Chapter 19 Flashcards
The behavior analytical approach to symbolic function knows known as stimulus equivalence made its debut in the early 1970s and received its full operational treatment in 1982 by sidman
Sidman targeted the critical functional repertoire with a teaching arrangement known as matching the sample procedure and arrangement that has much in common with the everyday classroom teaching approaches matching to sample is a discrete trial procedure each teaching trial begins with repeated presentation of one to 20 different spoken words referred to us a sample stimuli The participant was required to touch the illuminated key to indicate that the spoken word had been noticed a response referred to as observing response. The observing response resulted in presentation of eight simple line drawings known as comparison stimuli..
Emergent stimulus relations, the probe trials presented new combinations of sample and comparison stimuli that we never encounter during training. Thus any consistent patterns of responding observed on the probes in the absence of reinforcement could be described as emergent stimulus _______