CGT Flashcards
When is CGT applicable?
Payable on chargeable gains made by a chargeable person on the disposal of chargeable assets in a tax year
Who is a ‘chargeable person’?
□ individuals (personal capacity/as sole trader)
□ PRs’ disposing of deceased’s assets
□ Partners (charged separately for their proportion of the gain)
□Trustees, on disposal of a chargeable asset from a trust fund.
Who is NOT a chargeable person?
- Companies: pay corporation tax instead
- Charities: exempt
What is/isnt a chargeable asset
□ All forms of property (inc debts, options and incorporeal (a legal right in property having no physical existence, eg patent/lease))
□ NOT sterling (cash)
What is a chargeable disposal
□ Sale
5 steps for calculting CGT?
Step 1: is there a disposal of a chargeable asset
Step 2: Calculation of the gain
Step 4: Aggregate gains/ losses; deduct annual exemption
Step 5: Apply the correct rate of tax
Step 1: When will there be a disposal of a chargeable asset?
Disposal=gift or sale
Gift-market value at time of gift used to calculate
Death of taxpayer-not disposal ( IHT payable instead)
Step 1: Is a disposal of part of an asset chargable to CGT?
Step 2: how do you calculate the gain?
Asset sale price
LESS purchase price
*Initial expenditure (Cost of asset, Incidental costs of acquisition, expenditure wholly and exclusively incurred in providing the asset (eg building costs)
*Subsequent expenditure ( wholly and exclusively incurred in establishing, preserving or defending title to the asset/to enhance the value of the asset)
*Incidental costs of disposal (Legal/conveyancing/estate agents fee)
Step 2: What is indexation?
*Relevant for assets owned between 31 March 1982 and 5 April 1998-adjusted as some increase in value due to inflation?
*To calculate: apply to initial and subsequent expenditure the percentage increase in the Retail Prices Index from the date the expenditure was incurred to the date of disposal of the asset
Step 3: What reliefs are available?
- Rollover relief on replacement of business assets
- Rollover relief on incorporation of a business
- Hold- over relief on gifts
- Business asset disposal relief (aka entrepreneurs relief)
- Private residence relief
- Damages for personal injury
- Tangible moveable property (wasting assets and assests that increase in value)
Step 3: what is rollover relief on replacement of business assets and what is the effect?
*When sole traders/partners sell qualifying business assets and sale proceeds other qualifying business assets
*CGT postponed until seller disposes of new assets
Step 3: what is a ‘Qualifying business asset’?
◊ Buildings
◊ Goodwill
◊ Fixed plant and machinery (but sale results in loss normally)
Used in trade of business not as an investment
NOT company shares
Step 3: When does rollover relief on replacement of business assets apply?
◊ sole trader, using in their trade
◊ partnership, using in its trade
◊ individual partner, where partnership using in partnership trade
◊ individual SH, where used in the trade of the company in which SH owns shares and Co is their ‘personal company’ (5% voting shares)
Step 3: time limtis for rollover relief on replacement of business assets
*acquire replacement asset within 1y before or 2y after disposal of original, (unless HMRC extends)
*must claim relief within 4y end of tax year they get replacement/asset sold
Step 3: How is rollover relief on replacement of business assets applied?
gain notionally deducted from acquisition cost of replacement asset, which gives a lower acquisition cost to use in CGT calculations when the asset is disposed of in the future
Step 3: can you use the annual exemption with rollover relief on replacement of business assets
no, its lost
Step 3: what is Rollover relief on incorporation of a business?
when individual sells interest in unincorporated business to Co->Gain rolled over to shares which seller gets as consideration so CGT payable when they sell these (Gain deducted from cost of new shares)
Step 3: is Rollover relief on incorporation of a business applied automatically?
Step 3: what are the conditions for Rollover relief on incorporation of a business to apply
*Business transferred as going concern (so run same after just with diff owner)
*Consideration is all shares issued by Co (or only % received can be rolled over
*Business transferred with all its assets
Step 3: can you use the annual exemption with rollover relief on incorporation of a business?
No, its lost
Step 3: what is hold- over relief on gifts?
when making gift/sale of undervalue of certain types of business asset, CGT not payed but donee will be charged CGT if they dispose of asset