FC 303 grievance open door review Flashcards
what is sought to be proven is more likely true than not true is
burden of proof
a grievance in which two or more employees file on the same subject and request the same relief or a grievance in which two or more complaints are filed by one employee on the same subject and the same or similar relief is requested is known as
consolidated grievance
efforts made to resolve the grievance after a written complaint is filed is called a
formal resolution
a formal written complaint arising out of a disagreement between an employee and supervisor concerning a term or condition of employment in which the employee alleges that they have been adversely affected by an action of failure to act by a supervisor which is 1 misrepresentation misapplication or violation of policy/procedure 2 wrongful written reprimand within grade reduction, demotion, suspension, dismissal or termination 3 arbitrary and capricious is a
efforts made to resolve a grievance before the filing of a written complaint
informal resolution
an employee who is full/part time and completed required probationary period is
merit system employee
any supervisor in the grievants chain of command is
the party to a grievance who does not have the burden of proof is
responding party
T/F grievances involving the interpretation or application of a collective bargaining agreement may not be filed
a merit system employee has the right of direct appeal to the merit system protection board within ___ workdays of receipt of a notice of suspension, demotion, dismissal or termination
T/F any remedies for actions instituted by an employee under personnel regulations may not extend earlier than one year from the date of filing the action
The burden of proof in a disciplinary action lies within
the burden of proof in a deduction of comp leave to repay county debt lies within
the burden of proof for delay of increment or reassignment of service date lies within
the burden of proof for termination, demotion lies within
the burden of proof for transfers and promotion lies within
t/f written authorization must be obtained from the employee to release any material
grievance files in HR are maintained for ___ years
A bargaining employee may/may not file a grievance if subject matter covered by collective bargaining agreement
may not
probationary and temporary employees may only file grievances for
appeal disciplinary action, deduction in comp leave for discipline reasons, deduction of comp leave to repay debt to county
discrimination complaints are filed with ____
human relations commission
complaints of discrimination based on political affiliation should be filed with
merit system protection board
an employee who feels they were harassed should file with _____ and will receive written finding within ___ days. the decision must be appealed within ___ days
office human resources; 20; 10
t/f management cannot be represented by a labor organization representing employees underneath them
position classification decisions are/arent grievable
performance ratings where procedure was followed are/arent grievable
termination during probation outside of merit system employees are/ arent grievable
resignation forced or coerced can only be appealed to
merit system protection board
employee awards are/aren’t grievable
____ decides if an issue is grievable
director office human resources
an employee can appeal a decision that an issue is not grievable to _____ within ___ days decision is made
merit system protection board; 10
if management fails to respond to grievance within required time, the grievance ___
goes to next level
a grievance must be filed within ___ days the employee knew, or should have known the problem existed
a supervisor must provide the employee with a written response within __ calendar days from receipt of grievance
if employee is not satisfied with supervisor response to grievance, the employee must file grievance with the department head within ___ days of receipt of response
the department head must respond to the grievance within ___ days
the employee and dept will receive a final decision from CAO within ___ days of all info being received from both parties. written comments from the parties must be submitted within ___ days of receipt of findings
20; 10
The CAO must provide the employee and dept with a decision in writing within ___ days after all info received
If employee is not satisfied with CAO decision, they may appeal to ____ within ___ working days
merit system protection board; 10