G.A cardiovascular & lymph system Flashcards
How many beats does the heart avg.? mL?
75 beats per minute; 70-80 mL per beat!
Right atrium has? receives? which valve?
right auricle (little ear) pectinate muscles crista terminalis - recieves deoxygenated blood from IVC - tricuspid valve going from RA to RV
Right ventricle has?
is most of anterior surface
has trabeculae carnae
-receives from RA
-blood goes through semilunar valve to pulmonary arteries (deoxy. blood) to the lungs
Left atrium receives? valve?
has oxygen rich blood from lungs via 4 pulmonary veins
most of posterior surface of heart
bicuspid valve to LV (mitral valve)- chorda tendinea, Papillary muscles
Left ventricle has? pumps to?
Apex of heart
Inferior surface of heart
trabeculae carnae
pumps to Aorta- therefore rest of body
what separates the ventricles?
interventricular septum
where is Apex located?
5th intercostal space, near diaphragm
Branches off the external carotid
sup thyroid ascending pharyngeal lingual facial occipital post auricular Terminates: superficial temporal arteries & maxillary "Save A Lady Falling Out (of a) Plane Super Man"
Branches off the Ascending Aorta and Aortic Arch
coronary A.
brachiocephalic (r. common carotid & R. subclavian)
L. common carotid
L. sublcavian
Branches off Abdominal Aorta
Celiac trunk: L. gastric, common hepatic & splenic
Superior mesenteric: goes to the S.I., middle, right, ilio colic
Inferior mesenteric: L. colic, sigmoid & sup rectal
what is the mediastinum?
intrapleural space in the thorax
Superior mediastinum location? contents?
L: first rib to sternal angle (T4-T5 disc)
C: SVC (upper 1/2), arch of aorta, trachea, int thoracic A. & V, Brachiocephalic A. & V., left common carotid A., subclavian, thoracic duct, esophagus, thyroid, vagus N., left current laryngeal N., thymic remnants & phrenic N.
middle medisatinum Location? Contents?
L: between left & right pleural cavities (lungs)
C: heart, pericardium, ascending aorta, SVC (lower 1/2), R & L pulm. A. & V., phrenic N., great vessels, arch of azygous V. and main bronchi
Anterior mediastinum location? contents?
L: anterior to pericardium
C: thymic remnants, lymph nodes, fat & loose CT, sternopericardial lig.
Posterior mediatsinum location? contents?
L: post to pericardium between mediastinal pleurae
C: esophagus, descending thoracic aorta, azygous & hemiazygous V., thoracic duct, symp. trunk, splanchnic & vagus N.
what type of organ is the spleen?
what does the spleen store?
what does the spleen produce?
lymphocytes & antibodies
what does the spleen contain?
both red pulp (RBC) and white (lymphocyte) pulp
what system is Lymph a part of?
Immune system
what organs make up the lymphatic system?
Spleen, tonsils, thymus, bone marrow
What makes up a nerve?
dendrites (branches)
cell body- perikaryon or soma, contains the nucleus
Axon- the impulse generator
terminal button- NT stored here
Ectoderm give rise to?
epithelial cells of skin & nervous tissue
endoderm gives rise to?
epithelial cells that line the respiratory & digestive tracts
Mesoderm gives rise to?
everything else that ectoderm & endoderm dont cover
Sclerotome give rise to?
vertebral column
Myotome give rise to?
Dermatome give rise to?
dermis of skin
what does the enteric (intrinsic) nervous system control?
GI system