Gass- Intro to sexuality and health Flashcards
“an individual’s pattern of physical and emotional arousal (including fantasies, activities, and behaviors) and the gender(s) of persons to whom an individual is physically or sexually attracted
sexual orientation
Which sexual orientation is attracted to any gender identity?
internal sense of being male, female, or along the spectrum
Gender Identity
the gender(s) a person is attracted to
sexual orientation
How one manifests one’s self through social norms of masculine, feminine or variant
gender expression
Most individuals who identify as gay or lesbian, for example, have had sex with the gender, and many may continue to do so
some researchers differentiate this from sexual orientation to more specifically reference how people chose to label themselves
sexual identity
— specific types of sexual behaviors that an individual engages in, including with whom they are having sex
sexual behavior
— an individual who is part of a group whose gender or sexual identity differs from cultural norms
sexual minority
What do all of the abbreviations for LGBTQIA stand for?
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual
“an irrational fear and resulting hatred of homosexual individuals”
: “the societal expectation that heterosexuality is the expected normal”
Some/Everyone develops a sexual orientation!
Sexual orientation typically emerges “before or in early adolescence” (AAP) around age
❖ This corresponds to the operational stage of development
❖ Family, cultural, and societal expectations may drive the experience and of sexuality in children
❖ Sexual orientation may be fluid or shift over tim
What piaget stage and age range?

sensorimotor , 0-2 age
What piaget stage and age range?

preoperational, 2-7 age
What piaget stage and age range?

concrete operational, 7-11 age
What piaget stage and age range?

formal operational, 11+ age
Some/Most LGBTQIA adolescents are healthy and well-adjusted
What is the most protective factor for LGBTQIA individuals?
acceptance (family)
Please review the list of protective factors for LQBTQIA mental health
Acceptance ❖ Competence ❖ Higher levels of self-esteem and psychologic well-being ❖ Strong sense of self and self-acceptance ❖ Strong ethnic identification ❖ Strong connections to family and school ❖ Caring adult role models outside the family ❖ Community involvement
This model represents which theory?

Minority Stress Theory
What is the role fo a pedicatrician as it comes to adolescents and sexual indentity and expression?
pediatricians should assist adolescents as they develop their identities and to avoid the consequences of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), regardless of sexual orientation.
Compared to their heterosexual peers, sexual minority students are more likely to have been:
Felt sad or hopeless
cosidered suicide
used drugs
been forced to have sex
misused opioids
LGBTQIA teens are at increased risk for substance use. Which drug or act in particular?
There are no/are differences in diet, exercise, or other types of non-sexual healthrelated behaviors between LGBTQIA and heterosexual counterparts
are no
All sexual minority adults are more likely to
❖ Women who identify as lesbian are 30% more/less likely to have an annual physical exam
❖ Sexual minority adults report lower/higher rates of asthma and cardiovascular disease
Sexual minority patients report higher/lower rates of some appropriate screening tests; for example, lesbian women are less likely to receive the HPV vaccine, cervical cancer screening, and mammograms
Which minority group has the highest levels of HIV diagnosis?
Black MSM
In a primary care setting, sexual history is/is not vital information to have about your patient and you want to ask in the first visit
is not
Is is important to screen for mental health disorders in sexual minority care in the primary care setting.
Which disorders can be screened for-
❖ Depression and anxiety are highly prevalent in this population.
What other screeners are important for this population other than for mental health (depression and anxiety)?
substance use disorders
(IPV) intimate partner violence
What is PrEP and for what is it indicated?
PrEP (pre exposure prophylaxis) is daily medicine that can reduce your chance of getting HIV.
It can stop HIV from taking hold and spreading
Must be taken daily to be most effective
According population-level surveys, rates of IPV (intimate partner violence) in same-sex relationships are generally equal to or lower/higher than rates in opposite-sex relationships