants / فعل
Warm up (global warming)
Warm up (global warming): گرم شدن / to increase in temperature, particularly referring to global warming / فعل
Clear up (clean up pollution)
Clear up (clean up pollution): پاکسازی کردن / to remove or reduce pollution / فعل
Hold back (restrain pollution levels)
Hold back (restrain pollution levels): مهار کردن / to control or limit the extent of pollution / فعل
Burn up (burn fossil fuels)
Burn up (burn fossil fuels): سوختن / to use or consume fossil fuels, releasing carbon dioxide and other pollutants / فعل
Tear down (destroy ecosystems)
Tear down (destroy ecosystems): تخریب کردن / to destroy or demolish ecosystems or habitats / فعل
Check out (examine environmental issues)
Check out (examine environmental issues): بررسی کردن / to investigate or assess environmental concerns / فعل
Give in to (succumb to environmental destruction)
Give in to (succumb to environmental destruction): تسلیم شدن / to accept or allow environmental damage to occur / فعل
To sequester carbon
To sequester carbon: ذخیرهسازی کربن / to capture and store carbon dioxide to prevent it from entering the atmosphere / فعل
To decarbonize
To decarbonize: کاهش کربن / to reduce or eliminate carbon emissions from processes or systems / فعل
To electrify
To electrify: برقی کردن / to convert or switch to electric power / فعل
To offset emissions
To offset emissions: جبران کردن انتشارات / to compensate for carbon emissions by reducing or removing an equivalent amount elsewhere / فعل
To capture carbon
To capture carbon: جذب کربن / to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to prevent it from contributing to global warming / فعل
To adopt clean technologies
To adopt clean technologies: پذیرش فناوریهای پاک / to implement technologies that produce minimal environmental impact / فعل
To retrofit
To retrofit: بازسازی کردن / to modify or improve existing systems to be more efficient or environmentally friendly / فعل
To implement policies
To implement policies: پیادهسازی سیاستها / to put laws or strategies into effect / فعل
Greenhouse gases (GHGs)
Greenhouse gases (GHGs): گازهای گلخانهای / gases in the atmosphere that trap heat and contribute to global warming, such as CO₂ and methane / اسم
Carbon dioxide (CO₂)
Carbon dioxide (CO₂): دیاکسید کربن / a greenhouse gas produced by burning fossil fuels and deforestation, contributing to global warming / اسم
Methane: متان / a potent greenhouse gas produced by agriculture, livestock, and the decay of organic waste / اسم
Nitrous oxide
Nitrous oxide: اکسید نیتروز / a greenhouse gas produced by agricultural activities and the burning of fossil fuels / اسم
Carbon offset
Carbon offset: جبران کربن / compensating for carbon emissions by reducing or removing an equivalent amount of carbon from the atmosphere elsewhere / اسم
Electric vehicle (EV)
Electric vehicle (EV): وسیله نقلیه الکتریکی / a vehicle powered by electricity instead of fossil fuels / اسم
Hybrid vehicle
Hybrid vehicle: وسیله نقلیه هیبریدی / a vehicle that uses both a traditional internal combustion engine and an electric motor / اسم
Battery storage
Battery storage: ذخیرهسازی باتری / the storage of energy in batteries for later use, especially from renewable sources / اسم
Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Carbon capture and storage (CCS): جذب و ذخیرهسازی کربن / the process of capturing carbon dioxide emissions and storing them underground or in other ways to prevent them from entering the atmosphere / اسم
Fuel efficiency
Fuel efficiency: کارایی سوخت / the ability of a vehicle or engine to use fuel effectively, often measured by distance traveled per unit of fuel / اسم
Zero-emission vehicles
Zero-emission vehicles: وسایل نقلیه بدون انتشار / vehicles that do not produce any harmful emissions, such as electric cars / اسم
Renewable energy sources
Renewable energy sources: منابع انرژی تجدیدپذیر / energy sources that can be replenished naturally, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power / اسم
