Promotional Exam 2025

This class was created by Brainscape user mike kwarciany. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (185)

FC 902 Field Communication Vehicles
Who owns fcv field communications...,
For spontaneous events the reques...,
For a pre planned event use of fc...
8  cards
FC 1410 MCP Web Board
The primary repository and exchan...,
What are the separate mcp web boa...,
Who maintains the mcp web board 3
13  cards
FC 960 Emergency Shelter Care
Mcpd policy is to assist dhhs in ...,
The primary responsibility of off...,
Shelter care is not considered fo...
6  cards
FC 950 ERT/ High Risk Incident
Before resulting to tactical depl...,
Any person who represents a threa...,
Pre planned arrest and search and...
23  cards
FC 923 Opioid Overdose Program
What is an opioid antagonist that...,
Opiate drugs are narcotic ____ 2,
The coordinator of the overdose r...
8  cards
FC 915 VIP Security and Emergencies at Diplomatic Locations
The official residence or workpla...,
If a vip is threatened mcpd may m...,
Any diplomatic threat will be dis...
9  cards
FC 910 Bomb Threats and Destructive Devices
Response to bomb threats suspecte...,
Notification for all bomb threats...,
During a bomb threat explosion re...
15  cards
FC 903 Mobilization and Call Back Procedure
Mobilization will be conducted in...,
During stage 1 of mobilization re...,
Command posts should be located _...
14  cards
FC 901 Disaster and Public Emergency Response
The highest ranking operations of...,
The officer of emergency manageme...,
The emergency management group is...
22  cards
FC 812 Prisoner Guard Details at Hospitals
Mcpd policy authorizes assistance...,
The only phone call that the pris...,
Hospital guard details will be st...
12  cards
All prisoners shall be ___ with t...,
When feasible handcuffed prisoner...,
Non sworn staff will will not be ...
72  cards
Alert stands for 1,
The goal of alert is __ 2
2  cards
FC 1211 Maryland Dept. Natural Resources
The mou with md dnr and park rang...
1  cards
The holding cells are only availa...,
A juvenile prisoner cannot be in ...,
A prisoner needing medical attent...
6  cards
Officers can cannot use the mdc i...,
Officer queries are a _____ duty ...,
How much advance does an ecc depu...
35  cards
FC 710 Consent
A person must have ______ to gran...,
Prior to requesting a consent sea...,
While obtaining consent officers ...
6  cards
FC 650
Mcpd will will not disclose excul...,
Duty to disclose exculpatory evid...,
Info that could taint a states wi...
6  cards
FC 516 PBT
Pbt measures the ____ 1,
Before using a pbt officers shoul...,
A pbt is isnt admissible in crimi...
15  cards
FC 325
T f the chief of police has the a...,
Pva s are announced ____ and clos...,
A pva list may be good to take ad...
9  cards
FC 301.F
The ___ has authority to discipli...,
Probationary employees and candid...,
A grievance is between an ___ and...
10  cards
FC 750 Communications Recordings
Requests for ecc recordings are m...,
The ecc mcp77 is submitted by the...,
Walk in radio transmission reques...
7  cards
FC 300 Department Rules
An employee can have the status o...,
A member is a ____ sworn personne...,
A department ____ covers situatio...
21  cards
FC 301 Disciplinary Process for Sworn Officers
The procedures enumerated within ...,
A conclusion used to terminate an...,
Removing an employee from the cou...
30  cards
FC 311 Sick Leave
Any employee unable to report to ...,
An employee using more than __ co...,
A supervisor may request written ...
27  cards
FC 370 Performance Evaluation for Police Employees
Employees work performance gets e...,
Raters are to be evaluated by the...,
Supervisors will develop work ___...
18  cards
FC 512 Arrest/ Questioning and Search of Students on School Premises
When possible and appropriate arr...,
The charging officer of the juven...,
Students can cannot be questioned...
