Genitourinary Disorders Flashcards
The presence in the urine of serum albumin, the chief protein constituent of human blood plasma
The transplant graft performed between two genetically different people.
Generalized massive edema
Lack of or loss of appetite for food
Anuria (anuresis)
Absence of excretion of urine from the body
An excess of urea or other nitrogenous substances in the blood (evaluate creatinine) generally due to abnormal kidney function
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
One of the nonprotein nitrogenous compounds of blood plasma; measure of kidney function
Any of the steroids produced by the adrenal cortex, including cortisol, corticosterone, and their synthetic equivalents, used as immunosuppressive agents.
A normal product of muscle metabolism; level of which in blood is an index of level of kidney function
Creatinine clearance test
A test for kidney function based on the rate at which creatinine is excreted by the kidney. The measure of its excretion from the kidney provides a more reliable marker of kidney function than the BUN
Presence of casts in urine. The casts are formed from gelled protein precipitated in the renal tubules and molded to the tubular lumen; pieces of these casts break off and are washed out with the urine
Partial or complete surgical removal of the urinary bladder
Referring to the urinary bladder
A tube-like instrument containing lenses for viewing the interior of the bladder, entering through the urethra
Diastolic hypertension
Elevation of the diastolic blood pressure (bottom number)
Painful or difficult urination
Collection of fluid in the tissues; swelling
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
An estimate of the filtering capacity of the kidneys that takes into account serum creatinine concentration and other variables, such as age, gender, and body size
Fluid overload syndrome
Occurs when there is excessive sodium and water retention in the body that cannot be adequately removed by diseased kidneys. Symptoms and signs of vascular congestion may include fatigue, shortness of breath, hypertension, congestive heart failure, ascites, pleural effusions and peripheral edema
Kidney disease in which the glomerular tuft (Bowman’s capsule) becomes inflamed. The glomerular membranes become extremely porous, allowing both protein and blood cells to flow freely into the nephron tubules. Occasionally, episodes of acute glomerulonephritis permanently destroy nephron capsules. Repeated small bouts may destroy more and more nephrons, causing chronic glomerulonephritis.
Blood in the urine
The removal of toxic metabolic byproducts from the blood by diffusion in an artificial kidney machine (hemodialyzer)
An apparatus that forces the affected individual’s blood through semipermeable tubes immersed in fluid. Urea and other metabolic byproducts diffuse from the blood into the surrounding fluids; performing limited kidney function. Blood must be anticoagulated during dialysis
Hunner’s ulcers
A lesion involving all layers of the bladder wall, seen in chronic interstitial cystitis
A disorder of the kidneys in which the ureter becomes obstructed (kidney stone, inflammation, fibrosis, etc.) causing the kidney to become distended by the accumulated urine. Prolonged distention can cause atrophy of nephrons, with residual reduction or loss of kidney function.
Immunosuppressive agents
Agents that block the body’s effort to reject foreign bodies or tissues; used especially in organ transplantations
Tissue or organ transplanted between genetically identical individuals, also known as syngraft
Either of the two organs in the lumbar region that filter the blood of toxic metabolic byproducts excreted as urine; also regulates the concentration of electrolytes (hydrogen, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) in the blood
Kidney failure
Severe renal insufficiency, generally accompanied by signs and symptoms of uremia.
A treatment for kidney stones in which acoustic shock waves are used to disintegrate renal calculi
Surgical removal of a kidney
Inflammation of the kidney; may be localized or diffuse and may involve the glomeruli, tubules, or the interstitial kidney tissues
A condition marked by the presence of renal calculi ( kidney stones)
The functioning filtering unit of the kidney, consisting of the glomerulus (Bowman’s capsule) and uriniferous tubule. The two kidneys contain approximately two million nephrons and approximately 3/4 of these nephrons can be destroyed before blood composition becomes excessively abnormal.
Sclerosis (hardening) of the vascular arteries, arterioles and sometimes, the capillaries of the kidney; the form of “end-organ” damage due to hypertension.
A generic term for any disease of the kidney characterized by degenerative lesions of the renal tubules and/or glomeruli; generally used synonymously with the term, “nephrotic syndrome”.
Nephrotic syndrome
A generalized name of a group of diseases involving defective kidney glomeruli, characterized by proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, and varying degrees of edema
A condition of chronic renal disease characterized by edema, proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidema
Excessive frequency of urination at night
Pathologic fractures
Fractures resulting from sealing of the bone structure by pathologic processes such as osteomalacia and osteoporosis
Peritoneal dialysis
The removal of toxic metabolic byproducts from the blood by diffusion (via a dialyzing solution) which takes place inside the abdominal cavity. The dialyzing solution is infused into, and removed from, the abdominal cavity on either a continuous or an intermittent basis
Polycystic kidney disease
A hereditary, congenital condition characterized by multiple cysts of both kidneys
Excessive thirst, persisting for long periods of time
Excessive discharge of urine
The presence of excess protein in the urine
The presence of pus in the urine
Rejection crisis
Severe immune reaction of the body against grafted tissues, in which the body’s defense mechanisms (antibodies, white blood cells, platelets, fibrin, etc.,) attack the foreign tissue and cause failure of the graft; usually accompanied by pain and swelling
Renal calculus (kidney stones)
A solidified deposit developing in the kidney, usually composed of mineral salts (calcium, oxalates, uric acid, ammonium magnesium, phosphates, cholesterol) And occurring in a variety of sizes and shapes; may be single or multiple
Pertaining to the kidney
Renal insufficiency
Abnormal (decreased) kidney function, ranging from mild to severe
Serum albumin
A major plasma protein that is responsible for much of the plasma colloidal osmotic pressure of the blood and serves as a transport protein
Stricture (ureteral, urethral)
Abnormal narrowing (of the urethra or the ureter) due to fibrosis or the deposit of abnormal tissue
The chief nitrogenous constituent of urine and the chief nitrogenous end product of the metabolism of proteins. It is a major route for removal of the ammonia produced in the metabolism of amino acids in the liver and kidney
The retention in the blood of excessive byproducts of protein metabolism and of potassium, which produce a toxic condition marked by nausea, vomiting, headache, vertigo, dimness of vision, coma or convulsions, and a fetid odor of breath; results of nephron failure to adequately excrete urea and other protein byproducts
The bilateral membranous canals conducting urine from the kidneys to the bladder
The membranous canal conducting urine from the bladder outside the body
A suffix denoting a characteristic or constituent of the urine
Urinary tract
Those organs and ducts that participate in the secretion and elimination of urine; I.e., the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra
The fluid excreted by the kidneys, stored in the bladder, and discharged by the urethra. Healthy urine is 96% water and 4% solutes
Urine total-protein-to-creatinine ratio
A laboratory calculation based on total protein and creatinine in a urine sample.