Funding legal services Flashcards
When must a costs officer inform the SRA?
Where the reduce amount of costs in a solicitors bill by more than 50% in a non contentious matter
What is contentious business?
Work done in relation to proceedings, once they’ve been issued
NOT resolving claims via online pre action portals
Conditions for contentious business agreements to be enforceable?
- state it is a contentious business agreement;
- in writing;
- signed by the client
- contain all the terms
If a business agreement is enforceable can the client apply to court for assessment of costs?
No unless for hourly rate
BUT the court may set aside the agreement or reduce remuneration if it is unfair or unreasonable.
What is Non contentious business
‘Any business done as a solicitor which is not contentious business’
(eg conveyancing or commercial drafting)
Conditions for non contentious business agreement to be enforceable?
- in writing
- signed by client
- contain all terms of agreement (including whether disbursements and VAT are included in the agreed remuneration).
What is a Conditional fee agreement (CFA) (no win no fee)
Pay different amount depending on outcome of case:
LOOSE: Sol receives no OR less than normal payment=client pays opponents costs
WIN: Sol receives normal or higher than normal payment
Success fee (higher fee than normal) must be expressed as a % increase of fee payable if no CFA
Normally based on sols usual hourly charging rates
What CANT a CFA be used for?
Criminal or family proceedings
Requirements for CFA to be valid
- NOT used for family proceedings
- In writing
- State percentage by which the normal fee is to be increased.
- Cap: Max 100% uplift on normal charges (additional cap of 25% general damages for PI)
CFA: can disbursements be recovered?
Yes BUT most firms exclude so don’t risk being out of pocket (=client will have to pay if looses)
What is a damages based agreement (DBA)
Solicitors fee is an agreed % of compensation received (aka. contingency fee)
* WIN: Amount paid is net of costs payable by opponent (= client pays balance)
* LOOSE: client not responsible for sols own fees but may still be liable for disbursements and opponents costs
Who CANT use a damages based agreement?
non-counterclaiming defendant
Cap for DBA?
- 50% sums recovered by client Inc:
◊ Counsels fees
◊ NOT other disbursements - PI=25% general damages received for pain, suffering, and loss of amenity and damages for pecuniary loss (other than future pecuniary loss)
- Employment=35%
Requirements for DBA to be enforceable?
- In writing
- Specify proceedings to which it relates
- Specify circumstances in which the fee is payable
- Specify reason for setting the fee at the level agreed
Is 3rd party funding for litigation allowed?
Yes in the absence of impropriety or wrongdoing