Goat Medicine & surgery 1 + 2 Flashcards
Name the licensed anthelmintic for goats
What is a normal range of rectal temps for a goat?
What is the normal HR range for a goat?
What is the normal RR for goats?
Where are the blood sampling and injection sites in a goat?
- Jugular: straight neck
- Subcut: neck, caudal to elbow, escutcheon
- I/m: quadriceps, neck
- Oral
Enterotoxaemia in goats is caused by which agent?
Clostridium perfingens type D
What are the per-acute and sub-acute signs of enterotoxaemia in goats?
- Per-acute: rapid death / found dead
- Sub-acute: profuse diarrhoea +/- dysentery
How is enterotoxaemia in goats treated?
- Fluid therapy (electrolytes) – IV, can suture or glue in
- NSAID +/- additional analgesia
- ? Charcoal, bismuth
- TLC & nursing: warmth, stimulation
How can enterotoxaemia be controlled in goats?
- Rumen / metabolic acidosis (Carbohydrate feeding)
- Sudden diet change (e.g. housing / turnout)
- Stress (bullying, concurrent illness, trauma)
- Vaccination ‘4 in 1’ Lambivac
In goats CAE stands for?
Caprine arthritis encephalitis
Caprine arthritis encephalitis is associated with what production losses?
Early culling, loss of kids, ↓ milk, ↓ export
Why is Caprine arthritis encephalitis difficult to manage?
No treatment, no vaccine
Caprine arthritis encephalitis is related to which virus in sheep?
Maedi visna
What are the clinical signs of Caprine arthritis encephalitis?
Rare and unspecific
- Arthritis
- Encephalitis (young kids) – neurological signs (fitting, spasm, etc.)
- Mastitis
- Weight loss
How can Caprine arthritis encephalitis be controlled?
Interrupt infection spread
- Infected dam -> udder infection -> milk & colostrum
- Test & cull females
- Avoid pooled milk / colostrum NB: colostrum not protective
What are the 4 clinical manifestations of listeriosis in goats?
- Encephalitis
- Septicaemia
- Sudden death
- Abortion
How is listeriosis diagnosed?
- Clinical signs
- Lab: CSF, serology
How is listeriosis treated?
Aggressive and prompt
- Antibiotics – high dose
- IVFT (alkaline) – animal goes into metabolic acidosis due to salvia loss as they don’t swallow it
- TLC: deep bedding (animals are often recumbent), warmth, quiet & dark (they will be sensitive to light and noise), rumen flora, energy
How is listeriosis prevented?
Silage technique
- Blade height
- Good fermentation
- No aerobic spoilage
- Remove left overs
List 6 notifiable diseases in goats
- Bluetongue
- Brucella
- Caseous lymphadenitis
- Foot and mouth
- Maedi visna
- Scrapie
- Rabies
- Sheep and goat pox
- Contagious agalactiae
Weight loss/poor BCS could be linked to which diseases in goats?
- Endoparasites
- Nutrition (incl. bullying, ‘attractiveness’)
- Dental problem
- Johne’s disease
- Scrapie
- Neoplasia
- Lameness
- Bovine Tuberculosis
Name 4 causes of respiratory disease in goats
- Pasteurellosis (Mannheimia haemolytica)
- Mycoplasmosis
- Lungworm
- Bovine TB
Name some possible causes of anaemia in goats
- Haemolysis or haemorrhage
- Endoparasites
- Lice (sucking)
- Blood parasites e.g. babesia
- Chronic inflammatory disease
Goats have their own spp of which parasite so wont be infected by the cow/sheep strains?
What are the clinical signs of endoparasite infections in goats
- Weight loss / poor growth, decreased milk yield, anaemia,
- Severe D+, dehydration, protein-loss (particularly albumin), death
List the following mange mites in order of increasing causes of pruritis and state where they would be found on the body
- Sarcoptes
- Chorioptes
- Psoroptes
- Chorioptes (least) - tail and head
- Psoroptes - skin folds
- Sarcoptes - head and neck
Pygmy goat syndrome is also known as?
Seborrhoeic dermatitis
What are the clinical signs of pygmy goat syndrome?
1°/ 2 ° keratinisation disorder
- Hair loss & skin flaking/crusting around eyes, lips, ears, chin, ventrally & perineum
How is pygmy goat syndrome treated?
Topical steroid +/- AB; antiseptic or Seleen shampoo
What may affect udder health in goats?
- Teat biting in adult dairy goats
- Udder impetigo (staphylococcal)
- Udder enlargement: pseudopregnancy, suspensory ligament fracture
Describe the most common form of mastitis seen in goats
Clinical, grade 3 +/- gangrenous
Which agent is the most common cause of mastitis in goats?
Staph aureus
Why must you take care if a goat has a ‘fish-tail’ teat?
Not supernumerary - both parts are connected to the teat canal
Goats have dystocia for which reason most commonly?
Describe the feature of floppy kid disease
From 3do to 3wo
Biggest and healthiest
One in the litter affected
- No D+ or dehydration
- Possible metabolic acidosis?
How is floppy kid disease treated?
Bicarbonate, electrolytes, nursing
Sticky kid disease is hereditary in which breed?
Golden guernsey
Describe sticky kid disease
One of litter
Remain damp after birth
Much more susceptible to respiratory disease
How is sticky kid disease treated?
It isn’t
Consider euthanasia as you don’t want them in the breeding pool
Goats require lower doses of which drugs?
Local anaeststics!
Name the 2 drug options for sedating drugs
Xylazine IM or IV
+/- Butorphanol IV
What are some general considerations of treating goats?
- Consider GA over local
- Starvation
- Tetanus cover
- Antibiosis
- Fly control
- Positioning
Describe the drugs used to induce a goat for anaesthesia
- Xylazine IV or IM
- +/- butorphanol IV
- Plus ketamine
- Reversal atipamezole
How is hypothermia managed in goats?
- Cover
- Soak up fluids
- Warm lavage fluids
- Bair hugger / hot hands / hot water bottle
- 5% glucose i/v
- Feed post-op
Which drugs can be used for analgesia in goats?
- Fentanyl patch
- Butorphanol
- Buprenorphine
- Meloxicam
Ringing castration is legal in goats until what age?
Castration with anaesthesia and performed by a vet must be done if a goat is over what age?
2 months
Temporary castration of a goat can be done using?
An anti-GnRH vaccine
Name the 2 nerves blocked when dehorning adult goats
Cornual branch of infratrochlear nerve
Cornual branch of lacrimal nerve
What are the considerations to be made surrounding dehorning goats?
- 2 nerves to block
- GA and local block
- thin skull, base of horn is wide
- major surgery
- indicated if there is a broken horn or if the animal is severely aggressive
What are the 2 major risk factors for urolithiasis in goats?
Pet goats: concentrates
Poor water quality