Business: 5 Company Finance Flashcards
What are the 2 ways to finance a company?
- Equity finance
- Debt finance
Types of equity finance?
- Allotment: creation of new shares for consideration
- Transfer: SH sells/gifts existing shares
- Transmission: automatic when SH bankrupt/dies
- Buyback: co buys back own shares which are reabsorbed
What is the difference between the term ‘allot’ and ‘issue’?
-Allots shares-when person acquires unconditional right to be inc in register of members
-Issued-when name of SH entered onto register of members
3 steps to consider when alloting shares?
- Constitutional restrictions?
- Do the directors have authority to allot?
- Are there pre-emption rights?
What constitutional restrictions may there be on allotment and how are they dealt with?
- Incorp before Oct 2009 (Table A co): memorandum contained Authorised share capital (upper limit) = If articles not updated since CA 2006: remove by OR+ file copy of OR at CH
- Incorp under CA 2006: MA-no restrictions, check special articles and remove via SR if needed
Do directors have authority to allot shares?
Priv co (ltd) with 1 class of share (before and after issue):
-If Inc before CA 2006: need OR to activate s550
-If inc under CA 2006: Dirs can alot via BR without SH permission (s550)
-Both-Check AoA
Public (plc) cos with more than1 class of share
-Need SH consent via OR (s511)
-OR authority may exist in articles
What are the requirements for an ordinary resolution giving directors authority to allot shares (for public cos with more than 1 class of share) under s551
OR will state:
1. max shares dirs may allot
2. Date authority expires, max 5y from date OR passed (Once expired, can be renewed via OR for further max 5y period)
3. Must file OR at CH (even though its an OR)
How can you tell if a company is public or private from its name
Priv =ltd
Public =plc
What are Statutory Pre-emption Rights?
If co proposing to allot ‘equity’ securities’ , they must offer them to existing SH first in proportion to their existing shareholdings:
*in same/more favourable terms
*In an amount that will enable SH to preserve % shareholding (as nearly as practicable)
*Offer must state period for acceptance (CANT be withdrawn in this period)
Meaning of ‘equity securities’ for pre-emption rights?
ordinary shares in co OR shares that can be converted to ordinary shares
3 exceptions when pre-emption rights dont apply
- Consideration wholly/partly non cash
- Allotment of bonus shares
- Shares held under/allotted/transferred pursuant to employee share scheme
How are pre-emption rights disapplied?
1. Priv Co 1 class of share (before and after issue): Special Res to exclude in articles generally/ for particular allotment
2. Priv/public co with more than 1 class of share:
a. Dirs have general authority to allot=remove via SR and disapplication will last as long as dir authority under s551
b. Dirs have authority for specific allotment= SR BUT:
* must be recommended by dirs
* Before proposing, dirs make written statement circulates to SH with notice of GM or sent with WR setting out:
1. Reasons for making rec
2. Amount purchaser will pay
3. Dirs justification of amount
What is an offence related to a directors statement reccomending removal of pre emption rights when their power was for a specific allotment?
OFFENCE to knowingly/recklessly authorise or permit inc of any matter that’s misleading/false/deceptive in material particular in dirs written statement
Must shares be fully paid?
MA: all co shares must be fully paid when received
Bespoke articles: shares can be issued partly paid and SH pay rest when contractually obliged to do so/if co wound up
What does it mean for shares to be issued at a premium and what must be recorded?
*Premium=issued at excess of nominal value if co doing well
*Excess consideration recorded in sep share premium account on balance sheet
*Will be treated as share capital and must be maintained
External admin requirements for allotment?
Copies of resolutions to be sent to CH within 15d:
*all SR
*OR removing ASC
*OR activating s550 in pre CA co
*OR granting dirs authority to allot
Forms to send to CH:
*return of allotment and statement of capital (SH01)
*Possible PSC forms
Internal admin requirements for allotment?
*amend register of members within 2mo
*possibly amend PSC register
*prep share certificates within 2mo allotment
What are restrictions on transfer of shares?
*CA: doesnt restrict
*Articles :cant restrict SH selling shares/stop particular purchaser buying
*MA: board can refuse to register transfer (so person wont become shareholder)=every share transfer must be approved board
What happens if the board refuse to register a transfer of shares?
□ transferee will be beneficial owner, transfer will remain legal owner
□In GM legal owner attends/revives dividends but must vote in accordance with ben owners wishes and pay them dividend
Procedure for transferring shares?
