fop contract Flashcards
fop president receives _ hours of admin leave each year
fop leave bank contains _ hours
each officers is assessed _ hours of annual or comp leave each year for fop
fop president is on full time _ leave
admin leave may be granted for
public emergency, workplace hazard,
an employee may be placed on admin leave who is relieved of duties pending
investigation of charges, removal, pending determination for fitness of duty
employees get _ consecutive hours of admin leave for death of immediate family member
employees in military reserve get _ days annually of admin leave for training but can get more if they hae 2 training periods in one calendar year
an officer who is relieved of police powers is placed on admin leave unless alleged commission of a _
blood donations allow for _ hours admin leave
organ donors get _ days admin leave in 12 month period for _ and _ days in 12 month period for _
7 bone marrow/ 12 organ donor
employees do/dont have to be a member of the fop for employment
alcoholism ill be treated as a
k9 officers receive _ of tech pay each day unless k9 housed in a kennel for an entire day
1/2 hour
fto pay is _ per hour unless fto is a mpo
the 3 categories of bi lingual pay are
basic, advanced, expert
bi lingual pay differential is given to _ hours worked during pay period
basic language pay dif is _
1$ for all hours worked
advanced language pay dif is
2$ for all hours worked
expert language pay dif is
$3 for all hours worked
t/f officers on ot only get ot pay diff for the time actually used speaking/translating
t/f an officer with a language skill may be transferred based on dept needs for that language skill
clothing allowance is paid in _ installments
employees must be transferred to non uniform unit for _ to receive pay diff
two pay periods
civilian items worn and incurring damage while inside a ppv may/may not be eligible for reimbursement
employees receiving clothing allowance are eligible for _ per year in shoes
officers assigned to physical fitness duties are eligible for _ pairs of footwear each year
part time bike officers receive sneaker allowance every _ years
the dept must give each employee _ day a month to complete security survey
prior to computer access suspended, _ must be given to employee notifying of failure to complete security survey
written notice
if officers cannot make court they must either notify
district court liaison or states attorney liaison
court call offs are recorded by _ the day before court date
if court is cancelled and officers fail to call the call off number but still attend court, they will/wont be compensated
seniority of bargaining unit employee is based on
total service time from commencement of academy class in moco except for leave w/o pay exceeding two pay periods
seniority between sgts is determined by date of
promotion to sgt
seniority class tie breakers are determined by
academy class standing, actual date of hire, 3 mos of prior LE experience for lateral entry
probation is _ months from date of being sworn
when a holiday falls on a sunday, the substitute holiday is
when a holiday falls on a saturday, the substitute holiday is
preceding friday
when a holiday falls on an employees regular day off, the employee is entitled to
equivalent amount of comp leave or paid at regular pay rate
employees working xmas, new years day, and fourth of july are compensated at
reg pay rate plus premium for hours worked
an employee scheduled to work a holiday may/may not be granted paid holiday leave
employees awol or on non pay status can/cannot be given holiday pay
employees required to work a holiday on their rdo receive
reg pay, premium pay, hour for hour comp time
an employee working a holiday on their rdo must receive _ comp time
double time
holiday pay does/doesnt increase shift diff
at the end of each leave year employees may receive comp leave payout for
up to the amount they were credited
personal days can/cannot be used in partial and are/arent lost by end of the year if not used
cannot/ are
poc’s hired after july 1 may/may not request personal days to be carried over to next year
the first _ hours of an OD officer working in PPV status are not compensated
t/f officers may be required to take comp leave over ot due to budgetary constraints
if an officer applies for and takes any paid leave after the employee has been notified that they ae scheduled to work ot, the leave period on the day will/will not be treated as hours worked for the purposes of calculating ot comp
will not
when an employee who works ot from ot callback takes sick leave after working ot that day, the sick leave will/will not be treated as hours worked for calculating ot
will not
sat, traffic, detective, administrative, and support personnel may/may not telecomute
officers may/may not work more than 20 consecutive hours in a 28 hour period
may not
an employee will be placed on _ leave if supervisor sees signs of fatigue that significantly effect officers ability to safely work
any period determined by the county executive, cao, or designee to be a period of emergency is
general emergency
emergency pay rate is
twice regular hourly rate
employees in ot status during general emergency receive pay rate of
regular rate plus ot rate
sid swat and sate schedules shall be published
48 hours in advance of one workday schedule
pcat schedules shall be published
72 hours in advance of 1 workday schedule
ceo and crime prevention schedules may be published
one week in advance for one week schedule
if schedule change due to injury or discipline the change may be within
48 hours