7  cards
FC 515 Traffic Offenses Involving Alcohol/Drugs
Dui bac is __ 1,
Pursuant to a dui arrest the offi...,
An officer can park the dui offen...
28  cards
FC 612 State's Attorney's Notification
Officers will wont contact the sa...,
Immediate notification to the sao...,
By the next business day the sao ...
4  cards
FC 617 Missing Persons
A category of mental health disor...,
A disability that originate durin...,
A missing individual 18 years of ...
35  cards
IB 25-01 NIBRS Rape Definitions in 2025
How many types of rape codes are ...,
T f police should categorize a ra...,
What are the 3 mo codes added to ...
4  cards
IB 24-03 Drone as a First Responder DFR
The dfr program is house in the _...,
A request for a drone can be made...,
What percentage of dfr deployment...
13  cards
FC 621 Lineups
The person responsible for obtain...,
Line up stand ins are to dress in...,
Line ups will wont be coordinated...
4  cards
FC 627 Facial Recognition Technology
An identified candidate provided ...,
The facial recognition technology...,
Facial technology uses ____ algor...
11  cards
FC 672 elder abuse
The sustaining of any physical pa...,
The willful deprivation of food c...,
Is an elder received serious inju...
6  cards
FC 1000 traffic management system
The goals of tms are 1,
The level of traffic enforcement ...,
A motorized vehicle designed for ...
23  cards
FC 1010 radar/ lidar use
Speed of moving vehicle by transm...,
Speed of a moving object by detec...,
Out of dept radar and lidar certi...
14  cards
FC 1021 motor vehicle collisions
Involves a motor vehicle in trans...,
Any motor vehicle used for the tr...,
Incident requiring an acrs report...
18  cards
FC1031 traffic direction and control
The objective of ____ is to maint...,
An emergency hazardous situation ...,
A resource provided by state high...
9  cards
FC 1032 traffic hazards and traffic engineering
All physical features of the road...,
When an officer encounters multip...,
Officers notifying a traffic flow...
5  cards
FC 1033 assistance to motorists
Officers observing a motorist in ...,
If a vehicle is disabled and at a...,
In reference to a vehicle fire ma...
5  cards
fc 1040 motor carrier safety program
Any self propelled or towed motor...,
The coordinator of the motor carr...,
Mcsap will complete a ____ for ea...
7  cards
fc 1060 towing of motor vehicles
Officers may only tow a vehicle if 1,
A vehicle which a le agency tempo...,
A vehicle that a le agency takes ...
26  cards
fc 1103 prescription drug disposal program
The prescription disposal program...,
Items not eligible to be placed i...,
___ non duplicating keys will be ...
6  cards
fc 1104 school resource officer
Enhancing the safety and security...,
Sro s do do not serve as a median...,
Sro s work under supervision of _...
5  cards
fc 1105 police explorer program
The police explorer program is ho...,
The basic unit of the police expl...,
T f admin is authorized for perso...
6  cards
fc 1107 victim/witness assistance section
The victim witness assistance sec...,
Victim witness assistance coordin...,
Is there confidentiality between ...
4  cards
fc 1108 fingerprinting civilians at mcpd facilities
Mcpd can fingerprint civilians th...,
Supervisors can cannot temporaril...,
Mcpd employees can cannot refuse ...
6  cards
fc 1121 interpreters language services
A person is lep if their native l...,
A routine interpreting request is...,
If meeting with language bank is ...
5  cards
fc 1132 ride along program
The minimum age for a county resi...,
Participation in the ride along p...,
Persons interested in a ride alon...
8  cards
FC 1141 police/ public media relations
The official representative of th...,
During non business hours holiday...,
T f media will have the same acce...
16  cards
FC 1151 line of duty deaths
The department liaison in a lodd ...,
Notification to survivors of lodd...,
The hospital liaison will be 3
8  cards
fc 1152 funeral and honor guard detail
Full honors are reserved for 1,
Honors are reserved for 2,
Special honors are reserved for 3
5  cards
FC 1204 crimes and incidents occurring at federal facilities and properties
Enforcement powers at federal fac...,
Exclusive federal jurisdiction in...,
Responsibility for le services at...
