Chapter 16 Flashcards
______operation was re-introduced to describe any environmental variable that momentarily alters the effectiveness of some stimulus object or event as a reinforcer the current frequency of all behavior that has been reinforced by stimulus object or event.
_______ operations serve not only to strengthen, but also to weaken the value of a consequence as a reinforcer.
A motivating operation can be defined as an environmental variable that has two effects _____altering and behavior altering.
The ______altering effect is either an increase in the reinforcers effectiveness of some stimulus object or event in which case the MO is established operations or a decrease in the reinforcement effectiveness in which case the MO is an abolishing operation.
The behavior altering effect is either an increase in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by some stimulus object or event called any evocative effect or a decrease in the current frequency of the behavior that has been enforced by some stimulus object event called an ____________.
Ablative effect
Thus consequences can change the organisms repertoire enabling the organism to behave differently. In the future. Thus consequences have function altering _______. These variables include reinforcers punishers, and the currents of a response without its reinforcer or without its punisher..
AnSD effects behavior because its presence has been correlated with the differential availability of effective reinforcer in the past differential availability means the relevant consequence has been available in the presence of the ED reinforcement and unavailable in its ______
______in contrast controls behavior because of its relation to the differential effectiveness of a reinforcer for that behavior differential effectiveness means that the relevant consequence was has been effective in the presence of an in effect in the absence of the motivating operation.
_________ are born with the capacity to be affected by food reinforcement as a result of food, deprivation, and pain reduction reinforcement as a result of pain onset or increase thus food, deprivation, and painful stimulation are unconditioned, motivating operations.
_____motivating operations, motivating variables that alter the reinforcer effectiveness of other stimuli, objects or events as a result of the organisms learning history.
example of a conditioned motivating operation needing to enter room with the lock door establishes the key to the lock as an effective reinforcer a lock door is a _______because it’s value altering effect is a function of a learning history involving doors, locks and keys.
surrogate conditioned, motivating operation produces the same effect as another motivating operation because of some type of _____\surrogate is a substitute or stand in.
A ___CMO alters a relation to itself, makes it its own removal effective as reinforcement.
A ________CMO makes something else effective as reinforcement.