Culture & globalization Flashcards
Tradition: سنت - a long-established custom or belief passed down through generations (اسم)
Heritage: میراث - traditions, achievements, or properties inherited from the past (اسم)
Custom: رسم - a habitual practice or traditional way of behaving (اسم)
Ritual: آیین - a ceremonial or repeated act, often with symbolic meaning (اسم)
Ceremony: مراسم - a formal event or ritual to mark an occasion (اسم)
Beliefs: باورها - acceptance that something exists or is true, often religious or cultural (اسم)
Values: ارزشها - principles or standards that guide behavior or judgments (اسم)
Norms: هنجارها - accepted standards of behavior in a society or group (اسم)
Culture shock
Culture shock: شوک فرهنگی - disorientation when experiencing a different culture (اسم)
Globalization: جهانیسازی - integration of cultures, economies, and ideas worldwide (اسم)
Ethnicity: قومیت - shared cultural, linguistic, or ancestral traits of a group (اسم)
Cultural identity
Cultural identity: هویت فرهنگی - a sense of belonging to a specific culture (اسم)
Cultural diversity
Cultural diversity: تنوع فرهنگی - the coexistence of various cultures within a society (اسم)
Cultural heritage
Cultural heritage: میراث فرهنگی - traditions, monuments, or practices of historical significance (اسم)
Cultural assimilation
Cultural assimilation: همگونسازی فرهنگی - adopting another culture while losing one’s own traits (اسم)
Cultural integration
Cultural integration: ادغام فرهنگی - blending of different cultural elements into a cohesive whole (اسم)
Cultural preservation
Cultural preservation: حفظ فرهنگ - maintaining and protecting cultural practices or artifacts (اسم)
Cultural appropriation
Cultural appropriation: تصاحب فرهنگی - using elements of another culture, often without respect (اسم)
Cultural exchange
Cultural exchange: تبادل فرهنگی - mutual sharing of ideas and practices between cultures (اسم)
Cultural pride
Cultural pride: غرور فرهنگی - feeling proud of one’s cultural heritage (اسم)
Folk culture
Folk culture: فرهنگ عامیانه - traditional practices and beliefs of common people (اسم)
Popular culture
Popular culture: فرهنگ عامه - modern culture based on mass media and entertainment (اسم)
Subculture: خردهفرهنگ - a group within a culture with distinct practices or beliefs (اسم)
Cross-cultural communication
Cross-cultural communication: ارتباط میانفرهنگی - exchange of information between different cultures (اسم)
Intercultural dialogue
Intercultural dialogue: گفتوگوی بینفرهنگی - discussions aimed at understanding between cultures (اسم)
Cultural sensitivity
Cultural sensitivity: حساسیت فرهنگی - awareness and respect for cultural differences (اسم)
Ancestry: نیاکان - lineage or descent from previous generations (اسم)
Lineage: تبار - direct descent from an ancestor (اسم)
Inheritance: ارث - properties, traits, or traditions passed down (اسم)
Legacy: میراث - something handed down by a predecessor (اسم)
Artisan: صنعتگر - a skilled craftsperson who makes handmade items (اسم)
Folklore: فولکلور - traditional beliefs, stories, and practices of a culture (اسم)
Handicrafts: صنایعدستی - items made by hand using traditional skills (اسم)
Historical monument
Historical monument: بنای تاریخی - a structure of historical significance (اسم)
Cultural landmark
Cultural landmark: نشان فرهنگی - a site with cultural or historical importance (اسم)
Archaeological site
Archaeological site: محوطه باستانی - a location with remains of past civilizations (اسم)
Mythology: اسطورهشناسی - a collection of myths from a particular culture (اسم)
Oral tradition
Oral tradition: سنت شفاهی - passing knowledge through spoken word (اسم)
Festivities: جشنها - celebratory events or activities (اسم)
Commemoration: بزرگداشت - an act of remembering and honoring an event or person (اسم)
Historical preservation
