Criminal 5-case management, pre trial hearings, procedure Flashcards
When are MC case management directions given?
-Usually at same hearing D enters NG plea (or plea before venue/allocation for either way)
-OR at subsequent Case Management Hearing (aka. Pre trial review)
How long do MC case management directions allow for trial prep?
8 weeks (or 14w if expert needed)
MC Trial prep: what needs to be done in terms of witness attendance?
- D sol ask witness to confirm attendance in writing
- If unsuccessful, write to court to issue witness summons
- Court will issue witness summons if satisfied the witness can give material evidence in the proceedings and it is in the interests of justice for a summons to be issued
What must the defence do if they want to call a witness to give evidence?
Within 28d from the prosecution complying with initial disclosure, for NG plea in MC or any case in CC, must serve on CPS notice setting out non expert witnesses:
◊ Names
◊ addresses
◊ DoB
◊ (NOT copies of witness statements)
So far as known
So CPS can check prev convictions
What permission is needed for expert evidence?
If funded by representation order, need permission form LAA
When can written witness statements be used and what are the requirements for it to be admissible?
Should ONLY be used for evidence not in dispute (but CPS routinely use for all statements)
Admissible at trial if:
1. Signed & dated
2. Contains declaration:
This statement (consisting of [1] page signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that if it is tendered in evidence I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true.
3.Copy served on other parties before hearing
4. No other parties objected
5. Contains only matters which would be admissible in oral evidence
How should documentary evidence be verified?
witness statement from person who prepared the plan or took the photographs
What elements of Transforming Summary Justice (TSJ) should be complied with by all working in MC?
-Early and effective case preparation
-Disclosure of Unused Material
-Clear expectations of effectiveness at first hearing
-Clear expectations of trial readiness
What is the prosecutions initial duty of disclosure?
Serve on D all evidence on which it wishes to rely at trial to prove the defendant’s guilt.
What unused material must the prosecution disclose?
s3 test: if it might reasonably be considered capable of undermining the case for the prosecution …or assisting the case for the accused
Time limits for disclosure of unused material by the prosecution?
-will be given in case management directions
BUT duty ongoing=CPS must review any new material
When can the prosecution withhold disclosure of unused material?
Can withhold ‘sensitive’ items that meet s3 test if it is protected by ‘public interest immunity’
CPS must apply to court for a finding that it is not obliged to disclose the relevant material (often without notice to defence)
How can defence solicitors combat the prosecution withholding disclosure of sensitive unused material?
In defence statement, ask CPS:
1. Has schedule of sensitive materials has been prepared?
3. Has CPS made any application to court for an order that its not obliged to disclose the existence of such material?
Examples of sensitive unused material that may be witheld
◊ Relating to national security or intelligence
◊ Identity of police informants/undercover officers
◊ Police techniques/covert surveillance techniques
◊ Child witness (eg provided by LA social services
What is the prosecutions futher obligations with regard to disclosure?
CPS must review its initial disclosure of unused material and determine if there is any further unused material in its possession which, in light of the matters contained in the defence statement, might now be deemed capable of undermining the case for the prosecution or of assisting the case for the defendant
What cases will be subject to a Plea and Trial Preparation Hearing (PTPH)?
Cases sent to the Crown Court
For indictable only offences, what is the purpose of the hearing in the MC?
determine whether an offence triable only on indictment is charged and whether there are related offences which should also be sent to CC
When charged with an indictiable only offence when MUST related offences also be sent to the CC?
- Either way/summary offence related to indictable only offence
- Summary offence is punishable with imprisonment or involves obligatory disqualification from driving
Once the magistrates have decided to send D to CC, what will they do?
- set date for PTPH at CC AND issue standard case management directions (both parties comply before PTPH)
Set date for preliminary CC hearing if needed and remand suspect - give D notice of offences they’re sent to trial for and send copy of notice to CC
When will a D charged with an either way offence who pleads NG at the plea before venue be tried in the CC?
- mag decline jurisdiction
- OR D elects CC trial at allocation hearing
When may D charged with an either way offence be sent to the CC for a linked summary offence?
The summary offence is:
1. Common assault
2. Taking a conveyance without consent
3. Driving whilst disqualified
4. Criminal damage
AND founded on same facts OR part of series of offence of similar character
1. punishable with imprisonment or disqualification from driving
2. AND appears related to the either- way offence
If a D has been tried for a summary and either way in the CC and convicted of the either way and pleads guilty to the summary, who sentences the summary?
CC can sentence summary (powers limited to MC)
If a D has been tried for a summary and either way in the CC and is acquitted of the either way or pleads NG to the summary, who sentences the summary?
summary must be remitted back to MC for trial
When will a preliminary hearing take place at the crown court?
for indictable only if:
1. case management issues which CC needs to resolve
2. trial likely to exceed 4w
3. its desirable to set an early trial date
4. D under 18 years
5. likely to be a guilty plea and D could be sentenced at the preliminary hearing.
Time limit for preliminary hearing in the CC to be held?
within 10 business days of the date on which magistrates send the case to CC
What is a PTPH
Will be First hearing in CC if prelim not needed
-D enter their plea
- if pleading NG, to enable the judge to give further case management directions
Time limit for PTPH to be held?
Where no preliminary hearing, within 20 business daysafter sending
What will happen at the start of the PTPH?
D will be arraigned=count(s) on the indictment will be put to D who will either plead guilty or not guilty
Will the jury be told about the counts to which a D pleads NG?
What arrangements may a D make with the CPS in terms of multiple counts?
◊ agree to plead guilty to some if CPS don’t proceed with others (CPS will offer no evidence of other counts at arraignment and judge will order NG verdict entered)
◊ As an alternative to offerig no evidence, the CPS may ask that a count ‘lie on the court file’ (eg where several counts and CPS evidence is strong, D agrees to plead guilty to more serious accounts and CPS can reopen case later with leave of court)
What happens if the D pleads guilty at the PTPH?
-Judge sentence immediately or adjourn for pre sentence reports
-If disputes facts, may adjourn for Newton hearing to determine factual basis of sentence
When may a judge give an indication of sentence if D were to enter guilty plea
If D specifically asks
Is an indication of sentence if were to enter guilty plea binding?
Yes if given and D enters guilty plea
What is an indication of sentence if were to enter guilty plea also known as?
Goodyear indications