Business 7: Personal insolvency Flashcards
When is an individual insolvent?
- A debt is payable now but the debtor does not currently have enough money to pay
- A debt is payable in the future and there is no reasonable prospect that the individual will be able to pay.
Ways a creditor can prove personal insolvency?
- Serve statutory demand for liquidated sum of £5,000 or more, and wait 3w to see if they pay or apply to court to set it aside
- Serve a statutory demand on debtor in respect of a future liability to pay a debtof £5,000 or more, and wait 3w to see whether the debtor either:
a. shows a reasonable prospect of being able to pay the sum when it falls due; or
b. applies to court to set aside the statutory demand. - Obtain court judgment for a debt of £5,000 or more, and attempt execution of the judgment without success.
What are the options for an insolvent person?
- Bankruptcy
- Individual voluntary arrangement
- Negotiation with creditors
- Debt relief order (DRO)
- Debt Respite Scheme (‘Breathing Space’)
What is bankruptcy?
Process where a debtor’s assets pass to are controlled by a trustee in bankruptcy to repays many debts as possible to creditors.
2 ways of commencing bankruptcy proceedings?
- Creditor presents Petition in court
- Debtor’s online Application
What creditors can present petition in court for bankruptcy?
○ Owed £5,000+ liquidated (fixed) sum
○ OR creditors owed less can join together if collectively owed £5k
What must a creditor show when petitioning for bankruptcy?
Debtor is unable to pay debts/has little prospect of being able to pay debt (presumed if use method above)
Where should a creditor present a bankruptcy petition?
debtor’s local county court hearing centre (if have jurisdiction)
What must a creditor petitioning for bankruptcy pay?
Deposit for costs and personal service of petition (agent hands to petitioner and gets witness statement confirming OR substituted service with court permission if the debtor avoids service
How does a debtor apply for bankruptcy?
Apply online with a fee and deposit for Official Receiver’s (OR) costs.
What happens once a debtor applies online for bankruptcy (+time limits)?
An adjudicator decides whether to make bankruptcy order:
○ Within 28 days
○ Extendable to 42 days for more information
○ ( Most orders are processed within 48 hours)
Who is an official reciever for bankruptcy?
*Employed by insolvency service and is an officer of the court
*Creditors may appoint private trustee if bankrupt has sufficient funds
What is the role of the trustee in bankruptcy?
- bankrupt’s estate vests in them automatically when bankruptcy order made
- Must realize and sell assets for creditor repayment.
- Will ask for statement of affairs detailing financial position/recent transactions
- Investigates bankrupts affairs and set aside/challenge prior financial transactions
- Safeguards property and dispose of property that’s perishable/depreciates in value
What of a bankrupts property vests in the trustee in bankruptcy?
Most of it BUT can keep assets needed for day to day living eg:
*Items needed for work (tools of their trade)
*Everyday household items (clothing/furniture)
*BUT if high value, trustee can sell and replace with cheap alternative
Can a bankrupt keep their salary?
Yes but if more than sufficient to meet reasonable needs of them/family, trustee may ask to enter Income Payments Agreement (IPA) or Order (IPO)
=Pay some of salary to trustee to meet liabilities (lasts max 3y)
What happens to the home on bankruptcy?
- Trustee gains interest in the home.
- 3y after bankruptcy order, home reverts back to bankrupt unless trustee has: sold it, Applied for court order for sale/possession, Entered agreement with bankrupt (e.g., payment in exchange for keeping the home).
What happens if someone else has legal/equitable interest/right of occupation in a bankrupts home?
*Trustee needs court order for eviction
*Court will consider all relevant circumstances, inc interests of creditors/spouse/children
*After 1y, creditors’ interests outweigh anyone living in house unless circumstances are exceptional.
What can a trustee in bankruptcy do to preserve and increase assets for creditors
(a) disclaim onerous property
(b) set aside transactions at an undervalue
(c) apply to set aside preferences
(d) apply to set aside transactions defrauding creditors
(e) avoid extortionate credit transactions
Who is a trustee in bankruptcy primary duty to?
Creditors=must have a view to increase assets available to them
Examples of ‘onerous property’ that can be disclaimed by trustee in bankruptcy
- Unprofitable contracts
- Land burdened by onerous cov
- Lease with no capital value
What is the effect of a trustee in bankruptcy disclaiming onerous property?
○ all bankrupts rights/liabilities for prop end and trustee discharged from personal liability for prop
○ If someone suffers a loss bc of disclaimer, may become unsecured creditor in bankruptcy
What must be shown for a trustee in bankruptcy to set aside a transaction at an undervalue?
○ If made more than 2y before petition: that bankrupt was insolvent at time of/as a result of it
○ Rebbutably assumed if wit associate (no matter when made)
For setting aside transactions at an undervalue what period of time can trustees search?
Order for distribution of assets on bankruptcy
- Secured creditors (surplus to trustee, join unsecured for shortfall)
- Cost of bankruptcy
- Preferential debts (Employees 4mo salary max £800 +HMRC)
- Unsecured creditors.
- Postponed creditors, who are the bankrupt’s spouse or civil partner.
In each category, creditors rank and abate equally,
When is a bankruptcy order discharged?
Automatically discharged after 1y (UNLESS suspended if bankrupt uncooperative/dishonest)
Effect of discharge of bankruptcy order?
