Gastrointestinal Drug Therapy Flashcards
Orlistat a lipase inhibitor treats what ?
Name some adverse effects if taking orlistat?
Fecal urgency
Oily spotting
What bacterium oftenly causes duodenal and gastric ulcers ?
Stephlacoccus areus
Helicobactor pylori’
Helicobactor pylori
The treatment for GERD and duodenal and gastric ulcers would be what type of drugs ?
E.g: omeprazole, lansoprozole etc
These are proton pump inhibitors
Which antagonists prevent histamine induced acid release ?
H6 receptor
H6 receptor
H4 receptor
H2 receptor
H2 Receptor antagonists
What drugs end in -tidine
H2 receptor antagonists ?
Acid based gastric drugs ?
Proton pump inhibitors ?
H2 Recptor antagonists
Which drug binds to cytochrome P450 therefore adverse drug interactions with drugs transformed via cytochrome P450 are common ?
What causes constipation ?
Choose 2 options
Aluminium salts
Calcium carbonate antacids
Magnesium salts
Aluminium salts
Calcium carbonate antacids
Drug: cimetidine
What causes diarrhea ?
Aluminium salts
Calcium carbonate antacids
Magnesium salts
Magnesium salts
Drug: cimetidine
What does antacids do?
Increase absorbtion
Decrease absorbtion
Delay absorbtion
Prevent absorbtion
…of ther drugs due to the the altering PH in the duodenum and a stomach
Decrease absorbtion
This is true for aluminium salts too
What causes hypophosphatemia ?
Phosphate salts
Magnesium salts
Aluminium salts
Not as obvious as you think ! 💭
Aluminium salts
Sucralfate ….
Helps decrease diarrhea ?
Helps form protective layer over mucosa?
Helps with absorbtion decreasing constipation ?
If you can name the MAIN side effect
Helps form protective layer over mucosa esp on ulcerated areas
MAIN Side effect: Constipation
Metacloprimide & Cisapride …
Increase gastric emptying
Decrease gastric emptying
Makes gastric emptying harder so they’re used in COMBO with other drugs
Increase gastric emptying
Was it metoclopramide ir cisapride that causes cardiac arrhythmias so it’s been removed from the markets in U.S?
Which receptors does metaclopramide work on?
5-HT4 receptors ?
5-CHL45 Receptors ?
HR4-CL Receptors ?
5 - HT4 Receptors
Misoprostol …
Increases or decreases bicarbonate & murine release ?
Increases or decreases acid secretion
And treats what?
1) increases
2) decreases
NSAIDS induced ulcers
Metamucal, dulcolax and Ex Lax
Laxatives, oral or rectal drugs ?
What does MILK OF MAGNESIA do ?
Draws water into Colon
Improves water and fat penetration into💩
Draws water into colon
What drug improves the fat and water penetration into 💩
Bulk - forming drugs
Stimulant laxatives