6  cards
FC 1221 court/ general assembly attendance
Subpoenas from the court are dist...,
Juvenile court subpoenas will be ...,
District court will will not gran...
14  cards
FC 1222 pretrial discussion with defense attorney in circuit/ district court cases
The ____ bears the responsibility...,
An officer is under ___ legal obl...,
In district court copies of ch ma...
4  cards
FC 131 Response to Resistance and Use of Force
Officers may only use force under...,
In determining the appropriate __...,
The decision to employ any _ incl...
55  cards
FC 132 Chemical Agents
The three types of chemical agent...,
Ortho chlorobenzalmalononitrile a...,
Cs is used on large out of contro...
13  cards
FC 133 Conducted Energy Weapons
Cew stands for __ 1,
Cew may only be used in accordanc...,
Cew use on an unarmed individual ...
41  cards
FC 135 Vehicular Pursuits
Officers may may not be held liab...,
Immediate control of pursuits is ...,
Regarding a vehicular pursuit the...
40  cards
FC 140 Misc Enforcement Policies
If a person employed by a gov t a...,
An officer will complete a md dnr...,
The _ portion of a deer tag is gi...
3  cards
FC 1400 Dept Information Systems
Before a new info system can be a...,
All info acquisitions must be coo...,
Repair and maintenance of hardwar...
13  cards
FC 1401 internet, intranet, and email operations
T f use of county s internet intr...,
T f sending broadcast messages to...,
Messages and files from an employ...
5  cards
FC 1405 Written Directive System
Department rules prohibit specifi...,
Function codes guide the organiza...,
Hq memos provide means of ____ in...
13  cards
FC 1406 Dept Forms Control
All forms will have a __ unit and...,
Mcp forms have ___ use linked to ...,
T f bureau forms are not used out...
4  cards
FC 1407 Standard Operating Procedures
Each unit identified in fc 220 is...,
The unit must be given no less th...
2  cards
FC 145 Structured Roll Call
The primary transfer point of inf...,
The primary goal of structured ro...,
Structured roll call is broken in...
5  cards
FC 210 Dept Mission and Organizational Values
The mcpd is committed to a philos...,
The mcpd organizational values ar...
2  cards
FC 220 Dept organization and Command structure
Each organization component is un...,
The largest entity within the dep...,
The primary subdivision of a bure...
29  cards
FC 223 stress management division
Promoting the emotional mental an...,
Efforts are are not made by smd t...,
T f referrals to the traumatic in...
6  cards
FC 226 Chaplaincy Program
Police chaplains are __ serving m...,
A police senior chaplain has a mi...,
A police chaplain must have at le...
7  cards
Fc 255 CAD location info file entries
The responsibility of notifying e...,
Reference cad info hsloi stands f...,
What are the 4 categories of cad ...
13  cards
FC 272 procedures for acquiring goods and services
Fixed assets which have a unit va...,
When the value of a purchase is u...,
Procurement for goods and service...
7  cards
FC 273 general investigative fund
All investigative operations will...,
Transactions must be closed out w...,
All payments to informants expect...
7  cards
FC 302 tardiness
Lateness for valid reasons for wh...,
A non pay status in which an empl...,
T f if arriving late the work the...
9  cards
FC 303 grievance open door review
What is sought to be proven is mo...,
A grievance in which two or more ...,
Efforts made to resolve the griev...
39  cards
FC 304 memo of notification
An mcp552 memorandum of notificat...
1  cards
fc 305 firearms and accessories
Officers will carry the dept issu...,
Plainclothes officers inside a po...,
Officers can qualify with up to _...
14  cards
fc 306 early warning intervention system
Officers who receive __ or more c...,
The early warning intervention sy...,
T f ewis does not prevent iad fro...