Historical preservation: حفظ تاریخی - protecting and maintaining historical sites or artifacts (اسم)
Cultural artifacts
Cultural artifacts: اشیای فرهنگی - objects that reflect cultural history or practices (اسم)
Mother tongue
Mother tongue: زبان مادری - the first language learned from birth (اسم)
Linguistic diversity
Linguistic diversity: تنوع زبانی - the variety of languages spoken in a region (اسم)
Bilingualism: دوزبانگی - fluency in two languages (اسم)
Multilingualism: چندزبانگی - fluency in multiple languages (اسم)
Endangered language
Endangered language: زبان در معرض خطر - a language at risk of disappearing (اسم)
Cultural expression
Cultural expression: بیان فرهنگی - ways to convey cultural identity through art, language, or customs (اسم)
Non-verbal communication
Non-verbal communication: ارتباط غیرکلامی - conveying messages without words (اسم)
Storytelling: قصهگویی - sharing stories to entertain or inform (اسم)
Proverbs: ضربالمثلها - short sayings expressing general truths (اسم)
Idioms: اصطلاحات - expressions with meanings different from the literal words (اسم)
Narratives: روایتها - accounts or stories of events (اسم)
Cultural symbolism
Cultural symbolism: نمادگرایی فرهنگی - use of symbols to represent cultural ideas (اسم)
Cultural metaphor
Cultural metaphor: استعاره فرهنگی - a concept from one culture used to explain another (اسم)
Cuisine: آشپزی - a style of cooking associated with a culture (اسم)
Cultural attire
Cultural attire: لباس فرهنگی - traditional clothing of a culture (اسم)
Dietary customs
Dietary customs: آداب غذایی - eating habits influenced by culture (اسم)
Festive celebrations
Festive celebrations: جشنهای شاد - cultural or religious festivals (اسم)
Religious practices
Religious practices: آداب مذهبی - acts performed as part of religious beliefs (اسم)
Family structure
Family structure: ساختار خانواده - the organization of roles and relationships in a family (اسم)
Social hierarchy
Social hierarchy: سلسلهمراتب اجتماعی - levels of social status within a society (اسم)
Hospitality: مهماننوازی - friendly and welcoming behavior towards guests (اسم)
Gender roles
Gender roles: نقشهای جنسیتی - expectations based on gender in a culture (اسم)
Generational gap
Generational gap: فاصله نسلها - differences in attitudes between generations (اسم)
Artistic expression
Artistic expression: بیان هنری - conveying ideas or emotions through art (اسم)
Dance forms
Dance forms: سبکهای رقص - traditional or modern styles of dancing (اسم)
Traditional music
Traditional music: موسیقی سنتی - music passed down through generations (اسم)
Globalization: جهانیسازی - spreading ideas and practices worldwide (اسم)
Homogenization: همگونسازی - making cultures or ideas uniform across the globe (اسم)
Cultural erosion
Cultural erosion: فرسایش فرهنگی - the gradual loss or decline of cultural elements (اسم)
Loss of identity
Loss of identity: از دست دادن هویت - the process of losing one’s cultural, social, or personal identity (اسم)
Cultural conflict
Cultural conflict: تضاد فرهنگی - disagreements between different cultural groups (اسم)
Ethnocentrism: اتنو سنترسیسم - belief in the superiority of one’s own culture (اسم)
Xenophobia: بیگانههراسی - fear or dislike of people from other countries or cultures (اسم)
Cultural stereotyping
Cultural stereotyping: کلیشهسازی فرهنگی - making generalized assumptions about people based on their culture (اسم)
Discrimination: تبعیض - unfair treatment based on culture, ethnicity, or other factors (اسم)
Cultural imperialism
Cultural imperialism: امپریالیسم فرهنگی - the dominance of one culture over others (اسم)
Colonial legacy
Colonial legacy: میراث استعماری - cultural, social, and economic impacts of colonial rule (اسم)
Modernization: مدرنیزاسیون - the process of adopting modern ideas, technology, and social structures (اسم)
Urbanization: شهرنشینی - the process of people moving from rural areas to cities (اسم)
