G54: Oral Cavity Flashcards
Oral Mucosa
lining of oral cavity (Buccal, gingivae, epithelium of tongue, and mucoperiostium of hard palate)
Buccal Mucosa
lining of the cheeks
mucoperiosteum covering alveolar process of maxilla and mandible (mucous membrane and periostium)
U-shaped space bounded externally by the lips and cheeks and internally by the teeth and gums
Parotid duct pierces
buccopharyngeal fascia and buccinator m
Orifice of parotid duct
opposite to 2nd molar
Crown of teeth
visible portion of enamel
Neck of teeth
portion of enamel surrounded by gums
Root of teeth
portion embedded in bone
Pulp cavity of teeth
contains CT, nerve, and blood supply, present in root and crown
Deciduous dentition (baby teeth)
20 total; 2 incisors, 1 canine, 0 premolars, 2 molars
1st eruption of baby teeth
6-8 mo
Last eruption of baby teeth
20-24 mo
Shedding of baby teeth
6-12 years
Permanent adult teeth
32 total; 2 incisors, 1 canine, 2 premolars, 3 molars
Eruption of adult teeth
6-18 years
General sensory to upper teeth and upper gingivae?
Anterior, Middle (infraorbital) and Posterior Superior Alveolar n.
General sensory to lower teeth and upper gingivae?
Inferior alveolar n. and mental n.
General sensory to mucosa of oral cavity?
Buccal n. to buccal mucosa, mental n to lower labial mucosa, and anterior middle superior alveolar to upper labial mucosa
Blood supply to Maxillary structure?
anterior middle and posterior superior alveolar a.
Blood supply to Mandibular structure?
Inferior alveolar a.
Blood supply to cheeks?
facial a
Oral Cavity proper borders
teeth and gums anteriorly, tongue inferiorly, hard and soft palate superiorly, oropharyngeal isthmus posteriorly (palatoglossal folds)
Bony structure of hard palate
palatine processes of the maxillary bone (with incisive foramina) and horizontal plates of palatine bones (with greater and lesser palatine foramina)
General sensory innervation to hard palate?
greater palatine n and nasopalatine n.
Blood supply to palate?
Greater palatine branch of the descending palatine a. and septal branches of sphenopalatine a
Soft palate
consists of membranous aponeurosis, skeletal muscle, and mucus membranes; continuous laterally with the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal folds
General sensory innervation to soft palate?
Lesser palatine n.
Blood supply to the soft palate?
ascending palatine a from facial a
Sulcus terminalis
V-shaped groove that divides the dorsal surface of the tongue into an anterior ORAL surface and posterior PHARYNGEAL surface
Oral surface
faces superiorly and is covered with lingual papillae
Filiform papillae
long, thread-like general sensory nerve endings
Fungiform papillae
pink spots among filiform, contain TASTE BUDS
Vallate papillae
large, flat, located just anterior to sulcus terminalis; contain TASTE BUDS
Foliate papillae
small, lateral folds of lingual mucosa on the side of the tongue, contain TASTE BUDS
Pharyngeal surface
faces posteriorly into oropharynx contains TAST BUDS and LINGUAL TONSILS
Foramen Caecum:
apex of sulcus terminalis, represents site of origin of thyroglossal duct/thyroid gland (develops here and migrates inferiorly)
Sublingual caruncle
where the duct of submandibular gland opens
Sublingual fold
fold of mucous membrane containing the openings of the ducts of the sublingual gland
Intrinsic muscles of tongue
arise from midline and intertwine with each other innervated by HYPOGLOSSAL (Sup/Inf longitudinal, Vertical, and Transverse)
Extrinsic muscles of the tongue
intertwine with intrinsic muscles of the tongue, innervated by HYPOGLOSSAL (except palatoglossal - CNX)
retracts tongue and draws it up;styloid process to inserts on side of tongue
depresses tongue and draws the sides down; body and greater horn of hyoid to side of tongue
What nerves and vessels cours with hyoglossus
hypoglossal and lingual n course on the superficial surface of hyoglossal and lingual a, courses deep
depresses and protrudes tongue, from genial tubercles to dorsum of tongue
Fissured tongue
Down Syndrome, Psoriasis, and Sjoren syndrome
Geographic tongue
papillary atrophy on dorsal surface of tongue, smooth patch surrounded by raised creeping borders, mottled
Hair tongue
excess keratin accumulates on filiform papillae (tan to black, darker if bacteria and debris accumulates) smokers, poor hygiene, antibiotics
General Sensory to tongue
Anterior 2/3: Lingual n.
Posterior 1/3: Glossopharyngeal n.
Root of tongue: Internal laryngeal (Vagus)
Special Sensory to tongue
Anterior 2/3: Chorda Tympani (Facial)
Posterior 1/3: Glossopharyngeal
Root of tongue: Vagus
Motor innervation to tongue; one exception
ALL muscles are hypoglossal, EXCEPT PALATOGLOSSUS (VAGUS)
Blood supply to tongue
dorsal branch of lingual a. and deep branch of lingual a to tip
raises hyoid bone and floor of mouth during swallowing; mylohyoid line to hyoid bone (innervated by nerve to mylohyoid)
pulls hyoid bone superiorly; genial tubercles to body of hyoid (innervated by C1 coursing with hypoglossal)
Parotid gland visceral motor innervation
CN9 -> lesser petrosal -> otic ganglion -> auriculotemporal
Submandibular gland
posterior edge of mylohyoid, superficial to hyoglossus
Submandibular duct
medial from gland to cross lingual n. and opens into the sublingual caruncle
Visceral motor to submandibular gland
Facial n chorda tympani-> lingual n. -> submandibular ganglion -> lingual n.
Blood supply to submandibular gland
sublingual branch of lingual a. and submental branch of facial a.
Sublingual gland
almond-shaped, inferior to sublingual folds
Sublingual ducts open into
crease of sublingual fold
Lymphatics of head and neck (Superficial lymph nodes)
Occipital nodes, posterior auricular nodes, preauricular nodes, superficial cervical, submandibular, and submental nodes
Lymphatics of head and neck (Deep lymph nodes)
Located along internal carotid artery, upper/lower deep nodes divided by the omohyoid m.
Extension of deep nodes
retropharyngeal space, pretracheal nodes, paratracheal nods, and prelaryngeal nodes
Deep nodes drain to
brachiocephalic junction
Lymphatics of tongue
Deep cervical, submandibular, and submental
Posterior 1/3 of tongue lymph drainage
drains bilaterally, so metastases could be found on either side
Tip and central portion of tongue lymph drainage
less likely to drain bilaterally
HPV and Oropharyngeal cancer
HPV can persist and cause squamous cell cancers (HPV 16 leading cause of oropharyngeal cancer) can also cause, cervix, penis and anus cancer