9  cards
fc 307 employee personal emergency info
When personal information is upda...,
Employees will review verify upda...
2  cards
fc 309 expungement of internal affairs records
A formal complaint may be expunge...,
Iad file is automatically expunge...,
Inquiry investigations will autom...
5  cards
fc 310 administrative leave
Admin leave may be granted to __ 1,
Dept head can grant admin leave o...,
The county personnel director can...
12  cards
FC 315
___ are responsible for accuratel...,
Admin leave of ___ or more consec...,
Sick leave is entered into telest...
5  cards
Fc 316 overtime compensation and premium pay
T f sgts and below ae authorized ...,
T f lt and above receive premium ...,
Lt and above required to work on ...
16  cards
fc 320 department security and police credentials
The person responsible for enforc...,
____ must display badge or creden...,
T f under no circumstance will a ...
8  cards
fc 325 position vacancies and transfers
Who reserves the right to permane...,
Pva s are posted on ___ and close...,
Subsequent selections from a list...
8  cards
fc 335 medical examinations
Positions that require extraordin...,
Positions that require moderate t...,
Sedentary positions that require ...
12  cards
fc 337 cdl alcohol and drug testing
Drug testing for cdl operators is...,
Random testing will be conducted ...,
An employee will be notified ____...
24  cards
fc 339 career enhancement system
All personnel assigned responsibi...,
First line supervisors will condu...
2  cards
fc 340 department training
The ___ has the ultimate authorit...,
Ultimately the ___ is responsible...,
Training meets the requirements o...
9  cards
fc 341 training selection committee procedures for requesting travel
Non local travel is considered ou...,
Recommendations for travel will b...,
The memorandum request will be se...
6  cards
fc 342 nominations to fbi national academy
Minimum requirements for fbi acad...
1  cards
fc 343 ftep
The position of fto is __ in natu...,
Eligible officers for fto are 2,
T f probationary officers will on...
4  cards
fc 344 driver training program
Drivers that have had at least _ ...,
The scheduling of remedial drivin...,
Officers issued new or replacemen...
5  cards
fc 349 bloodborne airborne pathogens
The curriculum of bloodborne airb...,
There are communicable disease ki...,
Bleach solutions are only good fo...
19  cards
fc 350 reporting of accidents injuries disease accident and collisions
T f employees shall make no state...,
T f when a police vehicle is dama...,
For supervisors vehicles damaged ...
27  cards
fc 351 collision review committee
The collision review committee de...,
When an employee failed to do eve...,
When the collision must be the fa...
4  cards
fc 355 secondary employment
The two forms needed to security ...,
Any employment where the employee...,
Within not more than one business...
18  cards
fc 360 awards
The form used to nominate an empl...,
The person responsible for all as...,
A verbal compliment gets written ...
28  cards
fc 371 employee substance abuse program
Employees cannot operate a county...,
For cause testing for drugs or al...,
Random drug testing applies to _ ...
11  cards
fc 372 supervisors documentation form
Mcp 30 can document ___ disciplin...,
Supervisors and executive officer...,
Mcp 30s are arent included in the...
5  cards
fc 380 disability policy
There are _ categories of fitness 1,
The critical criteria for determi...,
The three categories of fitness a...
28  cards
fc 410 uniform issued equip grooming
The uniform of the day is prescri...,
Supervisors are responsible for c...,
In determining what can be worn o...
14  cards
fc 411 line inspections
_ _ are made by those who have th...,
The purpose of line inspections a...,
Have responsibilities of conducti...
5  cards
fc 412 laundry and dry cleaning
Employee id name and quantity and...,
All cleaned laundry will be remov...,
Every item being placed into laun...
9  cards
fc 413 protective body armor
The wearing of body armor is requ...,
The dept provides a minimum of le...,
Officers are arent entitled to ke...
