Former exam 2 -2014, January Flashcards
Question 1:
Describe the similarities and differences between forcasting and scenario planning. When is forecastin appropriate and when is scenario planning appropriate in strategy work? use examples ti illustrate your answer.
Your answer.
Question 2:
Normann (2011) discusses three trends if offering development; i.e. servification, e-ification and experienceification.
a) explain these three trends and give examples for how firms employ these ideas in develoing their offerings.
b) Introduce and discuss some other trends in offering development that you yourself can identify in the contemporary business landscape. Illustarteyour answer with example.
your answer.
Question 3:
Adichvili et al (2003) disuss in their article various factors that influences the process of opportunity recognition adn development leading to business formation. Disuss this factors and how these can be linked to Normann’s (2001) logic on value constellations.
Your answer.
Question 4.
Describe Richard Normann’s (2001) “Crane-model” and siscuss how it differs from classical strategic planning.
Your answer.
Question 5:
How does Normann (2001) describe the differences between traditional businesses and Prime Mover in the light of their relationships to the environment, assets, competence, offer and competitors?
Your answer.