- Complete + sign stock transfer form and give to transferee with share certificate
- If sale price over 1k (and shares NOT a gift), pay stamp duty on stock transfer form. (0.5% rounded to nearest £5, min stamp duty £5)
- Send to co who will:
-send new SH share certif in their name within 2mo
-enter name on register of members within 2mo
- notify the Registrar of Companies of the change in ownership of the share when the company files its annual confirmation statement (CS01).
What is transmission?
Automatic process whereby:
□ If SH dies, their shares automatically pass to their PRs
□ If SH made bankrupt, their shares automatically vest in their trustee in bankruptcy.
Effect of transmission
□Trustee in bankruptcy/ PRs dont become SH of co but entitled to any dividends declared on the shares.
□Can choose to be registered as SH themselves and then sell shares OR sell directly in capacity as rep
What is buyback?
*Company buys back some of its own shares
*Shares cancelled/reabsorbed so total no. of shares in co decreases and shares co bought back are cancelled
How does buyback relate to dirs duties?
*Board need to make decision to buyback with due skill, care and attention (Often justified on basis will be better for co in long run to buy out unhappy SH rather than continue to work with them in unproductive way, esp if theyre also dir)
Consequences of buyback?
□ Reduced profits available for declaring dividends
□ Reduced capital available for creditors if co cant pay debts
□If co wound up, less money for SH once creditors paid
Type of purcahce for buyback if shares on/not on stock market?
Shares on stock market=market purchase
Shares not on stock market=off market purchase
Requirments for an off-market purchase
- Articles mustn’t forbid
- Shares must be fully paid
- Co must pay for shares at time of purchase
- Shares paid for out of distributable profits or proceeds of fresh issue of shares made for purpose of financing purchase
- SH pass OR authorising buyback contract
- Copy/summary of buyback contract must be available for inspection for at least 15d before general meeting and at GM (or sent with WR)
- Copy of buyback contract/memorandum of its terms must be available for inspection at RO/SAIL as soon as contract concluded for 10y
What are ‘distributable profits’ for the purpose of buyback?
Cos accumulated, realised profits LESS accumulated, realised losses (bottom 1/2 balance sheet)
Practical considerations for buyback ?
□ Dirs consider duties
□ Does co have enough cash?: Check what liabilities need to be paid soon to ensure co can pay for both with cash it has
What can a co do if they dont have enough distributable profits for buyback?
Priv (NOT public) cos can use capital (unless articles forbid) BUT must exhaust distributable profit first
What are the requirements for buyback out of capital to be lawful?
Same conditions as using distributable profits, PLUS:
* Dirs make statement of solvency (stating co solvent & will be for year following) and hold BM to call GM/circulate WR no more than 1w before GM (+annex auditors report)
- General meeting/WR (with copy of SoS and auditors report available):
◊ OR to authorise buyback contract
◊ SR to authorise payment out of capital - Within 7d SR, co put notice in London Gazette and other paper in area stating:
◊ SH have approved buyback out of capital
◊ Amount of capital to be used
◊ Date of SR
◊ Where dirs statement/auditors report available for inspection
◊ That creditors can, within 5y apply for order preventing buyback
Admin after the procedure to approve buyback out of captial
◊ File copy of dirs statement/auditors report at CH before/at time of newspaper notices
◊ Kept available for inspection at RO for 5w after SR passed
◊ Payment made no earlier than 5w and no later than 7w after date of SR
What is a companies share capital?
£ provided by SH in return for shares
Explain maintenance of share capital?
Share capital CANNOT be reduced as is what creditors look to for payments of debts owed to them
□ Dividends cant be paid out of capital, just distributable profits
□ Co cant generally purchase own shares
3 things
Exceptions to maintenance of share capital
□ Buyback if correct procedure followed
□ By own shares under court order to buy out unfairly prejudiced minority SH
□ Co can return capital to SH after payment of co debts in winding up
What are the 2 ways a shareholder makes money from shares?
- Value of shares increases as co makes money
- Dividends
How/when are dividends paid?
□ Only paid profits available for purpose (available profits=accumulated realised profits LESS accumulated realised losses)
□ Can use profit from prev years if made no profit that year
□ Dirs decide if to recommend dividend and how much it should be
□ SH pass OR for it to be approved (aka declared) (Can approve or decrease NOT increase)
Considerations prior to borrowing
- Constitutional restrictins? (+pass special res to remove):
□ MA priv companies-no restrictions on borrowing
□ If formed before 1/10/09 and not updated articles=important to check memorandum for restrictions - Dirs have authority to act on behalf of co?
(comes from MA 3 or check bespoke articles)
2 types of debt finance?
- Loans
- Debt securities
What are debt securities?
IOUs issued to investors in return for cash
Must be repaid by co at agreed future date