any employee in need of firearms qualification due to failure may get a_ and any work performed with less than 10 hours off shall be compensated at _
48 hour schedule change/ ot rate
call back pay is a minimum of _ hours
stand by pay equates
$4.25 per hour
out of county officers on call within 15 miles are allowed_ usage of ppv
to and from
out of county officers on call within 25 miles within state of md allowed _ usage of ppv
to and from
officers on call who live in county get 15 miles radius_
outside moco border
0-45 minutes of on call phone use equals _ in ot
1/2 hour
46 to 60 minutes of on call phone use equals _ in ot
1 hour
each employee is allowed one meal period of _ each shift
30 minutes
_ bargaining members are eligible for voluntary midnight placement
involuntary assignment to midnight shifts are made by_ for a minimum of six months
inverse seniority beginning with least senior po1 in district
requests to leave a midnight shift must be made within _ weeks of end of fiscal quarter
notification for involuntary transfer to mids is given
the preceding fiscal quarter to their assignment
each district needs _ certified breath ops on midnight shifts
any work performed with less than 10 hours off, is to be compensated at
ot rate
if an academy staff member is in a relationship with a recruit, _
the staff member gets temporarily reassigned until trainee graduates
if an fto is in a relationship with a recruit, _
the trainee will be reassigned to another shift or district
if an fto doesnt want to disclose relationship, they can request transfer for personal reason but
they will be transferred, not the recruit and the fto is not eligible for reassignment on previous shift
if the relationship is discovered prior to being disclosed, the senior officer_
is transferred
if events are spontaneous and unscheduled, once the event extends beyond _ hours, the ot callback list is used
if an employee declines ot four times within a quarter
they are not eligible to work ot callback until next quarter
if a patrol officer does a temp in mcd, they are ineligible for patrol call back ot after _ days
if a unit folds but is re created within _ years, the employees from that unit will have an opportunity to return
for PO1 to Cpl, the duration of a non rotating day or evening shift will be a minimum of _ months
a probationary po1 may/may not be assigned to a shift that has a list of volunteer transfers
every officer must serve a total of _ months of involuntary transfer time before being subject to another involuntary assignment
an officer can rescind a transfer request to a district within _ weeks of effective date of transfer
hours between 2000 ending by 0600 are
hours between 1200 and ending by 2000 are
hours from 0600 ending by noon are
for investigators, any work performed with less than _ hours off between workdays is ot
for investigators, any work performed with less than _ hours off between workweeks will be ot
k9 schedules are made every _ weeks, except sgt’s that are every 3 weeks
employees can receive up to _hours of any combination of sick, annual, or comp leave and leave w/o pay during any _ month period for newborn/adoptions
720/ 24
if parental leave is not all used withinn 12 mo period following birth/adoption, the balance
is available for subsequent child but cannot exceed 720 hours
parental leave must be used within _ months of birth/adoption
_ notice must b given in advance of parental leave
30 day
sick leave donations can/cannot be used to cover parental leave
comp time used as parental leave can/cannot be used as fmla leave
an employee can/cannot be entitled to 12 weeks of fmla leave in a eave year if they have exhaused 720 hours of parental leave
disability leave is limited to _ months for an injury
after _ months an employee is eligible for sick leave donations and doesnt have to have exhausted annual, comp, or sick
pay or leave are adjusted by taking leave in the following order
sick annual comp leave w/o pay
every effort must be made to approve _ leave
annual leave may be accumulated up to _ hours
annual leave in excess of 240 gets turned into _ at end of year
if management denies annual leave therefore causing excess, that leave may be carried over in annual for
one year
an employee may be paid up to _% of excess annual leave
upon separation from county, employees must be paid out their _ leave
annual leave may/may not be transferred to another employee
a full time employee earns _ hours of sick leave per year
sick leave does/doesnt have an accrual limit
unless used for retirement, sick leave is _ upon separation from county
sick leave donations may be obtained after all leave is exhausted and not to exceed increments of
160 hours
donors must retain a minimum of _ hours of sick leave
all sick leave donations must be a minimum of _ hours
generally leave w/o pay must be made
in advanced writing and state reason
leave w/o pay may be granted for a period not to exceed _ year
leave w/o pay exceeding _ days may require the employee to waive reinstatement rights and privileges to the position vacated unless reason is
90 parental, military, disability dispute, political lave MD general assembly, suspended without pay
if leave without pay is granted for 4 consecutive weeks without reason, the merit system status
must be deferred and reassigned to a later date
an employee on military pay must be paid by moco minus
amount paid by military
employees can be paid for excess of _ hours of comp leave
when an employee terminates service they are/arent eligible for comp leave payout
_ hours of comp time may be used to purchase retirement credits
