fc 509 charging and processing juveniles Flashcards
a hearing to determine if a juvenile committed a delinquent act or violation of the law is
a juvenile offender who has been charged with an offense for which an adult can also be charged, but who is subject to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court is
delinquent offender
a child in need of assistance CINA is a _ offender
a person between the ages of 18-21 still under juvenile court jurisdiction is
juvenile/ child
a child in need of supervision CINS who has been accused or adjudicated for an offense an adult cannot be charged with is a _ offender
an individual enrolled in the public school system within the state who is five to under 22yoa is a
a juvenile may be taken into custody for any of the following methods:
court order; child in immediate danger; laws of arrest; child is runaway
the two types of juvenile custody are
secure custody and non secure custody
the age a juvenile offender can be charged as a delinquent offender is _ and _ for specific crimes
13; 10
a 10 year old can only be charged for a crime of
violence; or committing an act arising out of a crime of violence
after arresting a child the officer should make _contact to the guardian and state childs location; reason for custody; tell how to make immediate in person contact with child
a juv arrest incident report must include
guardian notification; charges placed; date/time of guardian notification
juvenile can only be issued citations for
civil alcohol tobacco marijuana; traffic (16-17 yoa)
juvenile warrants can only be issued by
juvenile court judges
juvenile cases can be closed by exception only if
cannot make a physical arrest nd they do not fall under guidelines of cr 2-202 or 2-203
a juvenile felony or misdemeanor can be closed by exception when
juvenile cannot be located; juvenile lives outside of MOCO and guardian will not bring child to MOCO
juvenile arrest reports will be forwarded to _ within _ hours
imtd; 24
officers cannot exceptionally close out a juvenile case if _ suspects are outstanding
all traffic incidents involving juveniles under _ will be charged via , closed by, with a clearance code of 2115
16; incident report; exception
al MA traffic offenses for a juv 16-17 will
be handwritten with “juvenile” written on top of citation(s) w/ CR #, write an incident report;
if a juv is charged with crim and traffic offenses, do/dont writer tickets
dont, put charges in incident report narrative
officers cannot conduct a custodial interrogation of a juvenile until
juve consulted with attorney who retained by guardian or provided by OPD; and reasonable effort to contact parents juvenile will be interrogated
the mcp185 is
documentation of attempt to notify parent of juv in custody
an officer may conduct an interrogation absent attorney notification if
reasonably believes threat to pubic safety; those questions are limited to serving public safety threat
if a juvenile waives their rights after speaking with an attorney, the officer must
re advise juvenile on mcp50 j
generally no more than _ officers will interrogate a juvenile
md law does/doesnt require parents be present for an interrogation
juvenile court has no jurisdiction for:
child at least 14 committed crime if by an adult punishable by life imprisonment-first murder first rape first sex offense att/consp to above
juv court does not have jurisdiction for
child at least 16 violation involving boat
juv court does not have jurisdiction for child previously
convicted as adult of a felony and subsequently alleged to have committed act that is a felony
photos and fingerprints used for an investigative tool, not an arrest, will be
kept in investigative file until juvenile turns 21
a citizen can/cannot detain a person believed to have stolen their property, however it is _ imprisonment if the accused doesnt have their property
to extradite a juvenile, ncic must_; _ in out of state jurisdiction; after a _ pursuit across state lines; _ felony originally committed in MOCO. An incident report must be written and sent to _ and _. the SAO will prepare a _ and send to other jurisdiction
identify them as missing or having warrant; arrested; fresh; violent; djs; sao; writ
a juvenile cannot be held in a secured setting for more than _ hours
juveniles must be released to _
guardian/ parent
juveniles will not be placed into detention by djs for misdemeanors except
handgun, juvenile previously adjudicated twice in past 12 months
if parents refuse to accept custody of child contact _
the Maryland Safe School Act requires
local public school superintendent and principal and non public school principal be notified of the arrest and charges placed against a student for offenses in appendix b within 24 hours