Business 4: Directors Flashcards
What is a director
any person occupying the position of director by whatever name they are called
What are directors responsible for?
day to day running, entering contracts, making business decisions
What does MA 3 and MA 5 say?
○ MA3-grants board wide general management powers to run company, board has express actual authority to bind company.
○ MA5-can delegate powers as they see fit.
Does a 3rd party dealing with the company in good faith need to check the articles for restictions on the directors?
No, they can assume that the Board had power/authority to bind the company, when they executed the contract
How many directors must a company have?
All companies : at least 1 whose a natural person and at least 1 over 12
Public: at least 2
Restrictions on appointment as director?
-Undischarged bankrupt/bankruptcy order
-Dr note to Co saying physically/mentally incapable and will remain so for 3mo
What are the types of directors?
- Executive director
- Non-executive director
- Shadow Director
- De facto Director
Which directors are formally appointed to the board and have service contracts?
De jure directors:
1. Executvie-formally appointed and service contract
2. Non-executive: formally appointed but no service contract
What are shadow and de facto directors?
Shadow: Person whose directions Dirs are accustomed to act, exerting real influence on a majority of the board on a regular basis
De facto: acts as Dir even though not formally appointed/appointed correctly
Which types of directors are subject to directors duties and liabilities?
All of them
What is the role of a charisperson (dir appointed to chair board meetings)?
- Runs BM
- Chairs GM if present and willing to do so
- Has casting vote in tie-can ensure res passes by simple majority
- For Plc-will act as figurehead for dealings with SH/anyone outside the co
How are the first and subsequent directors appointed?
- First: those whose names in INO1
- After incorporating: appointed in accordance with articles by board resolution or ordinary resolution of SH
Administrative requirements for appointment of directors
- Notify CH in 14 days via form AP01 (individual) or AP02 (corporate)
- Enter onto register of directors and register of directors residential addresses
Who decides on the terms/approves a directors service contract?
- Board under combo of general powers to run the company (MA 3) and specific power to decide on directors’ remuneration (MA 19).
- UNLESS long term service contract:(guaranteed/fixed term (notice period) of more than 2y)=need SH approval via OR
When SH are deciding on a long term service contract, what must be done before the meering or written resolution?
When passes OR, must keep copy of memorandum setting out the terms of the proposed service contract at RO for 15 days prior to general meeting. If written, must be circulated to SH.
What happens if SH approval isnt gained for a long-term service contract?
guaranteed term element void and contract can be terminated with reasonable notice
Admin requirements after creation of directors service contract?
- Service contracts (or a memorandum setting out their terms) must be available for inspection by SH at RO during their term and until a year after termination of contract
- SH can inspect without charge within 7days of requesting to see them
Types of authority a director may have
- Express actual: Permission from other Dirs
- Implied actual: Implied role OR acted that way in past and board aware and not stopped
- Apparent: Co represented [by words/conduct] to 3rd party, dir was acting with cos authority (=estopped form denying authority)
What happens if a director enters a contract they dont have the authority to?
Dir will be personally liable to 3rd party, Co is not party to contract
5 ways directorship can end
- Resignation
- Removal
- Bankruptcy
- Being perused for debts
- Not physically/mentally capable
How does a director resign?
- TM01 (individual) or TM02(company) to CH within 14d of resignation
Process for removing a director?
- SH passing OR at GM (NOT written res)
- Special notice: at least 28 clear days
- Once notice received inform dir forthwith and SH in same way as notice of GM where practicable OR at least 14d before GM in paper having appropriate circulation
- Dir entitled to speak/make representations at GM, and require Co to send copies of written representations they wish to make to SH