G-5 Flashcards
behavior change strategies based on motivating operations, change, ________ events.
they are _______independent they do not depend on differential consequences for the target behavior.
these interventions ______client needs by manipulating environmental variables, instead of directly addressing target behavior.
intervention based on _______can be less aversive and more centered on client needs than other interventions.
Motivating operations
provide _______exposure to stimuli that functions as reinforcer example practitioner gives access to iPad before session starts
provide free access to preferred ______activities and example the client had free access to the sensory brush and fidget cube which decreased self self injuries behavior.
increasing response ______an example would be covering the table with a clear cover to make this more difficult so they can’t swipe materials.
_______the task. Make these materials more a good example of this for me. I think with adults like a lot of adults like puzzles, but like here’s an awesome puzzle it is entirely the color brown.
_______choices in session the client often materials off the table. The practitioner offered a choice and decreased swiping material.
change ______to the person the client often hits at lunch so the practitioner states 3 feet more from the client during lunch and hitting decreases. This is a change in motivating operations and proximity response effort..
________ non-contingent _________reinforcement can effectively diminish behaviors targeted for decrease because the reinforcers that maintain the behavior are available freely and frequently.
Non-contingent reinforcement
The ______procedure functions as an abolishing operation that reduces the motivation to engage in the behavior.
non-_ _____reinforcement can be used for positive reinforcement negative reinforcement and automatic reinforcement.
_______ positive reinforcement the client often engages in a tantrum behavior during session to get iPad. The practitioner made iPad available. Non-contingent upon behavior two minutes every 10 minutes..
______escape the client often engages in tantrum behavior during session to escape difficult tasks. The practitioner may brakes available every five minutes, regardless of behavior..