FC 311 Sick Leave Flashcards
Any employee unable to report to work due to illness shall:
notify their supervisor; advise a phone number they can be contacted at; notification not less than 1 hour except emergency
An employee using more than ___ consecutive sick days shall obtain a note from their___
5; physician
A supervisor may request written certification of illness from the employee who has used sick leave for ____ consecutive work hours or less if abuse is suspected. The supervisor will provide the employee reasoning in writing.
An employee must have a return to work authorization completed by physician when:
workers comp injury or after being out for 15 or more days
Officers on sick leave are on a _____ no duty status. Officers cannot wear their _____ or operate a ____
temporary; uniform; police vehicle
Paid or unpaid leave granted to employees who have been employed by the county for a total of 12 mos and who have been in a work status for at least 1040 hours in the preceding 12 moths is what type of leave?
Family and Medical Leave
An eligible employee must be allowed to use ____ workweeks per calendar year or any combo of annual sick disability parental and leave w/o pay for any of the following 4 reasons
12; newborn child or adopted child; obtain prenatal care; provide care for employees spouse/minor child/adult child/parent
FMLA shall be taken with ___ months of birth/adoption and may be used continuing or intermittent , may be paid leave or unpaid leave, is subject to ___ day advance notice and will/will not qualify as parental leave if employee has exhausted the ____ hours of parental leave per ____ month period
12;30;will not;720;24
A supervisor may/may not require in writing an employee to submit medical certification from a health care provider to support request for FMLA
FMLA leave may be required for the following 5 reasons
leave exceeds five consecutive work days; annual leave is requested under circumstance that would normally not allow for; supervisor suspects fmla abuse; collective bargaining requires
A supervisor may request medical recertification of a serious health condition not more than every ____ days unless one of the following 5 conditions are met:
30;employee requests extension; circumstances have changed; supvr receives viable info that leads to reasonable doubt of validity; employee cannot return to work; employee cannot take restricted duty work assignment until employee has exhausted all FMLA leave
If medical certification or recertification is required, it must be submitted by the employee within __ calendar days after it is requested by supervisor
If supervisor has reason to doubt medical opinion as documented, the supervisor may after providing reasons for such doubt request a second opinion at the expense of ____
FMLA taken for a serious health problem may/may not be taken intermittently
To accommodate intermittent leave, an employee may/may not be transferred
Use of leave w/o pay for FMLA leave must/musnt be given in advance
For parental leave, employees shall be allowed to use up to _____ hours of sick/annual/ or comp and leave w/o pay during any ___ month period for birth or adoption
Parental leave must be used within __months after birth/adoption
Parental leave not used can/ cannot be saved for another birth/ adoption as not to exceed ____ hours
can; 720
Parental leave is subject to ____ day advance notice
Sick leave donations can/cannot be used to cover leave w/o pay
Compensatory leave used as parental leave can/ cannot be counted as FMLA leave
If parental leave is exhausted the employee may/may not use up to ___ weeks of FMLA if not exhausted in the calendar year
Female employees must/ do not have to immediately notify their supervisor upon learning they are pregnant
Upon learning of a pregnancy, a female officer can/cannot decide to take restricted duty status
If a pregnant female choses to remain on full duty, a ____ must be submitted from her physician stating she can work in that capacity