Circulatory System Flashcards
How many miles of blood vessels do we have in our body?
50,000 miles.
Blood vessels transport many things other than just blood. Name the other materials they transport.
Nutrients (amino acids, glucose), gases (O2 and CO2), wastes (urea), immune molecules (white blood cells).
What are the smallest type of blood vessel and how thick are they?
Capillaries, 1 cell thick.
Approximately how much blood is in a person’s body?
5.5 L.
If you were to separate blood using a centrifuge, what two components would it separate into?
Plasma- 55%, cellular elements (Red blood cells)- 45%.
Blood plasma is___% water.
Blood plasma is a good___, which allows it to carry materials such as___ throughout the body.
Good solvent, carries ions, sodium, potassium, defense proteins, glucose, waste, gases, hormones, etc.
The cellular elements in blood are…
Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
How many red blood cells are in one cubic milliliter of blood?
5-6 million red blood cells.
Red blood cells are also called…
They transport…
They live for…days.
Erythrocytes, transport O2 and CO2, live for 120 days.
How many white blood cells are in one cubic milliliter of blood?
5,000-10,000 white blood cells.
White blood cells are also called…and they help with…and they live for…days.
Leukocytes, help with defense and immunity, live for 3 days.
Platelets allow blood to…and they live for…days.
Allow blood to clot, live for 7-10 days.
How many platelets are in one cubic milliliter of blood?
250,000 to 400,000 platelets.
The cellular element of blood (red and white blood cells and platelets) comes from…
This is called…
Pluripotent stem cells in bone marrow. This is called “differentiation” because pluripotent stem cells can turn into different cells.
Do humans actually have both red and blue blood?
No, our blood is only red.
What does blue blood represent in a diagram or picture?
De-oxygenated blood. (Red=oxygenated.)
In an artery, blood flows…the heart.
In an artery, blood flows away from the heart.
An artery’s diameter measures…cm. Arteries are composed of three layers, which are…
Diameter=2.5cm. Layers=endothelium, smooth muscle, connective tissue.
Arteries split into smaller tubes called…
Why are capillaries important?
They are the place where things diffuse into and out of cells and bloodstream.
After the blood has been in the capillaries and has become de-oxygenated, where does it go?
It goes back to the heart, first through a venule and then through a vein.
A vein’s diameter measures…cm.
3 cm.
Why do veins have valves?
To keep the blood flowing in the correct direction (toward the heart, for veins), and not fall back down with gravity.
Veins take deoxygenated blood…the heart.
Which has higher blood pressure, a vein or an artery?
An artery has higher blood pressure because the heart forces the blood into the artery.
Because the blood pressure is higher in arteries, they don’t need…
___and___are very important for moving blood through veins.
Valves and skeletal muscles.
What are varicose veins?
The vein is misshapen at the sides, and the valves cannot close- blood cannot pump upwards and keeps falling down. Often genetic.
What are some treatments for varicose veins?
Surgical removal (in bad cases), strip vein, laser treatment to collapse it, send disposable catheter into vein, which heats it up and causes it to seal up.
What are hemorrhoids?
Varicose veins in the anus, making it painful to sit and use the bathroom.
What is a prolapsed hemorrhoid?
Vein is so enlarged that is makes its way out of the anus.
The right side of the heart deals with…
Returning, oxygen-poor, CO2-rich blood.
Where does the deoxygenated blood go first in the heart?
The right atrium.
After the deoxygenated blood fills up the right atrium, what happens?
With enough blood and the heartbeat, the atrium contracts and forces blood into right ventricle through the tricuspid valve, which closes after the ventricle has been filled.
Once the right ventricle has been filled with oxygen-poor blood, what happens?
The ventricle contracts to force the blood up and out through the pulmonary valve, into the pulmonary artery.
Once the deoxygenated blood goes into the pulmonary artery, what happens?
The pulmonary artery takes the blood to the lungs. The CO2 diffuses out, and oxygen diffuses into the blood.
After the pulmonary artery takes the blood to the lungs, what happens?
The now-oxygenated blood returns to the body through pulmonary veins, which bring it to the heart’s left atrium.
When the oxygenated blood fills up the left atrium, what happens?
The left atrium contracts, and the blood goes through the bicuspid valve into the left ventricle.
Once the oxygenated blood reaches the left ventricle, what happens?