Social mobility
Social mobility: تحرک اجتماعی - the ability of individuals to move up or down the social ladder (اسم)
Digital culture
Digital culture: فرهنگ دیجیتال - culture shaped by digital technology and online communication (اسم)
Media influence
Media influence: تاثیر رسانه - the ability of media to shape public opinions and behaviors (اسم)
Mass culture
Mass culture: فرهنگ تودهای - culture spread to large numbers of people through mass media (اسم)
Global trends
Global trends: روندهای جهانی - widespread patterns or movements observed worldwide (اسم)
Westernization: غربیسازی - the adoption of Western ideas, values, and practices (اسم)
Cultural hybridization
Cultural hybridization: هیبریدسازی فرهنگی - blending of cultural elements from different traditions (اسم)
Cultural adaptation
Cultural adaptation: انطباق فرهنگی - the process of adjusting to a different culture (اسم)
Cultural innovation
Cultural innovation: نوآوری فرهنگی - the creation of new cultural ideas or practices (اسم)
Cultural resurgence
Cultural resurgence: احیای فرهنگی - a revival or reassertion of cultural traditions (اسم)
Cultural fusion
Cultural fusion: ادغام فرهنگی - the blending of different cultural elements into a new form (اسم)
Identity crisis
Identity crisis: بحران هویت - a period of uncertainty about one’s identity or values (اسم)
Diaspora: دیاسپورا - the dispersion of a group of people from their homeland (اسم)
Fine arts
Fine arts: هنرهای زیبا - artistic disciplines such as painting, sculpture, and music (اسم)
Visual arts
Visual arts: هنرهای تجسمی - art forms like painting, sculpture, and photography (اسم)
Performing arts
Performing arts: هنرهای نمایشی - art forms that involve live performance, such as theater and dance (اسم)
Literature: ادبیات - written works, especially those with artistic or intellectual value (اسم)
Poetry: شعر - a form of literary expression that uses rhythm and style (اسم)
Mythology: اسطورهشناسی - a collection of myths or stories from a particular culture (اسم)
Traditional storytelling
Traditional storytelling: قصهگویی سنتی - passing down stories orally through generations (اسم)
Cultural festivals
Cultural festivals: جشنوارههای فرهنگی - events celebrating the traditions and heritage of a culture (اسم)
Theatrical performance
Theatrical performance: اجرای تئاتر - live performance of a play or drama (اسم)
Cinematic expression
Cinematic expression: بیان سینمایی - artistic expression through film and cinema (اسم)
Architecture: معماری - the design and construction of buildings and structures (اسم)
Sculpture: مجسمهسازی - the art of creating three-dimensional forms from materials like stone or metal (اسم)
Calligraphy: خوشنویسی - decorative writing, often artistic and intricate (اسم)
Acculturation: فرهنگپذیری - the process of adopting elements of another culture (اسم)
Cultural relativism
Cultural relativism: نسبیت فرهنگی - the idea that cultural practices should be understood in their own context (اسم)
Ethnocultural: قومیتی-فرهنگی - relating to both ethnicity and culture (صفت)
Cultural norms
Cultural norms: هنجارهای فرهنگی - the standards and rules that govern behavior in a culture (اسم)
Cultural hegemony
Cultural hegemony: هژمونی فرهنگی - dominance of one culture over others in a society (اسم)
Cultural heritage site
Cultural heritage site: سایت میراث فرهنگی - a place of cultural significance preserved for its historical value (اسم)
Multiculturalism: چندفرهنگی - the coexistence of multiple cultural groups within a society (اسم)
Transculturalism: فرامرزی فرهنگی - blending and exchange of cultural elements beyond national borders (اسم)
Ethnocentrism: قوممحوری - evaluating other cultures according to the standards of one’s own culture (اسم)
Intercultural awareness
Intercultural awareness: آگاهی بینفرهنگی - understanding and appreciating cultural differences (اسم)
