Genetic Engineering Flashcards
What is the process of reproductive cloning by nuclear transplantation?
Take stem cells from the mammary cell donor and suppress their cell division. Take an egg cell from a donor’s ovary and remove its nucleus. Inject the mammary cells into the egg cell. They will fuse together. The nucleus from the mammary cell will be the nucleus for the egg cell. This will divide into an embryo, which is implanted in a surrogate mother who will give birth to an organism genetically identical to the mammary donor.
What was the first larger organism cloned by nuclear transplantation?
A sheep. The clone was named Dolly.
Are there any differences in DNA between the clone and the mammary donor?
Yes, because the clone’s mitochondrial DNA will be from the egg donor, not the mammary donor.
What is a transgenic animal/how is it made?
Take genes from one organism and add it to another organism, which becomes the transgenic organism.
What are the three basic steps to making a transgenic organism?
- Gene is prepared in a lab. 2. The transgene is injected into an egg. 3. The egg is implanted in a surrogate mother.
What is “pharming?”
Making transgenic organisms with the ability to produce certain drugs in fruit or milk. (Can be used to make human insulin.)
What are stem cells?
Cells that are “undecided,” they can become other types of cells.
What are the two types of stem cells?
- Embryonic stem cells, which come from the early embryo and are totipotent, meaning they can turn into any cell in the body. 2. Adult stem cells, which are pluripotent, meaning they can turn into some cells such as blood cells, but not all of the different types of cells.
Where do adult stem cells usually come from?
Bone marrow, mammary tissue, or blood.
Why do stem cells need to be grown in specific conditions?
It allows for the initiation of transcription and translation of specific proteins.
What is an overview of making a transgenic animal?
Use restriction enzymes and DNA ligase to make recombinant DNA by inserting one organism’s gene into the genome of another using an embryo (best option).
What is the first step of making a transgenic organism?
Find its DNA sequence and use the correct restriction enzyme to cut and remove its sequence in a specific place.
What is the second step in making a transgenic organism?
Put the recipient DNA with the same enzyme for removing the gene. This will make it so that the sticky ends should match up, which does not always work.
What is the third step in making a transgenic organism?
Add DNA ligase enzyme to fix the gaps and mend the backbone, making recombinant DNA.
What is recombinant DNA?
DNA that has had a gene added into it.
What is one use for recombinant DNA?
Using bacteria to make GMOs.
What do bacteria have in terms of genetic material?
One chromosome and one plasmid.
What is a plasmid?
A small circular chromosome that bacteria have.
How are plasmids useful?
They are ideal for inserting and removing genes.
What is the process for making bacteria produce human proteins like human insulin?
Cut the plasmid with a restriction enzyme. Add the gene of choice and put plasmid into bacteria. The bacterium divides, and the clones have the gene. This process is very useful for research.
What are some examples of proteins and genes that scientists can make bacteria produce?
Insulin, human growth hormone, proteins for dissolving blood clots, genes for pest resistance in plants, and genes to alter bacteria to clean toxic waste.
How are genetically modified organisms useful?
You simply insert the desired gene and rely on the organism to make the proteins.