fc 349 bloodborne airborne pathogens Flashcards
the curriculum of bloodborne/ airborne pathogens will be taught ___ at ___
annually; in service
there are _ communicable disease kits at each station located in __ and __
2; operations; processing
bleach solutions are only good for __ hours
germicidal cleaner has a _ minute kill time once applied
contact with blood or body fluids should be treated with __ mins of soap and running warm water
cuts can be treated with _ hydrogen peroxide or _ isopropyl alchol
3%; 70%
contaminated mucous membranes should be irrigated for up to __ minutes with water or saline
HIV treatment should be done within _to_hours
any area in dept facility contaminated by blood or bodily fluids will be cleaned with disinfectant _ part bleach to _ part water for _ minutes
t/f a contaminated vehicle will not be left unattended in a private area
vehicle contamination cleaning requests are made to ___
fleet management
if exposed to TB employee will receive a baseline test at OMS within __ hours
meningitis exposure requires ___ treatment
t/f employees will wear all available ppe when processing scene of any crime or incident where blood or blood contaminated items are handled
t/f state law requires that LE be notified when officer comes in contact with person who has contagious disease or virus
t/f criminal procedure provides for court ordered HIV testing of an individual after conviction, probation before judgement, or adjudication when an officer is exposed while acting in the performance of their official duties
t/f the test for antibody conversion may be performed immediately, six weeks, three months, and six months after exposure or after 12 months
oms does/doesnt receive hiv testing results
if exposure to blood or potentially infectious materials is expected, hep b vaccination should be done within __ days