Construction of meaning in relationship Flashcards
What is information processing?
It is how we take our interpretations of specific experiences to global meaning.
What is the flow of information processing?
- concrete behavior
- Specific meaning
- Global meaning
True or false:
The same specific behavior can support different general conclusions.
People interpret things in different ways
What is motivated reasoning?
The process of reaching desired conclusions about relationships
What is the enhancement motive?
Believing the best about a relationship.
What is the enhancement bias?
A preference fro information that supports and strengthens positive beliefs about their partner/relationship.
True or false:
Partners often see their partner in better light than their partner sees themselves.
What is Diagnosticity bias?
A preference for information that indicates important qualities about a partner or relationship.
What is conformation bias?
People want to feel as though they know their partners.
So have a preference for information that supports what we already know.
True or False:
People tend to view their partner more positively then they view themselves in respect to gloval areas.
What is the justification motive?
The motive to the want to be right in your relationship.
True or false:
People tend to take more credit for success, while they tend to blame external factors for failure.
What is this called?
Self-serving basis.
What is selective attention?
People simply ignore the negative information they learn about their partner.
What is the empathic accuracy model?
People’s motivation to understand what their partner is saying varies with whether their partner is saying something negative or positive.
If our partner is saying something positive about us, we are __________ to pay attention to it.
If our partner is saying something difficult about us, we are ________ ________ to pay attention to it.
Less motivated.
What is memory Bias?
People tend to remember their relationship as improving especially over the recent past/
Is memory concrete?
What are attributions
Explanations for partners behaviors
What are Flexiable standards?
The ability people alter their relationship standards based on how their partner behaves.
What is Downward social comparisons?
Compare ones relationship to others that are doing worse.
What is the commitment calibration hypothesis?
Threats to relationships should motivate defenses only if the threat is proportionate to one’s commitment.