6  cards
fc 414 clothing allowance
Officers involved in active polic...,
Officers assigned to a unit where...,
Officers assigned to a unit where...
12  cards
fc 421 operation of police vehicles
Priority responses are generally ...,
_ are responsible for the urgency...,
Officers responding in a routine ...
16  cards
fc 423 vehicle policy
If an officer is on light duty th...,
Officers temporarily assigned to ...,
An officer can get a ppv upon com...
51  cards
fc 424 automatic license plate recognition system
The alpr system is restricted to 1,
Info obtained on alpr is isnt sub...,
The imtd deputy director of the a...
8  cards
fc 425 mobile video system
Recordings will not be disseminat...,
It is lawful for le to intercept ...,
Od officers __ use mvs off duty b...
12  cards
fc 430 bwcs
Bwcs is to be used 1,
He state wiretap act makes it law...,
Officers should conduct a minimum...
29  cards
fc 450 electronic and surveillance equipment
Installation and maintenance of a...,
It is the departments policy to r...,
Equipment should be registered wi...
4  cards
fc 460 unmanned aircraft systems pilot program
Remote pilots must 1,
Suas weighs under _ pounds 2,
_ will be notified of all drone d...
5  cards
fc 509 charging and processing juveniles
A hearing to determine if a juven...,
A juvenile offender who has been ...,
A child in need of assistance cin...
38  cards
fc 510 adult criminal arrest procedure
The only authority expressly sanc...,
Spo s may arrest an individual wh...,
Mandatory offenses to be charged ...
9  cards
fc 511 statement of charges
Crims stands for 1,
Dc cr 2 is 2,
Dc cr 4 3
12  cards
fc 513 processing arrested adults
Miranda rights should only be adv...,
An mcp50 should be read _ 2,
Prisoners will remain _ in proces...
10  cards
fc 514 limited jurisdiction in MD outside MOCO
Mcpd officers have _ statewide au...,
Mcpd officers can make arrests co...,
Mcpd may may not enforce traffic ...
6  cards
fc 517 sobriety checkpoints
Sobriety checkpoints are authoriz...,
Advance notice of a dui checkpoin...,
Sobriety checkpoints will not be ...
9  cards
fc 519 diplomatic immunity
Allegations of criminal conduct i...,
Encompasses both members of the e...,
Includes members of the consulate...
34  cards
fc 520 dealing with foreign nationals
It is isnt unconstitutional to qu...,
T f officers have no statutory au...,
Officers can assist ice if they 3
6  cards
fc 521 arrest procedures for fugitives
A person wanted for a criminal of...,
An event report documenting the a...,
A wanted person from a military o...
5  cards
fc 525 extradition policey
A process used in returning wante...,
The ultimate authority to extradi...,
Requirements to waive extradition...
6  cards
fc 532 parking violations
And are subject to immediate park...,
Handicapped parking enforcement i...,
Handicap parking can only be enfo...
7  cards
fc 533 maryland uniform complaint and citation
All traffic citations be accounte...,
If officers are unable to proceed...,
Traffic citation books are to be ...
14  cards
fc 534 moco arrest warrant database
The moco computer arrest warrant ...,
The sheriffs office does doesnt s...,
The wcu sends info on defendants ...
6  cards
fc 535 domestic violence investigation
Domestic violence investigations ...,
The state of process of being dep...,
An internal obstruction of the ai...
22  cards
fc 536 adult arrest warrants/dcs processing and service
_ is responsible for entry mainte...,
_ is responsible for processing a...,
The return of a warrant indicatin...
4  cards
fc 611 follow up investigations
Arrests for third degree sex offe...,
After hour notifications of distr...,
When an offense appears to be pat...
47  cards
fc 613 f/r operations
During f r operations the officer...,
Officers will not enter burning b...,
_ are not required to respond to ...
17  cards
fc 614 drug enforcement policy
The _ has primary oversight of dr...,
The _ utilizes conventional deliv...,
All operations requesting drug en...