Solar panels
Solar panels: پنلهای خورشیدی / devices that convert sunlight into electricity / اسم
Wind turbines
Wind turbines: توربینهای بادی / devices that convert wind energy into electricity / اسم
Smart grid
Smart grid: شبکه هوشمند / an electricity network that uses digital technology to monitor and manage the delivery of electricity more efficiently / اسم
Geothermal energy
Geothermal energy: انرژی زمینگرمایی / energy derived from the Earth’s internal heat / اسم
Reduce carbon emissions
Reduce carbon emissions: کاهش انتشار کربن / to lower the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere / فعل
Adopt hybrid technology
Adopt hybrid technology: پذیرش فناوری هیبریدی / to implement technology that combines different energy sources, such as an electric motor with a gasoline engine / فعل
Increase energy efficiency
Increase energy efficiency: افزایش کارایی انرژی / to use less energy to achieve the same or better results / فعل
Promote green technologies
Promote green technologies: ترویج فناوریهای سبز / to encourage the development and use of environmentally friendly technologies / فعل
Switch to renewable energy
Switch to renewable energy: تغییر به انرژی تجدیدپذیر / to change from using non-renewable to renewable sources of energy / فعل
Offset carbon footprint
Offset carbon footprint: جبران ردپای کربن / to take actions that compensate for one’s carbon emissions by reducing or eliminating an equivalent amount elsewhere / فعل
Carbon-neutral economy
Carbon-neutral economy: اقتصاد بدون کربن / an economy that does not add to the total amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere / اسم
Sustainable transportation
Sustainable transportation: حمل و نقل پایدار / transportation methods that do not negatively impact the environment and can be maintained long-term / اسم
Adopt electric cars
Adopt electric cars: پذیرش خودروهای برقی / to begin using electric cars to reduce emissions / فعل
Minimize energy consumption
Minimize energy consumption: کاهش مصرف انرژی / to use the least amount of energy necessary to perform a task / فعل
Carbon-neutral: بدون انتشار کربن / having no net carbon emissions / صفت
Energy-efficient: با کارایی بالا در مصرف انرژی / using less energy to perform a task / صفت
Zero-emission: بدون انتشار / producing no emissions or pollutants / صفت
Eco-friendly: دوستدار محیط زیست / not harmful to the environment / صفت
Clean-burning: سوختن تمیز / using fuel in a way that produces minimal harmful emissions / صفت
Non-polluting: غیر آلاینده / not causing pollution / صفت
Fossil-fuel-free: بدون سوخت فسیلی / not using fossil fuels such as coal, oil, or natural gas / صفت
Renewable-powered: با انرژی تجدیدپذیر / powered by renewable sources like wind or solar energy / صفت
Low-carbon: کم کربن / producing or involving a small amount of carbon emissions / صفت
Environmentally conscious
Environmentally conscious: آگاه به محیط زیست / being aware of and concerned about the impact of one’s actions on the environment / صفت
Cut back on emissions
Cut back on emissions: کاهش انتشار گازها / to reduce the amount of harmful gases released into the atmosphere / فعل
Phase out fossil fuels
Phase out fossil fuels: حذف تدریجی سوختهای فسیلی / to gradually stop using fossil fuels and replace them with cleaner alternatives / فعل
Switch over to renewable energy
Switch over to renewable energy: تغییر به انرژی تجدیدپذیر / to change from using non-renewable to renewable energy sources / فعل
Take advantage of solar power
Take advantage of solar power: بهرهبرداری از انرژی خورشیدی / to utilize solar energy to produce electricity or heat / فعل
Burn off
Burn off: سوزاندن / to burn fuel or other substances, often releasing pollutants into the atmosphere / فعل
Catch on
Catch on: رواج یافتن / to become popular or widely accepted / فعل
Turn to electric vehicles
Turn to electric vehicles: روی آوردن به خودروهای برقی / to start using electric vehicles instead of traditional gasoline-powered ones / فعل