Cell Organelles Flashcards
Cell Membrane
Outermost part of an animal cell (plants have cell walls). Boundary between inside and outside, regulates what passes through (semipermeable), shape, protection. Made of two layers of phospholipids and floating proteins- 40% lipid, 60% protein. Found in all cell types.
Outermost part of an animal cell (plants have cell walls). Boundary between inside and outside, regulates what passes through (semipermeable), shape, protection. Made of two layers of phospholipids and floating proteins- 40% lipid, 60% protein. Found in all cell types.
Cell membrane
Liquid inside cell, mostly water. Organelles float in it.
Liquid inside cell, mostly water. Organelles float in it.
“Brain” of the cell, regulates cell activity, contains DNA, only in eukaryotes.
“Brain” of the cell, regulates cell activity, contains DNA, only in eukaryotes.
Inside nucleus, houses RNA within nucleus, makes ribosomes, only in eukaryotes.
Inside nucleus, houses RNA within nucleus, makes ribosomes, only in eukaryotes.
ER (endoplasmic reticulum)
Transport network. Only in eukaryotes, attached to the nucleus.
Rough ER
Embedded with ribosomes. Transports proteins.
Smooth ER
No ribosomes. Produces and transports carbohydrates and lipids, detoxifies cell toxins. Membrane is very similar to cell membrane.
All cell types, small and numerous. Make proteins.
Golgi body/apparatus
Stacked, flattened sacs/layers of membrane (similar to cell membrane), not attached to nucleus. Collects, transports, and packages cell substances. Ends pinch off to form a vesicle.
Only in animal cells. Stores water, food, and waste. Surrounds and transports particles/molecules too big to pass through membrane.
A type of vesicle. Only animal cells. A large sac of digestive enzymes to break down dead cells and bacteria. (Eukaryotes have lysosomes.)
Provides ATP-energy-from cell respiration. Eukaryotes only. Basically a prokaryote living in a eukaryote. Contains its own DNA. Mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mother.
Store food, water, and waste. Plants have a large central vacuole for water storage.
Contractile vacuole
Primarily in protists. Pumps out excess water to prevent bursting.
Tubes of protein providing structural support, cell shape, and transportation of organelles and chromosomes.
Filament/string of protein. Contraction/movement, like in muscles. Changes cell shape in white blood cell.
General term for storage sacs in cells of plants: chromoplast and chloroplast.
Store other pigment molecules like red and orange.
Contain chlorophyll. Site of photosynthesis.
Cell wall
Found in algae, fungi, plant, and bacteria cells. Supports and protects cell. Contains cellulose in plants for strength, which humans can’t digest, but termites can.
Vital for cell division-mitosis, animal cells only, star-shaped, near nucleus, comes in pairs.
Used for movement. Mostly in animal cells, but both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Made of microtubules. Short and numerous.
Used for movement. Mostly in animal cells, but both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Made of microtubules. Long, usually one per cell.
Transport network. Only in eukaryotes, attached to the nucleus.
Embedded with ribosomes. Transports proteins.
Rough ER
No ribosomes. Produces and transports carbohydrates and lipids, detoxifies cell toxins. Membrane is very similar to cell membrane.
Smooth ER
All cell types, small and numerous. Make proteins.
Stacked, flattened sacs/layers of membrane (similar to cell membrane), not attached to nucleus. Collects, transports, and packages cell substances. Ends pinch off to form a vesicle.
Golgi body
Only in animal cells. Stores water, food, and waste. Surrounds and transports particles/molecules too big to pass through membrane.