7  cards
fc 615 repeat offender unit
Rou are exempt from _ rotation po...,
Rou is isnt subject to random uri...,
The primary surveillance and appr...
5  cards
fc 616 investigation of rapes and sex offenses
A package of items used by medica...,
A forensic examination conducted ...,
Forensic medical professionals wh...
9  cards
fc 618 auto theft
An auto theft may be referred to ...,
If a vehicle was stolen less than...,
If vehicle was stolen over an hou...
8  cards
fc 619 child abuse/ neglect
If a child is taken into custody ...,
A relative of a child by blood ad...,
A person who lives with or is a r...
9  cards
fc 620 misc investigative policies
Maryland jurisdiction on the poto...,
Dead bodies found in the potomac ...,
Deaths occurring after the remova...
6  cards
fc 622 statements and confessions
The dept does doesnt require the ...,
The best method to obtain a state...
2  cards
fc 623 confidential informants
This sheet contains the backgroun...,
This report provides a written sy...,
This sheet capture ci productivit...
8  cards
fc 624 eyewitness identification
T f a criminal investigation will...,
A photo array must contain _ fill...,
Photos must be numbered on in ord...
9  cards
fc 625 field interviews
Fi s are based on 1,
The reporting of fi data is isnt ...,
Fi information in the md state da...
3  cards
fc 626 investigative photographs
The primary reason for photograph...,
Officers shall not force a subjec...,
Force is only authorized to photo...
5  cards
fc 632 polygraph investigations
A polygraph administration will b...,
A polygraph monitors _ responses 2,
Polygraphs should not be used on ...
5  cards
fc 640 firearms investigation
An mcp 41 must be submitted withi...,
All collected shell casings relat...,
All contraband firearms will will...
5  cards
fc 714 search warrants
T f regardless of collateral juri...,
Reference sw s a private residenc...,
The search warrant _ is responsib...
24  cards
fc 641 extreme risk protective order
Erpos are used to prohibit an ind...,
Erpos require persons to turn ove...,
T f erpo is a civil order 3
20  cards
fc 921 behavioral health
An eep may be based on 1,
T f mcdc is responsible for condu...,
A warrant issued by the court whe...
17  cards
fc 321 plainclothes officers
A sworn member who is working in ...,
The utilization of unmarked polic...,
The only official dept identifica...
8  cards
fc 720 seizures of conveyances for violations o cds act
Seizure and forfeiture acts are d...,
Cds act includes __ conveyances u...,
Personal property inside a convey...
4  cards
fc 721 property evidence handling
All property must be entered into...,
Any item which may be of use in a...,
Recovered property is isnt eviden...
35  cards
fc 722 seizure, storage, and forfeiture of money
Money is seized for what two viol...,
The burden of proof in a money se...,
Money under the amount of _ dolla...
13  cards
fc 723 atf firearms traces
The point of contact for the atf ...,
Firearms recovered confiscated or...,
If location of recovery is the sa...
5  cards
fc 725 firearms search report msp97
The msp97 must be completed withi...,
Patting or frisking for a firearm...
2  cards
fc 731 crime laboratory submissions
During normal hours fss responds ...,
During normal hours fss at the in...,
After an on scene response and as...
15  cards
fc 741 canine unit
It is is not recommended to reque...,
A k9 can cannot search an individ...,
A vehicle being searched by k9 fo...
6  cards
fc 1211 vulnerable adult abuse
An act which involves the misuse ...,
T f mcpd shall notify aps in all ...,
If no immediate emergency is indi...
5  cards
fc 1211 towing storage disposition vehicles
The primary agency for enforcing ...,
If allied agencies use non county...
2  cards
fc 1211 rockville community alert
Docr has _ minutes to notify rock...
1  cards
fc 1211 naval criminal inves service
_ will provide ncis domestic viol...,
And will conduct reciprocal inves...,
Has investigative jurisdiction on...
