Consti: EXTRA Flashcards
Can a minister to exercise power in a way which is inconsistent with statute?
No, it would be a breach of prerogative power due to Parliamentary Supremacy.
What is the sub judice rule?
Formal law of parliament preventing members of the executive and legislature from commenting on ongoing court proceedings
Example of parliaments exclusive cognisance
How can prerogative powers be abolished?
If a statute and prerogative power come into conflict, which will prevail
Can new prerogative powers be created?
Can prerogative powers be used to set up a compensation scheme in the absence of authority from statute
Yes subject to Parliament voting the necessary funds as cant use prerogative powers to authorise expenditure
Consequences of breaching collective cabinet responsibility
Constitutional convention so no legal sanction
May be a political sanction
What is collective cabinet responsibility vs individual ministerial responsibility
Constitutional conventions:
* Collective cabinet responsibility: dont criticise gov in public
* Individual ministerial responsibility: a minister who has made a grave error should resign
How can money bills be passed through parliament without the consent of the lords
Monarch can assent to a money bill within one month of the House of Lords reading a bill, even if they do not consent to it.
When can a constitutional statute be repealed?
OR express wording in new statute that makes clear Parliament intended to repeal the statute
What is the Sailsbury convention
House of Lords must pass bills which gives effect to a major part of the elected government’s manifesto.
What are Henry VIII powers?
May be contained within an AoP
Allow Gov to amend or repeal primary legislation via delegated legislation, without reference back to Parliament
What is the Sewel convention
Parliament should not usually pass legislation relating to devolved matters without the consent of the devolved legislatures.
What does parliamentary privilege include?
- Freedom of speech-civil immunity for proceedings in parliament/necessity connected to them
- Exclusive cognisance-control own proceedings/rules/breach (EXCEPT expenses claims)
If an act of the Senedd could be read as being outside or inside the Senedd’s legislative competence, what should it be interpreted as?
Inside its competence