Cultural pluralism
Cultural pluralism: تکثر فرهنگی - the coexistence of multiple cultural groups within a society (اسم)
Cultural diffusion
Cultural diffusion: پخش فرهنگی - the spread of cultural elements across different societies (اسم)
Cultural mosaic
Cultural mosaic: موزاییک فرهنگی - a society made up of various distinct cultural groups (اسم)
Cultural lag
Cultural lag: عقبماندگی فرهنگی - when one part of a culture changes faster than other parts (اسم)
Cultural resilience
Cultural resilience: تابآوری فرهنگی - the ability of a culture to adapt and thrive despite challenges (اسم)
Rites of passage
Rites of passage: آیینهای گذر - ceremonial events marking important transitions in life (اسم)
Sacred traditions
Sacred traditions: سنتهای مقدس - religious or spiritual customs that are highly revered (اسم)
Heritage conservation
Heritage conservation: حفظ میراث - the protection and maintenance of cultural heritage (اسم)
Archaic customs
Archaic customs: آداب قدیمی - outdated or ancient cultural practices (اسم)
Taboo: تابو - a social or cultural prohibition or restriction (اسم)
Traditional craftsmanship
Traditional craftsmanship: صنایعدستی سنتی - the art of making objects by hand following traditional methods (اسم)
Sacred relics
Sacred relics: بقایای مقدس - objects of religious or historical significance (اسم)
Cultural rituals
Cultural rituals: آیینهای فرهنگی - established and repeated practices within a culture (اسم)
Ethnic dress
Ethnic dress: لباس قومی - traditional clothing representing a specific ethnic group (اسم)
Tribal customs
Tribal customs: آداب قبیلهای - traditional practices of a particular tribe (اسم)
Indigenous practices
Indigenous practices: روشهای بومی - customs and traditions of indigenous peoples (اسم)
Religious pilgrimage
Religious pilgrimage: زیارت مذهبی - a journey to a sacred place for religious reasons (اسم)
Historical reenactment
Historical reenactment: بازسازی تاریخی - the recreation of past events or periods, often for educational purposes (اسم)
Sacred symbols
Sacred symbols: نمادهای مقدس - objects or images representing spiritual or religious significance (اسم)
Ethnographic study
Ethnographic study: مطالعه مردمشناسی - the study of cultures through direct observation and immersion (اسم)
Festive processions
Festive processions: راهپیماییهای جشنوارهای - organized parades or marches during cultural or religious celebrations (اسم)
Ceremonial dances
Ceremonial dances: رقصهای آیینی - dances performed as part of cultural or religious ceremonies (اسم)
Textile patterns
Textile patterns: الگوهای پارچهای - designs or motifs woven or printed on textiles (اسم)
Traditional pottery
Traditional pottery: سفالگری سنتی - the craft of making pottery using traditional techniques (اسم)
Cultural ceremonies
Cultural ceremonies: آیینهای فرهنگی - formal or ritualistic events that reflect a culture’s traditions (اسم)
Cultural commodification
Cultural commodification: تجاریسازی فرهنگی - the process of turning cultural practices or symbols into products for profit (اسم)
Cultural homogenization
Cultural homogenization: همگنسازی فرهنگی - the process by which cultures become more similar due to global influences (اسم)
Cultural disintegration
Cultural disintegration: انحلال فرهنگی - the breakdown or loss of cultural cohesion (اسم)
Global cultural trends
Global cultural trends: روندهای فرهنگی جهانی - popular cultural movements or shifts that spread globally (اسم)
Media globalism
Media globalism: جهانیشدن رسانهای - the spread of media and communication technologies worldwide (اسم)
Cultural dominance
Cultural dominance: تسلط فرهنگی - the influence of one culture over others, often through power or media (اسم)
Western dominance
Western dominance: تسلط غربی - the influence or control of Western cultures over other regions or cultures (اسم)
Cultural assimilation