3  cards
fc 908 after action memo
A _ should be used when a major c...
1  cards
fc 1211 gpd and 5dsat memo
If gpd is on special assignment t...
1  cards
fc 1211 walter reed army med center
The primary le for glen haven is 1,
An investigation at glenhaven inv...,
_ has jurisdiction at glenhaven f...
3  cards
fc 1211 hate/ violence activities
Activities relating to race relig...,
Mcps and office of human rights w...
2  cards
fc 1211 health and human services mobile crisis team
Providing crisis intervention ser...,
Petitions signed by mct require a...,
The primary mcp channel for mct is 3
3  cards
fc 1211 MD amber plan
Amber stands for and is used to a...,
The four criteria needed to trigg...,
An amber alert request is sent to...
3  cards
fc 1211 mncpp
Mounted patrol activities are lim...,
Unless waived by county police _ ...,
Mncpp shall provide mcp with patr...
10  cards
fc 1211 msp
Primary investigative jurisdictio...,
Unless msp witnesses a crime and ...
2  cards
fc 1211 wmata mou
Primary patrol responsibility for...,
_ has primary patrol responsibili...,
Wmata arrest authority is limited...
6  cards
fc 1211 rockville city police
City and county officers have_ re...,
Rcpd can enforce county and state...,
Rcpd detectives are responsible f...
4  cards
fc 1211 states attorneys office regarding juveniles charged as adults
The final decision to prosecute a...
1  cards
fc 1211 sao notifications
Arrests of homicide uof involving...
1  cards
fc 1211 univ md dept criminology and mcp
Primary point of contact for univ...
1  cards
Info Bulletin 24-04 FI App
T f all fi reports are to be uplo...,
The brief detainment of an indivi...,
Articulable facts based on the to...
4  cards
info bulletin 24-01 artificial intelligence
To avoid ai security violations o...,
Regarding ai user supplied questi...,
Officers should shouldnt use ai t...
5  cards
tb 24-01 maryland sexual assault law update
T f second degree rape no longer ...,
The clear and voluntary agreement...,
T f the submission as a result of...
7  cards
tb 24-02 handle with care program
When le is on the scene of an inc...,
The median for the the handle wit...,
The narrative of reports involvin...
4  cards
tb 24-03 response to fatal or serious injury collision
Patrol should immediately locate ...,
For a fatal close the _ roadway u...,
Police vehicles should be _ from ...
7  cards
tb 0710 conducting and documenting consent search requests
Officers must confirm that the pe...,
Officers should have _ to request...,
For investigations ras is created...
9  cards
tb 303 procedures for filing a grievance
If a job related problem exists p...,
Grievances are submitted to the i...,
A grievance based upon an office ...
11  cards
tb 0811 medical care of arrested persons
A person cannot refuse medical tr...,
Prisoners can cannot be transport...,
Reeves stretchers can cannot be u...
3  cards
tb 0921 eep elopements
A term used by area hospitals to ...,
If ecc notified of elopement they...,
If patient left ama there will be...
6  cards
The community engagement division...,
The point of contact between mcps...,
The responsible unit for respondi...
8  cards
HQ MEMO 24-01 UOF K9'S
The primary purpose of a k9 is as...,
A trained police k 9 is isnt a de...,
A patrol k9 announcement is a ann...
5  cards
A system used to manage incidents...,
The whole community approach ensu...,
Ics can be used for large or inci...
49  cards
21st century policing
What are the six pillars the task...,
What are the four core issues of ...,
In order to maintain authority pe...
52  cards
fop contract
Fop president receives _ hours of...,
Fop leave bank contains _ hours 2,
Each officers is assessed _ hours...
195  cards

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Looking for something else?

FEO Promotional Exam 2022
  • 16 decks
  • 6315 flashcards
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Decks: Ifd Rules And Regulations, Ifd Emergency Operating Guidelines, Ifd Hydraulics Manual, And more!
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