Gender Flashcards
When can human babies distinguish between male and female faces?
At around 3 months, when they start to prefer female faces.
What is the definition of “sex”
Refers to the biological features that characterize male and female of a species.
What are Primary Sex Characteristics?
Features that we are born with that support sexual reproduction.
What are examples of primary sexual characteristics?
Chromosomes Sex hormones Testes Ovaries Genitals
What are secondary sex characteristics?
develop during puberty , which signal fertility and maturity
What is an example of a secondary sex characteristic?
Breasts Finer skin subcutaneous fat in females facial hair in males deep voice
What is “Binary Assumptions”
That sexes can be divided into two fixed, unchanging, and non-overlapping categories.
What sex chromosomes will a human male have?
What are the odds of being born with varying numbers of X and Y chromosomes?
1/400 pregnancies
What percentage of the population identify as Intersex?
Define “intersex”
Possessing chromosomes or physical characteristics that re not clearly identifiable as male or female.
What is a “separate” problem with using biological features to classify peoples sex?
Most sex characteristics are invisible or hidden.
ie. When we meet someone, we cannot see their hormones or their chromosomes
What is gender?
The attitudes, traits, and behaviors a culture identifies as masculine or feminine along with expectations and beliefs about the acceptable and appropriate social roles for women and men.
What is a “tertiary sex characteristic”
What is gender identity?
Their perception of themselves as masculine or feminine.
What is cisgender?
When someones gender identity does match the sex they were assigned at birth.
What is Transgender?
When someones gender identity does not match the biological sex their were assigned at birth.
What is gender expression?
How someone fulfilled expectations about gender identity.
What does it mean to be “Androgynous”?
They express both masculine and feminine traits.
What is one of the benefits of a Androgynous expression?
Competent in many situations, and less constrained in situations related to gender.
What would constitute a High level of masculine traits?
Masculine + Androgynous
What would constitute a low level of masculine traits?
Undifferentiated + feminine
What would constitute a high level of feminine traits?
Androgynous + feminine
What would constitute a low level of feminine traits?
Undifferentiated + masculine
What is a schema?
Cognitive representation that organizes ideas and beliefs about cretin concepts.
What is a meta-analysis?
the combination of all known research relating to one variable.
What is the “d statistic”?
The number that captures the differences between men and women.
What does it mean when D=0
it means that men and women do not differ on the characteristic in question.
( they perfectly overlap)
What does a positive d value mean?
Means that men score higher then women on the specified dimension
What does a negative d value mean?
Means that women score higher then men on the specified dimension.
What is intrasexual competition?
When the same sex/gender compete with the same sex/gender for a potential mate.
What is power?
An individuals capacity to alter the behavior and experiences of others, while also resisting their influence.
What is social structural theory?
Differences in how money, power, and resources are dived between men and women.
What is emphatic accuracy?
The capacity for one person to be accurate in knowing what someone else is thinking or feeling.
Within Canada, is our ability to gather information about gender identity good?
Major measurement problems, not as specific as it should be.
How many people in Canada identify as transgender?
Less than 1%
True or false:
Gender identity is psychological
Gender expression is behavioral
True or false:
Sex gives you a definitive guide to how people will behave.
It gives you hints, but many people are fluid among how they interact
What question did Carothers and Reis ask about men and Women?
If the psychology of men and women are dimensional or categorical.
Are men and Women categorical?
In some aspects they are yes:
Physical aspects more so than anything
Are Men and Women dimensional?
In some aspects they are yes:
Psychological aspects in this case.
What does it mean to be dimensional?
Men and women distribution of characteristics will be approximate a normal distribution.
What does Meta-analysis of men and women suggest?
Men and Women tend to show overlapping distributions on SOME traits.
what does this statement mean? there is more within sex variability then there is within sex variability
There are more differences within men (caring - not caring)
Then there are between men and women.
Average differences between men and women are generally large?
They are generally small
Even when there is a large difference, overlap in distribution is still substantial
True or false:
Men and women are more alike then they are different
True……Although these small differences (when put together) do lead to some patterns in male and female characteristics. Leading to different expectations.
Men develop more cognitively complex representations of the relationship events.
Women develop more cognitively complex representations of the relationship events.
Do Men or Women consistently report being more satisfied in their relationships?
True or false:
Women see interconnections between various relationship events that men may not.
True or false
In daily life, men provide higher quality support than men
Women give MUCH MUCH better support.
On average men and women seek out what for support.
they both seek out women
Men may resent having to provide support, wish their partner is more What?
True or false:
Sexual satisfaction is more closely linked to relationship satisfaction for men than women
Who is more likely to end a relationship?
Whos is more likely to bring up conflict
Women (87% of the time)
Do men or women experience more distress before the relationship ends
Do men or women experience more distress after the relationship ends
Do men or women reenter a new relationship faster after a breakup?