comp leave cannot be used if it
requires backfill with overtime
comp leave can/cannot be used towards fmla leave
pil can/cannot be used for tuition assistance
employees must have a return to work authorization if out for work due to injury for more than _ work days
the county covers _ percent of health benefits
the county pays _ percent of health services upon full service retirement
an employee may/may not appeal an involuntary transfer
officers ordered to report to work on rdo must prioritize mcpd over any _ employment
denial of secondary employment may/may not be appealed
employees can/cannot work secondary while on sick/fmla leave
officers cannot work secondary employment as a school bus driver after working a _
midnight shift
an employee cannot work part time for an employee or have one of their employees work for a business either party owns _ percent of
in order to work security related secondary employment, the employee must be employed by mcpd for
employees can only work secondary uniformed employment a maximum of _ hours in a forty hour work week, not counting rdo’s
if a work site for secondary employment requires six or more officers, a _ must be hired by employer
ppv’s can/cannot be used for secondary employment when working for local govt special tax district/ or govt entity
bwcs must be worn during secondary employment if
uniform or outer carrier worn
bwcs recording during secondary employment is/isnt subject to random review
secondary employment involving traffic direction requires use of
reflective vest
service increments are granted in the amount of_ until employee meets maximum salary for assigned grade
the increment date of each employee is
date of employment
physical fitness tests taken off duty give the officer _ comp time
hour for hour
the min and max number admin leave of
deswat gets _ hours per week to work out on duty
officers can/cannot wear their uniform while voting at their assigned voting poll
officers do/dont have to wear a black cap when directing traffic
a winter cap is authorized from
nov to march
emblems identifying any other organization other than the fop can/cannot be worn on the uniform
in county officers have ten air miles outside of county border for _use
out of county officers within 10 miles of the county have _use of ppv
to and from
officers parking their ppvs in moco must be at a facility that is
mcpd dfrs secure fed facility or other mutually agreed upon security
officers can obtain a ppv after completing
vehicles are assigned to _ county offices before _ county offices
od officers on the scene of an event will/do not have to wear a baseball cap with police identifiers
there is no guaranee that an initial ppv is
a new vehicle
when a ppv is deadlined or replaced, the new vehicle will be _ unless officer is involved in two at fault wrecks within 24 mos a trade in would not be eligible for _ year
to qualify as at fault, the damage must meet or exceed
the only exception to parking vehicles at dfrs is
employees _ be asked to pay for e z pass transaction while off duty
the raise between mpo and sgt is
recruits receiving the 20K bonus fully get the money after
3 years from date of hire
an employee has _ days to respond to allegations of receiving over paymenbt
employer cannot recover overpayment that occurred _ or more years prior to the employee receiving notice
if an employer requires an employee to undergo a psychological psychiatric or substance abuse examination the employee may
select which panel to conduct the exam
tuition assistance is/isnt allowed for books or supplies
tuition assistance must be used during _ duty hours
shift dif one is
2 dollars
shift dif two is
unit members who are temporarily assigned or promoted to a higher classified job for a period of more than_ shall receive the rate of rate of pay of the higher classified job retroactive to the first day the unit member assumed the higher position.
one work week
personnel files are maintained by
human resources personnel office
the dept may maintain _ operating files on each employee, this is in addition to human resources but do not contain disciplinary actions
employees must receive a copy of any document that goes in their file, t/f
materials in a supervisory file are valid for _ months
all records including medical and internal affairs files pertaining to separated employees are destroyed after _ years unless subject to litigaions
internal affairs files of unsustained or unfounded allegations are destroyed after _ years
sustained charges are eligible for expungement after _ years
awol for three or more days can/cannot lead to termination
excessive absence caused by ongoing medical or personal problems not resolved within _ months and after all leave exhausted can/cannot lead to termination
3/ can
performance evaluations are not grievable except in cases of
failure to follow est procedure
an involuntary demotion may occur when
an employee receives less than satisfactory job reviews after written warning and counseled and had three months to improve
job sharing is limited to the titles of
a job sharer that has to involuntarily return to full time must receive _ months notice
ot comp for job share is 1.5 x each hour unless
their shift is off, then they get min 3 hours
comp for court attendance after three hours is at
reg rate of pay
the job sharer actually working a holiday or on leave receives
full holiday benefit and the other person receives nothing
when a holiday occurs on a job sharers rdo, each job sharer
receives 50% pro rate in comp leave
the maximum benefit with sick leave hours is