Cultural assimilation: همسانسازی فرهنگی - the process by which individuals or groups adopt the practices of a dominant culture (اسم)
Postmodern culture
Postmodern culture: فرهنگ پستمدرن - cultural movements that reject modernist ideals and embrace diversity and skepticism (اسم)
Cultural diversity awareness
Cultural diversity awareness: آگاهی از تنوع فرهنگی - understanding and appreciating the variety of cultures and their practices (اسم)
Cultural exchange program
Cultural exchange program: برنامه تبادل فرهنگی - a program that allows individuals or groups to experience different cultures (اسم)
Cosmopolitanism: کاسمopolitanism - the idea of being part of a global community, transcending national or ethnic boundaries (اسم)
Diaspora communities
Diaspora communities: جوامع دیاسپورا - groups of people living outside their homeland but maintaining cultural ties (اسم)
Cultural innovations
Cultural innovations: نوآوریهای فرهنگی - new ideas, practices, or creations that emerge within a culture (اسم)
Indigenous identity
Indigenous identity: هویت بومی - the sense of identity that comes from belonging to an indigenous group (اسم)
National identity
National identity: هویت ملی - the shared sense of identity and culture among the people of a nation (اسم)
Cultural self-awareness
Cultural self-awareness: خودآگاهی فرهنگی - an understanding of one’s own cultural background and identity (اسم)
Ethnic minorities
Ethnic minorities: اقلیتهای قومی - groups of people who belong to a smaller ethnic group within a larger society (اسم)
Cultural pride
Cultural pride: افتخار فرهنگی - the feeling of pride in one’s cultural heritage and traditions (اسم)
Regional traditions
Regional traditions: سنتهای منطقهای - cultural practices specific to a particular geographic region (اسم)
Heritage identity
Heritage identity: هویت میراثی - the identity formed from an individual’s connection to cultural heritage (اسم)
Ethnic representation
Ethnic representation: نمایندگی قومی - the depiction or inclusion of various ethnic groups in cultural contexts (اسم)
Cultural authenticity
Cultural authenticity: اصالت فرهنگی - the quality of being true to the cultural traditions and practices (اسم)
Intergenerational culture
Intergenerational culture: فرهنگ بین نسلی - cultural practices or knowledge passed down through generations (اسم)
Colonial influence
Colonial influence: تاثیر استعماری - the cultural, political, or economic impact of colonial powers on colonized regions (اسم)
Cultural symbolism
Cultural symbolism: نمادگرایی فرهنگی - the use of symbols to represent cultural ideas, values, or beliefs (اسم)
Traditional folklore
Traditional folklore: فولکلور سنتی - stories, myths, and legends passed down through generations (اسم)
Cultural imperialism
Cultural imperialism: امپریالیسم فرهنگی - the imposition of a dominant culture on other cultures (اسم)
Cross-cultural misunderstandings
Cross-cultural misunderstandings: سوءتفاهمهای بینفرهنگی - misinterpretations or conflicts between people from different cultures (اسم)
Identity crisis
Identity crisis: بحران هویت - a period of confusion or uncertainty about one’s identity or role (اسم)
Cultural alienation
Cultural alienation: بیگانگی فرهنگی - the feeling of being disconnected or estranged from one’s cultural identity (اسم)
Cultural marginalization
Cultural marginalization: حاشیهنشینی فرهنگی - the social process by which certain cultural groups are pushed to the periphery of society (اسم)
Cultural appropriation
Cultural appropriation: تصرف فرهنگی - the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of another, often without respect (اسم)
Cultural bias
Cultural bias: تعصب فرهنگی - the tendency to favor one’s own culture over others (اسم)
Cultural stereotyping
Cultural stereotyping: کلیشهسازی فرهنگی - making oversimplified or generalized assumptions about a culture (اسم)
Intercultural conflict
