FC 300 Department Rules Flashcards
An Employee can have the status of __ or __
sworn; non sworn
A member is a ____ sworn personnel of MCPD
A department ____ covers situations where no deviation or flexibility is permitted.
The responsibility for an issued order rest with the _- __
issuing superior
Employees will obey a lawful order that has been relayed from a superior by an employee of ____
same or lesser rank
A legitimate LE purpose is any purpose that directly pertains to the ____
performance of an employees duty
Employees must report to their _____ the following 5circumstances
commander/ director or bureau chief; arrested; defendant in a case that may lead to incarceration; receives incarcerable traffic offense; has DL susp rev, canc, or ref; notified they are subject of criminal investigation
Employees must immediately report if they are served with ____ or ____
temporary protective order; temporary ex parte order
An employee that fails to report for work or leaves before end of shift w/o supv permission may be considered awol and placed in a ___ pay status for period in question.
Employees will remain ____ and alert during duty
Employees are prohibited from operating a county vehicle while or within ____ hours after consuming alcohol
An officer will not exercise police authority while impaired or under influence of alcohol or drugs with a BAC of ______
.05 or higher-impaired
.07 or higher-dui
Employees will not be ____ when dw/dui/or narcotics
Employees taking rx meds prior to or on duty will ___
notify supervisor or medication prescribed
Employees are required to maintain a phone number and notify dept of any changes within ____ hours
Employees will furnish their full ___ and _____ to all persons who request the same while officer is acting in an official capacity.
name and ID#
Officers will not accept compensation, gifts, rewards, or other considerations unless allowed by the ___
T/F Less than courteous language is sometimes permissible for de-escalation or gaining control over chaotic scenes.
A minor administrative violation of reporting, processing, or storing property and/or contraband is a _____ issue, not _____ misconduct
training; police
All information/ complaints of harassment or discrimination will be forwarded to ______