Ethics and Professional Conduct Flashcards
What are the 7 SRA principles
- RoL and proper administration of justice
- public trust and confidence in the solicitors’ profession
- independence
- honesty
- integrity
- encourages EDI
- best interests of each client
- Conflict requirements
6.1 Dont act if there is an own interest conflict or a significant risk of such a conflict.
6.2 You do not act in relation to a matter or particular aspect of it if you have aconflict of interest or a significant risk of such a conflict in relation to that matter or aspect of it (current clients) UNLESS conditions satisfied
- Conflict: conditions to satisfy 6.2
a. clients have substantially common interest
b. clients are competing for the same objective, (aka. Commercial except(ion)
1. clients have given informed consent in writing
2. where appropriate, put in place effective safeguards to protect confidential info
3. AND you are satisfied it is reasonable for you to act for all clients
6: confidentiality and disclosure requirements
6.3 keep affairs of current/former clients confidential unless disclosure is required or permitted by law or the client consents.
6.4make client aware of all information material to the matter of which you have knowledge (with exceptions
6.5 Dont act for a client where they have an interest adverse to the interest of another current or former client of you or your business or employer, for whom you or your business or employer holds confidential information which is material to that matter (exceptions)
6: when DONT you have to make a client aware of all info you have knowledge of?
- Disclosure prohibited by legal restrictions imposed in interests of national security/prevention of crime
- Client gives informed consent in writing
- Reason to believe that serious physical or men injury will be caused to client/another if info is disclosed
- info contained in a privileged document, mistakenly disclosed.
6: when can you act for a client who has adverse interests under 6.5?
a. effective measures have been taken which result in the being no real risk of disclosure of the confidential information
b. current or former client whose information you or your business or employer holds has given informed consent, given or evidenced in writing to you acting, including to any measures taken to protect information.
What can a firm do if a client refuses to pay
May exercise a lien over the clients property until the outstanding fees are paid
Under the Code what are the requirements under 1: : Maintaining trust and acting fairly
- Dont unfairly discriminate by allowing your personal views to affect your professional relationships
- Dont abuse your position by taking unfair advantage of clients
- Perform all undertakings within an agreed/reasonable time
- Dont mislead/ attempt to mislead clients
- Treat colleagues fairly and with respect.
Code para 2: what are the requirements re evidence?
- Dont misuse/tamper
- Dont seek to influence the substance of evidence
Code para 2: what are the requirements re witnesses?
Dont offer to provide any benefit to witnesses dependent upon the nature of their evidence
Code para 2: what are the requirements re the court?
- only make assertions that are properly arguable
- dont place yourself in contempt of court
- Dont waste the court’s time
- Draw courts attention to law/procedural irregularities of which you are aware, and which are likely to have a material effect on the outcome of the proceedings
Para 3: Requirements re taking instructions
Only on instructions from the client ,OR someone properly authorised to provide instructions on their behalf
Para 3: requirements re service to clients
- Ensure service is competent and delivered in a timely manner
- maintain competence to carry out role and keep professional knowledge and skills up to date.
- consider and take account of client’s attributes, needs and circumstances.
Para 3: requirements when you supervise or manage others providing legal services?
- remain accountable for the work carried out through them
- effectively supervise work being done for clients
Para 4: rules re client money?
- properly account to clients for financial benefit received as a result of their instructions, unless agreed otherwise.
- safeguard money and assets entrusted to you by clients and others
- Don’t personally hold client money unless authorised