Intercultural conflict: تضاد بینفرهنگی - disagreements or clashes between different cultural groups (اسم)
Cultural prejudice
Cultural prejudice: پیشداوری فرهنگی - preconceived opinions or biases about other cultures (اسم)
Cultural polarization
Cultural polarization: قطبیسازی فرهنگی - the division of a society into groups with opposing cultural views (اسم)
Mural painting
Mural painting: نقاشی دیواری - large-scale artwork painted on walls, often in public spaces (اسم)
Folk music
Folk music: موسیقی فولکلور - traditional music that reflects the culture and stories of a particular group (اسم)
Classical dance
Classical dance: رقص کلاسیک - traditional and highly stylized forms of dance, often with historical significance (اسم)
Oral epics
Oral epics: حماسههای شفاهی - long narrative poems passed down orally, often recounting historical or legendary events (اسم)
Proverbial wisdom
Proverbial wisdom: حکمت ضربالمثلها - the wisdom contained in traditional sayings or proverbs (اسم)
Calligraphic art
Calligraphic art: هنر خوشنویسی - the art of decorative handwriting (اسم)
Stone carving
Stone carving: حجاری سنگ - the art of shaping stone into sculptures or designs (اسم)
Cultural sculptures
Cultural sculptures: مجسمههای فرهنگی - sculptures that represent cultural symbols or stories (اسم)
Folkloric dramas
Folkloric dramas: درامهای فولکلوریک - theatrical performances based on traditional folklore or legends (اسم)
Ethnic storytelling
Ethnic storytelling: قصهگویی قومی - storytelling that reflects the cultural heritage and traditions of an ethnic group (اسم)
Epic narratives
Epic narratives: روایتهای حماسی - long stories or poems that tell of heroic deeds or historical events (اسم)
Cultural conservation efforts
Cultural conservation efforts: تلاشهای حفظ فرهنگی - initiatives aimed at preserving cultural heritage and practices (اسم)
Archaeological findings
Archaeological findings: یافتههای باستانشناسی - discoveries made through the study of ancient artifacts and sites (اسم)
UNESCO World Heritage Sites
UNESCO World Heritage Sites: سایتهای میراث جهانی یونسکو - places designated by UNESCO as having cultural or natural significance (اسم)
Historical relics
Historical relics: بقایای تاریخی - objects or artifacts from the past with cultural or historical importance (اسم)
Traditional architecture
Traditional architecture: معماری سنتی - building styles and structures that reflect a culture’s historical and aesthetic values (اسم)
Colonial artifacts
Colonial artifacts: آثار استعماری - objects from the colonial period that reflect the impact of colonialism (اسم)
Ethnological research
Ethnological research: پژوهشهای مردمشناسی - the study of human cultures through observation and analysis (اسم)
Historical manuscripts
Historical manuscripts: دستنوشتههای تاریخی - handwritten documents from the past, often of historical or literary significance (اسم)
Contemporary art
Contemporary art: هنر معاصر - modern forms of art created by living artists (اسم)
Street art culture
Street art culture: فرهنگ هنر خیابانی - the artistic expression found in public spaces, often involving graffiti or murals (اسم)
Digital storytelling
Digital storytelling: داستانسرایی دیجیتال - the use of digital media to tell stories (اسم)
Cyber culture
Cyber culture: فرهنگ سایبری - culture that emerges from online communities and digital spaces (اسم)
Online communities
Online communities: جوامع آنلاین - groups of people who interact via the internet (اسم)
Virtual reality art
Virtual reality art: هنر واقعیت مجازی - art created using virtual reality technology (اسم)
Cross-cultural festivals
Cross-cultural festivals: جشنوارههای بینفرهنگی - events celebrating and sharing cultural practices from different societies (اسم)
Cultural revival movements
Cultural revival movements: جنبشهای احیای فرهنگی - efforts to bring back or preserve cultural traditions and practices (اسم)