*Released from most of their prev debts EXCEPT student loans)
*But may still be subject to bankruptcy restriction order (BRO) or bankruptcy restriction undertaking (BRU)
If trustee not realised all assets, bankrupt must still assist with this
When a bankruptcy order ends, is property vested in the trustee returned?
No EXCEPT matrimonial home in some cases
What are business restrictions an bankrupts during bankruptcy?
*Be a director
*Manage/promote/form co without court permission
*trade under a different name from the name in bankruptcy order without disclosing to anyone they trade with that they are an undischarged bankrupt
* continue in partnership, unless PA varies the default position in the Partnership Act 1890, which is that the bankrupt will automatically cease to be a partner when they are made bankrupt.
What are personal restrictions an bankrupts during bankruptcy?
◊ Crim offence to obtain more than £500 credit without disclosing bankruptcy to lender
◊ Cannot obtain credit card/have normal current acc (will probs have one without overdraft)
◊ Cannot practice as a solicitor (similar for other professions)
What are restrictions may remain on on bankrupts after bankruptcy?
- Bankruptcy restriction order
- Bankruptcy restriction undertaking
What is the purpsoe of Bankruptcy restriction orders and undertakings?
protect public from bankrupts considered ‘culpable’ and whove caused their own bankruptcy by being dishonest, negligent or reckless.
What is the difference between BRO and BRUs?
Same effect but:
BRO: made by court
BRU: bankrupt can agree to have instead to avoid going to court
How long do BRO/BRU last?
What is the effect of a BRO/BRU?
*cant at as director, insolvency practitioner, MP
*cant obtain credit over £500 without disclosing BRO
What is a Individual voluntary arrangement?
*simmilar to CVA
□ is a binding agreement between unsecured creditors, setting out how much each creditor will receive from the bankrupt in settlement of their debts
Who may bring a Individual voluntary arrangement
- Trustee
- Debtor to avoid bankruptcy
What is the procedure during an Individual voluntary arrangement?
- Debtor appoints nominee to act with them (insolvency practitioner)
- Debtor preps statement of affairs (+Nominee considers)
- Apply to court for moratorium (Usually in force for 14d)
- Nominee preps report stating whether debtors made realistic proposals +if theyll support D
- Creditors decision making process (proposals approved if 75% creditors in value where at least 50% arent associated agree)
- if approved, nominee implements proposals
Who will a creditors decision within an IVA bind?
Every ordinary unsecured creditor entitled to attend and vote, regardless of if they attended
What happens if a debtor doesn’t comply with an IVA or creditors accepted proposals are based on false/misleasing info?
supervisor/creditors party to the IVA, can petition for bankruptcy
Can supervisors in an IVA apply to the court to set aside these transactions?
No, only trustees can?
Advantages of IVA for debtor?
◊ Avoid stigma of bankruptcy/public examination in court
◊ Avoid disqualifications
Advantages/disadvantageof IVA for creditor?
◊ Low cost
◊ Greater returns
◊ BUT consider if bankrupt can be trusted to honour IVA
What is the Straightforward Consumer IVA Protocol
- Followed in relation to credit card debts
*approved by British Bankers Association but is voluntary
*ims to balance need for consumer to be free of debt with the creditors need to recoup as much as possible.
*contains standard terms, including fees for insolvency practitioners and levels of return for creditors
What is the nature of negotiation with creditors as an option for an insolvent person?
Wouldn’t stop another creditor issuing bankruptcy petition
Where do you apply for a debt relief order (DRO)?
When would you apply for a Debt relief order (DRO)?
□ Only if assets and liabilities low in value
When is a DRO not available?
if debtor:
(a) has total unsecured liabilities over £20,000;
(b) has total gross assets exceeding £1,000;
(c) has a car worth £1,000 or more (unless its adapted for debtors disability);
(d) has disposable income over £50 per month, after normal household expenditure;
(e) has been subject to a DRO in the preceding six years
(f) is subject to another, formal insolvency procedure
Effect of a DRO
*Debtor protected from enforcement action from most creditors same way as bankruptcy
*Mostly will be debt free at end
*Must cooperate with official reciever and provide info they request
During a DRO is the debtor expected to pay creditors if financial situation improves?
How long does a DRO last?
12mo (unless extended bc of non-cooperation by debtor)
What restrictions does a DRO place on the individual?
Same as bankrupt
*may last up to 15y if dishonest/culpable
*This extra period obtained by OR applying for debt relief restrictions order against debtor
What are the 2 tyes of debt respite scheme and who can use each?
- Standard breathing space (for anyone)
- Mental health crisis breathing space (if receiving mental health crisis treatment)
What is the effect of Standard breathing space?
Gives moratorium for up to 60d
(includes pausing most enforcement action and contact from creditors and freezing most interest and charges on their debts)
How long does Mental health crisis breathing space last?
as long as treatment lasts +30d
How do you obtain Debt Respite Scheme (‘Breathing Space’) and what are the conditions to obtain it?
Apply to debt advice provider authorised by FCA
Advisor must be satisfied that the debor:
◊ cant pay some/all of debts as it falls due
◊ Not an undischarged bankrupt
◊ Not in an IVA
◊ Not subject to debt relief order
◊ Not had another breathing space in last 12mo
◊ debt is a qualifying debt (nearly all debts are)
What do debt advice providers to do see who has had breathing space?
debt advice providers will use an electronic service provided by the Insolvency Service to contact creditors and maintain a database of debtors who are in a breathing space