The ventricle contracts, and the blood leaves the heart through the aorta structure, which sends the blood all over the body.
Which part of the body has the highest blood pressure?
The aorta, because it pumps the blood all over the body.
What is the average amount of blood pumped per minute (cardiac output)? What about for an athlete?
5 L/min; 35 L/min athlete.
True or false: For an average person, the heart circulates almost all of your blood in one minute.
What are the AV valves?
The “atrioventricular” valves. Also known as the tricuspid and bicuspid valves.
Summarize the cardiac cycle.
The right and left atria fill up and contract, the AV valves open, the semilunar valves close, and blood is forced into the ventricles. The ventricles contract. Semilunar valves open, AV valves close. Aorta relaxes to allow blood flow up and out.
The sound of the heart beating can be described as this sound:
What actually produces the sound of a heartbeat?
The ventricles moving.
What is a heart murmur?
The heartbeat sounds off, such as “Lub-duuuuub.” It is usually an issue with a valve not closing or functioning properly, often due to growing and developing in children (but it can be more serious).
Arteries move blood___the heart towards the____, the blood returns through veins to the___side of the heart, and then it is sent to the___.
Arteries move blood AWAY from the heart towards the CAPILLARIES, the blood returns through veins to the RIGHT side of the heart, and then it is sent to the LUNGS.
Why do lungs have capillaries?
So that oxygen can diffuse into the blood and CO2 can diffuse out of the blood.
After O2 diffuses into the blood at the lungs, where does it go?
Back to the heart, to be pumped all over the body.
What is the speed of the average human heartbeat?
60 bpm.
To look at a person’s cardiac cycle, what can you use?
The electrical impulses which trigger the heart.
Where do electrical impulses start?
The right atrium.
What is an ECG and how can it be useful?
An electrocardiogram records the heart’s electrical signals and displays them on a monitor. It can be useful for looking for irregularities and problems of the heart.
What does a defibrillator do?
It applies electricity in the right amount and timing to keep the pace of the heart going, especially when there are misfired signals.
If an ECG monitor shows irregularities within the peaks and valleys of the graph of a heartbeat, what device may be necessary?
A defibrillator.
Define blood pressure.
The force with which blood pushes against blood vessels, measured in mm Hg (millimeters of mercury).
What is a typical blood pressure for a teenager?
In the blood pressure 110/60, which number is systolic pressure and which is diastolic?
The numerator, 110=systolic. The denominator, 60=diastolic.
What does systolic pressure represent?
The blood pressure in the arteries.
What does diastolic pressure represent?
The blood pressure in the veins.
What is hypertension?
High blood pressure, 140/90 or higher.
Since the heart itself needs oxygen because it is a muscle, what feeds the heart?
The coronary blood vessels.
The coronary blood vessels do what job?
They supply the heart with O2.
What happens if the coronary arteries are blocked?
The heart will stop, and the person will have a heart attack.
What is one cause of coronary artery disease (blocked coronary arteries)?
What is atherosclerosis and what can it lead to?
It is a blockage of a blood vessel in which cholesterol build-up and blood clots restrict blood flow. It can cause a heart attack or a stroke.
What is a stroke?
A medical emergency in which blood flow to the brain, or part of the brain, is cut off, killing brain cells.
What is an angiogram and how is it useful?
An angiogram is when slightly radioactive dye is inserted into the bloodstream. It circulates around, and then X-rays are taken. An angiogram is used to look for blockage in blood vessels.
What are two ways to treat blockage in blood vessels?
Angioplasty or coronary artery bypass graft/surgery.
What is an angioplasty?
A catheter is inserted into the blocked blood vessel, a “balloon” inflates to push the plaque against blood vessel walls and open up the stent. The stent stays put and allows blood to flow through, and the catheter is removed.
What is coronary bypass surgery?
A vein is taken from somewhere else in the body and attached to the heart above and below the blockage to bypass a blocked section of coronary artery and deliver oxygen to the heart.
What vein is often used for coronary bypass surgery?
The saphenous vein in the calf.
What does the spleen do?
It is a “graveyard” for red blood cells. It recycles red blood cells and reuses their iron and hemoglobin.
What happens if the spleen is damaged?
Internal bleeding.
What does the aortic valve do?
It allows blood to go into the aorta.
What does the pulmonary valve do?
It keeps blood from going back to the lungs when it should be in the heart.