fc 714 search warrants Flashcards
t/f regardless of collateral jurisdiction, all mcpd employees will utilize the threat assessment matrix
reference sw’s, a private residence is occupiable, but not necessarily_
the search warrant _ is responsible for entering all search warrants into the sw database
search warrant database does/ doesnt replace deconfliction
an _ officer may approve a senior ranking officer to be search warrant supervisor
a search warrant must be entered into sw database within _ days of sw execution
absent exigent circumstances, officers must wait a minimum of _ seconds before entering a residence after knock and anncouncing
upon expiration of a sealed order, the affadavit shall be unsealed and delivered within _ days
the two no knock sw exceptions are
life/safety endangered/ crime of violence
t/f swat supervisor can conduct a no knock entry based on discretion at time of execution
cds sw’s must be reviewed by an executive officer from
t/f the mcp 714 must be forwarded to a swat supervisor regardless if swat utilized
the mcp 715 will be completed prior to the sw and is only needed when conducting a _ sw
how many officers must verify currency seizure
immediately apparent contraband can/cannot be seized if it is outside the scope of sw
a minimum of _ uniformed officers will be present at a sw with a bwcs
the search warrant return will be physically handed over to any property owner that is present and done in the presence of a _ officer
plainclothes officers must wear _ at a sw
badge, ID#name, police on back of jacket or carrier
if a sw is sealed the officer is only required to provide homeowner
search warrant and seal
the 20 second wait time does/doesnt need to be captured on a bwcs
a uniformed officers bwcs must remain on at a sw for _
the entire time they are on the premises
non LE may/may not accompany officers into a residence during entry of the sw
may not
non LE may only be present during the search of a sw with permission from
executive officer
_ are responsible for compliance of the sw database